What will happen to the fans of when Smallville ends? Some will rejoice that the show is over. People will cry and others will cheer there will people who will do both. Some will feel like there is something missing in their lives. The show has been on 10 years straight the longest running shows on The CW. There are fans that have spent half their lives watching the series me being one of them. If you asked me 3 months ago before anybody was certain that that the 9th season would be the last I would be the one who would cheer and rejoice that all the questions had been answered a year ago I thought that season 9 would be the last with fairly large chance of the series ending and very little that it wasn’t the shows magazine cancelation and 0 promos being made were several indicators that the show was finished.
I for one am hoping that a cable network will pick up the show and play reruns for several years. If not I have no idea what I’m going to do. But how will the other diehard fans do? There isn’t anything that on television that can replace Smallville now and I doubt anything will come close for several years. Some might cope by buying every little thing that has to do with the show off the internet trying to keep the show alive by surrounding there self with everything that has to do with the show.
A boom in FanFic is an even an absolute possibility that will most likely happen people will make spin-offs on the internet probably even continuing the show on blogs, fansites, and websites. There will also be possible boom in fan art.
Fans will unite more ever than when the show was producing new episodes. Fans will join together for reminiscing and complaining on the internet, blogs, and fansites.
A question that is asked a lot is what going to happen to the stars afterwards.

Tom Welling (Clark Kent) has been in three Hollywood movies Cheaper by the Dozen, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and the Fog he has directed and produced numerous episodes of Smallville and is the executive producer of the pilot of the new CW series Hellraisers. Allison Mack (Chloe Sullivan) is a child star and she has produced and directed episodes of Smallville as well the last 3 things she was in was the Riese a short web show, Valentine’s day, and Superman and Batman Public Enemies. Erica Durance (Lois Lane) last three things she was in were TV movies. For Justin Hartley (Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow) was in Scorpio Men on Prozac, MegaFault, and A Way with Murder. What will happen most to them Tom Welling will likely to be a producer he might continue acting in movies and television. Allison Mack will continue acting in movies hopefully get a leading role in a movie. Erica Durance has done mainly Original movies will probably keep doing them and maybe some actual Hollywood movies. Justin Hartley has done movies and television he will keep doing both he will most likely get a star role on a TV show.
The world of Smallville is near a end we know this by numerous reports and articles the world without Smallville will be a strange for the dedicated fans. Some will take hard some will be effected less by the lost of the series. I call the people who have just started watching viewers not fans because I believe that there not fans until they know what we fans know all the kryptonite the Clark and Lana’s history, and how he got all his abilities. Also the ability to watch every episode one after another after till to the very last one buying all the seasons of course this is what makes a fan. Smallville isn’t just a show for some people it’s their life or a pretty significant part of it. Smallville is the longest running Superman based show ever to be made in the past in 80 years. People will be wanting more superman that’s a fact. So what will the media turn to when that demand is asked? Hell maybe there will be a spin-off continuing the show.

Smallville is of the most ridiculously unpredictable shows on TV for it ironically being a story of Clark Kent’s journey to become Superman. The show has inspired a whole new generation of Superman fans the show has shown us the other side of Superman and to love Clark Kent’s character just as much as Superman’s. To the die- hard fans a day world without Smallville will be strange one. All the puzzling little questions will be answered. How will Lex return,
how will Clark learn to fly, and biggest to me what on earth is going to happen to Chloe
and why isn’t there any mention of her. When these questions are answered and others like them might find peace with the show ending other might not. But all and all people miss Smallville.
So pray, hope, heck cross your fingers for season 10 being unbelievable.