THOR: My First Review On CBM

THOR: My First Review On CBM

My first review as objectively as I can with minor spoilers...

Review Opinion
By CBMcontributor - Apr 29, 2011 01:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor

I just saw Thor yesterday ten hours ago.It was the premiere for audiences here in Greece.I have to mention that it was my most anticipated film this year with a close second beeing Green Lantern and the third Captain America of course.My biggest fear about Thor was that i will be disappointed because of my big expectations and i am glad to say Thor didn't disappoint.At all.

I believe that Thor as a comic book poses a significant level of difficulty for a writer and a director regarding the adaptation from comic to film.In contrast to other heroes like Iron Man or Batman Thor doesn't have a clear and straight origin story.Thor is immortal from another realm with a backstory that still grows bigger as we speak in comic books.He doesn't have a personal tragedy in his life that makes him a hero or a strange accident that gives him his power.Thor doesn't even have ties to earth like Superman a similar godlike figure who nevertheless was raised among humans.Also Thor's time in Asgard is as important with his time on earth or even more in my opinion.Unlike Crypton the audience in a first movie about Thor must learn about the Shining city its history and its nature and i think that this is a challenge that Green Lantern will face maybe on a bigger scale.Regarding all the above its safe to say that the challenge of adapting Thor for the big screen is huge with a huge amount of information and an ensemble cast of characters that the audience must get familiar with in a first movie especially those with no frame of reference and love for comic books without even mentioning the added difficulties of the shared Cinematic Marvel Universe.Well Branagh pulls it off and he pulls it off big time.He manages to place this huge amount of information in a 2 hour film without making the same mistakes that Iron Man 2 did a film that i liked a lot as much as the first Iron Man.Thor never drags and never seems to not know where it is headed.With the use of clever dialogue through fully fledged characters we are introduced to a bigger universe that was not even glimpsed in the other Marvel films.Anthony Hopkins is the perfect choise for Odin.He brings out wisdom and immence power and justice but also the pain of a father that has to cast out his son.Tom Hiddleston is an engaging and subtle Loki as he should be.Never over the top never fancy.You never suspect what Loki knows,a master strategist cunning but also in pain and filled with jealousy.Loki is formed in this first film and without spoiling anything his evil side is fully realised near the end.Chris Hemsworth IS Thor.His voice ,his demeanor , his stance in battle bring Thor to life.Thor has the confidence of a god in battle along with the arrogance that comes with too much power and the promise of a throne since he was a boy that ultimately brings his downfall.You dont see him just as a powerhouse but as a person with regret.Its remarkable that such a young actor with no prior big roles in his resume is so accurate in his portayal.In such a role there was always the danger of wooden acting but Branagh and Hemsworth avoid that making Thor a person.Its not a perfomance that will get oscar nominations but excellent nonetheless.

Everyone else in the cast is great too.Portman is really sweet as Jane Foster more interesting from her comic book counterpart in my opinion.Portman is hot but the way she acts you never doubt that her character is a science nerd trully commited to her work.Stellan Skarsgard is the voice of reason with some good comic moments and convinces you that really cares about Jane.And now for the most controversial character Darcy.Almost all of her comic moments are in the trailers.Rest assured Thor fans she doesn't ruin the film in the limited time she appears her lines are really good logical and concistent with the character she portays and the general audience in the theater seemed to really like her judging from the laughs.The Warriors Three and Sif were great too maybe my only minor complain is that they needed more develpment but dont get me wrong they are in the film and they are completely faithfull to the books.Everything is there from Fandrals charm to Volstaggs appetite.Especially Volstagg really gave you the impression of a great warrior maybe past his time with a warm heart its like he jumped out of the pages.Idris Elba as Heimdal convinces as an all seeing deity ,distant and commited to his duty but he cares most for the well being of his home.I really enjoyed his perfomance and gave me satisfiction which became even greater after the idiotic racist comments. The Shield part of the film was also really interesting with great nods to the rest of the marvel universe and with Hawkeye of course.Last but not least Colm Feore as Laufey was menacing and his lust for revenge and power was portrayed greatly.

The special effects were imppressive. Thor flies,lighting falls,he swirls his hammer just like the books and the Frost Giants are really giants.Asgard is majestic the art department did an excellent job and Jotunheim is cold and inhuman.Traveling trhough the bifrost makes something cool like travelling through space even cooler and heidall's observetory was a sight to behold.The 3d was really good in the special effects-heavy party of the film but because we do not have IMAX theaters here i think that the 3d glasses stole from me something from the colors and details of the film.Not to forget the destroyer.He is the perfect visual adaptation he was awesome.

The last thing i want to mention may contain minor spoilers.Ign mentioned that its silly that Thor becames worthy of the hammer after three days or so on earth.I have to point out that Thor was never evil just arrogant and made stupid decisions.I think beeing exiled from his father,having his brother trying to kill him, which his love for him is evident in the film, losing his immortality and other devastationg things that he learns in the process are enough for making even him a little humble and his act before the hammer returns justifiable.

To sum up Thor is great not a perfect film but the best Marvel film. Its biggest fault is that when it ends you want more.A great great effort for the first film of a difficult to adapt character without portraying the heroes and the world cheesy.Great action great cast and a very satisfying post credits scene.

PS:Sorry for the size of the review i just really liked the film and plz Dc fans dont take my comments on Superman as negative Superman is awesome.

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cadaveric - 4/29/2011, 2:24 AM
I forgot to log in before i post the review.Working while sleep deprived and then writing a review seems to make me forget stuff :P
Gmoney84 - 4/29/2011, 10:29 AM
Good review.
Hellsing - 4/29/2011, 12:35 PM
Thor's mother is the elder goddess gaea(aka earth) in the comic's so he has more of a connection to earth than any other super hero Any ways good review look forward to any other reviews yo might do in the future.
cadaveric - 4/29/2011, 2:16 PM
Many thanks for the positive comments guys.

@Hellsing Yes i know that Gaea is Thor's mother and i understand your point.I guess what i was trying to say is that Thor has a smaller connection to earth's society in comparisson to other heroes.For example Superman was raised by humans,his principles and his character are human for the most part. He is driven by the lesson's of his earthly parents.Thor on the other hand was raised in asgard and lived there constantly for centuries his principles and character are profoundly those of an immortal prince of a completely different society at least of our modern society.Well i hope i made my point more clear.Thanks again for your comment!!!
Hellsing - 4/30/2011, 2:15 PM
@cadaveric yeah your point was pretty clear dude
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