So THE FLASH movie is coming up and it stars the phenomenal actor Ezra Miller as the titular character Barry Allen A.K.A The Flash.
But who will play his baddie? The film is confirmed to be based on the NEW 52 Origin for the character, so that means we will see Eobard Thawne!
(ARTWORK by MathukuttyVines - www.facebook.com/MathukuttyVines)
Eobard Thawne is the arch-nemesis of The Flash and in the New 52 he kills his mother by going back in time, it is dark and can be considered as an upgrade to the Flash's characterization. Anyway, so that you know that Eobard Thawne known as the Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom is pretty much the Joker to The Flash, meaning undying rival and foe of the character!
The person who will play him is a huge deal, so I will let instagram user @flezra speak to you on who the perfect choice is in his opinion!
@flezra I've thought about this for the longest time. Ever since DC/Warner Brothers have casted Ezra Miller. I was wondering what the look for Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom was going to be like in comparison to the DC Cinematic Barry Allen/Flash.
After hearing more about Adam Driver when he was announced for Star Wars: Force Awakens, I always thought how cool would it be to see these two brilliant actors in The Flash (2018) as Eobard (Adam Driver) and Barry (Ezra Miller). This adaptation will include Barry Allen being a dark haired brunette speedster instead of the blonde haired Barry from the original comics. So it makes sense for Eobard to look similar, since they are related in the same family tree from the comics.
Eobard Thawne is obsessed with Barry Allen, and wants to be everything like him, so much that he even dreamed of looking like him and had a very disturbing moment, physically transforming himself to look like Barry Allen.
Picture Adam Driver as Eobard Thawne alongside Ezra Miller as Barry Allen. Eobard is from the 25th Century. Eobard looks similar to Barry Allen, but a little more awkward.
Thawne knows everything about Barry Allen, worshipped him as a friend and hero, and kept everything about him as The Flash. He underwent a procedure called "Plastomorph", to make himself look like a carbon copy of Barry Allen.
Adam and Ezra have a similar look. It makes sense for Eobard in The Flash (2018) to look more like Barry Allen, since they share the same family tree from the comics in a very complex way.
SO DO YOU AGREE WITH @flezra?.. I know I do, I think with this direction they are taking Adam Driver would be the perfect choice for the role. Eobard Thawne physically being around the same age as Barry Allen seems like an ideal choice and would allow it differentiate itself from the tv series.
Let me conclude by saying that Ezra Miller looks great and looks like he packed some muscle to play the role.
His new look fits him the best, that's just my opinion. He looks more like the comic book version of The Flash than Grant Gustin does and it is even better that he is actually an astounding actor. To compare with that we need a good actor around the same age and looks for the role of bad guy, so isn't Adam Driver the ideal choice?..
Let me conclude by posting a cool accurate fan art of what Ezra will look like as The Flash, by instagram user @irene_aimee