THOR: LOVE & THUNDER's Russell Crowe On Actors Complaining About CBM Parts: Here’s Your Role, Play The Role

THOR: LOVE & THUNDER's Russell Crowe On Actors Complaining About CBM Parts: "Here’s Your Role, Play The Role"

Chris Hemsworth Says I Became A Parody Of Myself In Taika Waititi's THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER
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Chris Hemsworth Says "I Became A Parody Of Myself" In Taika Waititi's THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER

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VictorAlonzo - 7/8/2022, 12:05 PM
I just heard "It'sa me- Borat!" In my head.
GhostDog - 7/8/2022, 12:05 PM
Didn't Work: Another Fresh Start For Thor

Did Work: "It's-A-Me, Zeus! Very nice!"

Fixed it
DrReedRichards - 7/8/2022, 1:24 PM
@GhostDog -

I don't know what accent Crowe was going for, but I can tell you it wasn't Greek. If anything it felt like a mix between Ukrainian and Italian. That said, his nymphomania with his goofy showing off while hiding insecurities were all Zeus as f#ck. He nailed the attitude to a T'.
GhostDog - 7/8/2022, 1:37 PM
@DrReedRichards - I got a kick out of his whole schtick. They could've easily played him super serious but I liked how they still managed to capture how hypocritical and insecure Zeus has been known to be, while playing it pretty loose.

I thought I would hate it but that part was fun.
DrReedRichards - 7/8/2022, 1:46 PM
@GhostDog -

True. Plus, that beer belly was another element that was just perfect. My favourite modern depiction of that deity remains the one we saw in Blood Of Zeus, but this was very enjoyable.
HeavyMetal4Life - 7/8/2022, 12:05 PM
Definitely agree with the critique about there not being enough Gorr. Disagree about the other critiques, and will add one of my own- Jane's actual transition to Mighty Thor (not her cancer journey) felt rushed (she's powerless one minute, then next time we see her she has been a hero for some time), and the actual romance aspect between the two (once they rekindle) was short-lived.
CaptainFlapjaks - 7/8/2022, 4:01 PM
@HeavyMetal4Life - The horror imagery used for Gorr was terrifying. Something that should have been added in Did Work was the romance subplot with Thor and his Hammers. That was funny and well done. They definitely should have let the origins of Jane and Gorr breathe and grow instead of moving through it quickly.
HeavyMetal4Life - 7/8/2022, 6:55 PM
@CaptainFlapjaks - no lies detected! I agree with everything you said here.
VictorAlonzo - 7/8/2022, 12:07 PM

Chappers - 7/8/2022, 12:08 PM
The only issue I had with Gorr on the first watch was the opening scene, the origin of Gorr should have been a longer more fleshed out scene. It all went too fast for me to be that invested and I wanted to see more of the struggle and the initial downfall of the disciples.

Overall I enjoyed the movie though, personally loved the humour and was what I expected from Taika
LSHF - 7/8/2022, 12:15 PM
Here we go again;

"3 Things That Worked And 3 Things That Didn't" Work for "you", Josh. Your thoughts and feelings on the subject are NOT universal.

For example, I don't let these things bother me. These are your issues, and I wish you would state them as such.

For example;

"3 Things That Worked And 3 Things That Didn't Work (For Me)".
CyberBishop - 7/8/2022, 12:50 PM
@LSHF - Its Josh, in his egotistical mind he is the voice for all of us. Just look at articles like this.
LSHF - 7/8/2022, 2:19 PM
@CyberBishop - I agree.

His articles are rough reading, which one of the main reasons I read all of the comic book movie "news" on other sites before coming here. And then rarely read the articles (because I already know about the info), so I mainly come here for the comments.

Professional critics tend to act like the "voice for all of us", and I especially don't when they try to "Jedi mind trick" us to feeling the way they do by stating such bullshit like, "You feel..." or "You think...", etc. by using the word, "You" instead of just referring to themselves.

It always puzzled me, because I wonder if that trick even works. I keep thinking, "No, I did NOT feel that way, Bozo!" Lol.
CaptainDC - 7/8/2022, 3:09 PM
@LSHF - It's a blog site. It's implied to be subjective.

IGN just posted their "Top 10 Greatest Liam Neeson Movies" list. It's obvious there that it's opinion based.
LSHF - 7/8/2022, 4:17 PM
@CaptainDC - I know that, but everyone does. And so too many people take their "opinions" as fact. That's my concern. Not that they take themselves too seriously, it's that others take them too seriously.
marvel72 - 7/8/2022, 12:16 PM
Zeus should have been played serious like Hopkins Odin.

Eternity was amazing.
Hercules looked OK,I guess he needs to hit the gym.
Gorr was good and needed more screen time but I didn't like the design of Gorr.
The humor was shite for the most part.
ManofSteel23 - 7/8/2022, 12:22 PM
It seems some important things where cut from this film, I remember seeing behind the scenes videos of Jane being lifted in the air literally next to the broken hammer and what looked like her shaking like hell turning into Thor, I expected to see that and we didn’t
GhostDog - 7/8/2022, 12:27 PM
@ManofSteel23 - same. I remember that set photo leak and thought that scene would happen and then it cuts.
IcePyke - 7/8/2022, 12:28 PM
The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus God.
Asgardian versus Olympian.
God of Thunder versus God of Strength!🤘👊

Scarilian - 7/8/2022, 2:11 PM
@IcePyke -
The only part of that which will be adapted is Hercules kicking Thor in the nuts.
TheLobster - 7/8/2022, 12:33 PM
Saw this last night and honestly? Pretty [frick]ing stupid and I enjoyed Thor Ragnarok too..

This film only cements the growing fear I have that the MCU is dropping off hard after the (mostly) incredible Infinity Saga because most of Phase 4 has been underwhelming as hell (Moon Knight) or just plain bad (Eternals).

You’d think that Thor was left in a REALLY good place narratively after Endgame so Taika would run with it. You would think that casting Christian Bale for a character as intriguing as Gorr the God Butcher would yield exciting results… yeah BIG NO to both.
marvel72 - 7/8/2022, 12:43 PM
@TheLobster - They certainly are, some of the users are just going to accept whatever shit Marvel churns out and love it.

TheLobster - 7/8/2022, 2:48 PM
@marvel72 - yeah, I’m surprised how many love this when it’s… just not good lol
MyCoolYoung - 7/8/2022, 3:03 PM
@marvel72 - dude... it's OK to have a different opinion than others. Your opinion isn't a fact get over yourself
Razorface1 - 7/8/2022, 4:33 PM
@MyCoolYoung - That would be your opinion, let the guy talk.
MyCoolYoung - 7/8/2022, 6:06 PM
@Razorface1 - he can talk all he wants but looking down on people for liking something makes you an asshole. That's not giving an opinion that's acting like your sensibilities are facts and they aren't
Corruptor - 7/8/2022, 12:49 PM
Anyone know if TW was a comic nerd as a kid at all? Or he just had the Spidey pyjamas like Feige?

Can imagine he was the school bully who bullied the comic nerds. Or was he bullied by the comic nerds... good Lord, imagine being the target of the ultimate targets...

Who said Zeus is supposed to be an idiot, he's the flippin' ALL-FATHER of the Olympian pantheon, should be as wise as Odin.
HAILHYDRA - 7/8/2022, 1:57 PM
I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion, but this movie and Ragnarok are of roughly the same quality. The difference is that Ragnarok had the benefit of being first and catching people by surprise.
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