RUMOR: THOR 5 Scheduled To Film Next Year; Writer And Director Currently Being Sought

RUMOR: THOR 5 Scheduled To Film Next Year; Writer And Director Currently Being Sought

THOR Star Chris Hemsworth Blasts Actors Who've Criticized The MCU After Appearing In Movies That Didn't Work
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THOR Star Chris Hemsworth Blasts Actors Who've Criticized The MCU After Appearing In Movies That "Didn't Work"

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YeezusWept - 9/4/2013, 10:17 AM
So he admits that his portrayal of Thor is two-dimensional.
driver - 9/4/2013, 10:38 AM
Aha, Huntsman wasn't dark haired version of Thor with an axe instead of Hammer!
knocturnalzen10 - 9/4/2013, 11:14 AM
i actually like his casting better than RDJ seriously if we're goin off source material
BlackPhillip - 9/4/2013, 11:29 AM
Hemsworth is Thor!
Greengo - 9/4/2013, 11:42 AM
He doesn't like working out or dieting apparently.
isee - 9/4/2013, 1:08 PM
Happy to hear he wants to keep on the role, what with all the rumours of characters dying.

I'm failry certain Jane will die in TDW, as will Loki in a sacrifical, redemptive manner.

Then, Thor is the one that is going to die in Age of Ultron, sacrificing himself for the team.

Then in Thor 3, Thor will find himself dead, in Hel, where he will reunite with Loki, and they will face off with Hela and her hordes to find Jane and all of them get back to the realm of the living.

ricko8687 - 9/4/2013, 9:21 PM
I'm glad he fine with the character so long As he can do other things in between
BlackFlash - 9/5/2013, 1:03 AM
@Greeng, Well when you're working out to play Thor your going to end up hating it at one point there's gonna be that moment when he hits the wall and can't take it anymore. Have you ever tried dieting after gaining so much muscle because I have and it's annoying when your craving things you wanted when gaining muscle but can't have because your trying to slim down.
thewolveRAYne - 9/5/2013, 7:42 AM
The dude was born for this role. I hope he does as many as Jackmans Wolvie
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