So I gotta say first off that this week's episode was far more entertaining than last week's. In "Requiem" we got to see yet another classic DC Comic's character come to the small screen. This time it was none other than the twisted toymaker Winslow Schott. Better known as Toyman. I gotta say I think they did a great job on casting this actor. He really pulled off that creepy & twisted part of the character. Plus he looked the part too, in an appropriately updated way.
That was the first good thing about this episode, I'll get to the rest later. So basically the episode was about Lex employing Toyman to kill Tess & Oliver and to make it impossible for Clark and Lana to be together.
Overall I liked this episode for one main reason, that reason is because we never have to see Lana again. I realize her character is important to the Superman mythos but she should have left the show a long time ago. All she does is hold Clark back. So that being said, I gotta throw down my major dislikes and then I'll finish on a high note. I hated most that Lana was in this episode, as I just stated she brings nothing to the show except a whiney Clark. I also don't like the idea of Lana running around the world playing superhero.
But that aside I was also unhappy to see the role of Lex reprised by someone other than Michael Rosenbaum. LAME! I understand he wants to move on to other parts of his career but if you throw enough money at him he is bound to change his mind.
Also not a big fan of making Green Arrow a murderer. Wouldn't happen in the comics, shouldn't happen in the show!
I did however love the Star Labs shout out! And I thought the Kryptonite Ring that Lex had on was a great touch. Now they can run with the whole Cloned Luthor Body with Original Luthor's Brain, storyline from the comics. Oh and did I mention I loved the fact that Lana is GONE for good!
All in all not a bad episode, too much Lana but enough comic references to keep me happy. I just can't wait to see what the rest of our Lana-free season has in store. Time for Clark to actually be "Super" if you ask me.
What do you guys think?
Review By me, pics from