Bay-Formers: Defending Michael Bay and the Transformers

Bay-Formers: Defending Michael Bay and the Transformers

Did this once, going to do it again.

Editorial Opinion
By EdgyOutsider - Mar 27, 2014 10:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Transformers

The Transformers films tend to be hammered by critics and fans. Personally, I don't see why. For the most part that is. I can't say that I grew up watching the cartoons. But, while I did no such thing. I have seen the episodes of the original cartoon and I really like them. I even own the animated movie. Here, I will defend the Michael Bay Transformers films. Well, for the most part that is.

I wasn't a fan of the original trailer when the marketing started for the 2007 film, Transformers. So, I didn't understand the hype for the film. A lot of people throw shit at the window because the Tranformers not only don't look like their cartoon counterparts but also, because it is very much human centric. Here is where I will start to defend the movies. Until the day that I die too that is.

Transformers being centric made sense in the cartoon because it's a cartoon. Kids want to watch them kick ass. But in a live action film, doesn't make sense narrative wise. In a live action feature film, we need characters that we can relate to and will not only make the film more interesting but can stay within the budget and not feel like a boring action film. Keep in mind, the writers of the Star Trek movies wrote the first film as well as helped write Revenge of the Fallen. Although, Revenge of the Fallen greatly suffered from being in development and pre-production during a writers strike.

From a human perspective, the Transformers films become automatically that much more interesting. Sure, the Transformers are side characters in the films. But, when you see it from a human perspective and their roles in the films rather than just the military. You automatically understand the perspective and wonder not only their role in the films but also, how they'll take on that problem. Not to mention their reasoning for coming to earth after the death of Cybertron makes all the more sense.

That's where fans of the cartoons start to throw their fits. "[frick] the humans, we want Transformers!" "Not enough Transformers!" Well, despite the fact that Michael Bay is known for having awesome shots and being style over substance, he stayed true to the Transformer characters and gave us an action movie that we all could enjoy. Just like with comic book adaptations, you have to appeal to a wider audience. The movie isn't going to make much if you make it for the core audiene. Hell, I'm sure it wouldn't even make its budget. It's about the money. Studios need money to stay alive and keep giving us movies. We're not just fans of these products, we're also a fan of movies. If the studios die, we get no movies. We never would know what they'd look like if it were real.

Again, I acknowledge that Michael Bay isn't a masterclass director. He's style over substance. I enjoy all kinds of movies and he is the kind of director who gets paid to make entertaining movies. That's what movies are, entertainment. For as much as many of us bash his movies, they make money. If Pearl Harbor, Armageddon and the Bad Boys movies aren't proof then I don't know what is.

Transformers is a perfect fit for a director like Michael Bay. He gives us fun, brainless action films where we can get action scenes that we can tell what the hell is going on.  That being said, I'm not saying I am a fan of all of his movies. Belive me, I'm not.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a bad movie. Sure, I get enjoyment from it when I watch it but, that would fall under the file of guilty pleasures. We all have those. One of the many complains people had with this movie is the humor. I never had an issue with the humor in Michael Bay films, particularly the humor in the Transformers franchise. Some of the humor (mainly revolving around Skids and Mudflap) I laugh at. I think it's funny, even if it might come across or is racist. Doesn't make me racist, I just find it funny. Although, I never did understand Shia Lebouf going to Transformers heaven. Again, I didn't say I liked all of his movies. Not everything makes sense either.

Michael Bay has tried movies with substance or at least give us some sort of substance in movies before and people reacted poorly to them. Again, look at Pearl Harbor and Armageddon. Michael Bay's strength has always been action. So, he gives us style over substance. In some cases, it works. People give him and Nicolas Cage shit all the time. Does anybody remember, The Rock? Awesome movie right? Guess what, Michael Bay directed it and it stars Nicolas Cage (Sean Connery too of course).

Let's take a look at Transformers: Dark of the Moon now shall we? Again, people bash on it because Michael Bay and they don't like the humor and even the case, story as well as once again focused on the human cast rather than the Transformers themselves. Transformers: Dark of the Moon did what the first movie did so well if you ask me. Gave us an interesting story that revolves around humans, amazing action plus asked the question "What if we decided we don't need them anymore?" While the the third installment didn't have Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci writing it again. It did give us again, an interesting story. Sure, Lebouf did become annoying in the movie no doubt.

But, Michael Bay as with the other two installments took different things from history and incorperated them into Transformers mythology for the movies. The Hoover Dam was built for a different reason, Pyramids are there for a different reason, we went to the moon for a different reason. Here is where I feel Transformers: Dark of the Moon would've worked better as a second movie and Age of Extinction would work better as the third and final film in a better trilogy (giving us a new way to ressurect Megatron). Transformers: Dark of the Moon gave us not only a real sense of threat but, the Decepticons would attempt to bring Cybertron to us. Save their planet and use us for slaves. Transfomers: Dark of the Moon was epic and I think the best of the franchise because it gave us an interesting story with amazing fight scenes while again, never loosing sight of what makes the Transformers, the Transformers.

I'm not saying these are perfect films, they have amazing acting, etc. I'm not even saying that you should like these films. I'm saying that give Michael Bay where credit is due and the fact that save for the second installment, the Transformers films really aren't that bad. They're fun entertainment with amazing action sequences and that the Michael Bay haters and the fans of the original material are just a small portion of the crowd as the box office again proves that people love his movies. He's a guaranteed money maker. Kids love the films and there's even adults who really like the films. Plus, you can't deny the amazing score his films have. Film is subjective, everyone has their tastes.

Michael Bay does what he does. He loves the military and it shows in the films and he gives us what all movies should be, entertainment. Not every movie needs to make us think, not every movie has to be style over substance. Movies are meant to entertain and in the end, that's what Michael Bay films do. They entertain. Michael Bay even has his own production company, Platinum Dunes. Which has produced some horror remakes as well as the upcoming, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot. I personally like the remakes of Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street, even have some interest in the new TMNT film.

That's all I really have to say. Comment below and as always, be respectful of others when you do. I know this article will cause a debate. But, this is my opinion and who doesn't love a good debate?

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kong - 3/27/2014, 10:21 AM
Some people want their to be no humans and want a war of cybertron film. Do they not realized that it would just be a big budget animated film? I think AOE looks awesome and has better human characters than the first trilogy did. I take them as popcorn flicks. The actions is awesome!
SauronsBANE - 3/27/2014, 10:40 AM
I never really understood the complaints of "Too many humans, focus on Transformers!" I mean, it's a movie, not a cartoon. Audiences need human characters to relate to during all the crazy Transformer stuff. That was never a mistake in Bay's films.

But yeah...there's still plenty of other mistakes. Bay's grade school, immature, offensive, occasionally racist, definitely sexist humor. His complete inability to understand and shoot action sequences. His unwillingness to flesh out characters and have them be well-written.

The biggest flaw of these movies is that they're just so utterly dark and serious, which is ridiculous when you consider what these movies are supposed to be based on. The first Transformers movie was pretty great, actually. Mostly because it was the most light-hearted film of the trilogy, and it certainly didn't take itself too seriously.

Then the next two films had to be darker, they had to have the stakes raised to ridiculous levels, and it sucked all the joy out the franchise. The 3rd movie is all the proof you ever need of this: mass death and destruction, Transformers putting out hits and brutally murdering humans, humans turning against's all just way too "adult" for a series of characters from an old TV show designed purely to sell children's toys.

But Bay doesn't get that, and if Transformers 4 is any indication, he never will. After the first Transformers, these movies have been nothing but a waste of time. But if that's your thing, more power to you I guess.
sKeemAn - 3/27/2014, 11:40 AM
I am a minority as I am a fan of Bay films.
SauronsBANE - 3/27/2014, 11:52 AM
@Pending, Maybe the Transformers in the cartoons have very human-like personalities, but they're obviously different in Bay's movies. I'm not saying which version is better or worse, but Bay obviously wanted to make his Transformers the way he did, and that necessitated the use of humans for audiences to relate to.

Again, I'm not defending the human characters in Bay's movies (frankly, they're all pretty terrible apart from the military guys), but the robotic, alien Transformers we saw in the movies simply aren't relatable, which means we needed some human analogues to help us get through the story.

Comparing it to the Avengers is pretty unfair, too. Despite the otherworldly explanations for their origins (gods, aliens, super soldiers, etc), they're all obviously human. Giant alien robots that barely express emotion, that barely talk, that transform into guns and cars and tanks...they don't exactly have the same "relatability" that someone like Thor has.
TheHero - 3/27/2014, 11:58 AM
This is a good article. No, take that back! A GREAT article! I completely agree with all your points.
MrCameron - 3/27/2014, 12:19 PM
Good article dude. I personally feel that people take these movies way too seriously and expect too much out of them (I mean c'mon, it's a movie about giant robots beating the shit out of each other, how much do you expect?). There's a place in the world for dumb action movies, and if that ain't your cup of tea, then don't watch em. It's like eating out; if you don't like McDonalds, go eat at Wendy's or something.
MercwithMouth - 3/27/2014, 12:32 PM
I love, LOVE the first 2 Transformers movies. Dark of the Moon was boring, and Shia and Dempsey made me wanna puke.

That being said, why in the hell do people overanalyze transformers movies? It's not like the cartoons are intellectual, and full is plausible stories and characters...

"Oh look, there's a plot hole...GIANT ROBOT!"
"Oh look, humans can't do that...GIANT ROBOT!"
"Oh look, he didn't really die...GIANT ROBOT!"

Any one get my point? It's giant robots, and crazy humans. Just be entertained. Stop overthinking and analyzing the script in a GIANT ROBOT movie.
AgentZero - 3/27/2014, 1:01 PM
Tell'em man. Transformers movies are AWESOME !!!

Can't wait for Age of Extinction to rack in a billion dollars to see the desperate comments of the haters
JorEllinator - 3/27/2014, 2:03 PM
Let's do this again, shall we?
I'm okay with it primarily being human characters, but if 50% of our main character's dialogue is "Hey, whoah,hey,whoah,hey!" and "OPTIMUS!" or "BUMBLEBEE!" and the supporting cast are either wooden or un-enjoyably over-the-top, it makes for an unpleasant experience. Besides, Sam Witwicky wasn't even needed in the third movie. In the first he had to give the Autobots his grandfather's glasses. In the second, he was getting visions of the allspark. In the third... he has no purpose but to catfight with Patrick Dempsey.
On the defence that it's supposed to be a "turn your brain off action movie":
1. There's not even THAT much action in the first two.
2. The camera's so close and the movie is so poorly edited that you can't EVEN SEE the action!
If Bay is style over substance, the style HAS to be good.
Also, Bay didn't stay true to the characters at all. They became two-dimensional jagged pieces of metal that bumped into each other to put in the poorly directed action. Is it just me or did Bumblebee actually talk in all of the material before the movies? Was Jazz a two dimensional ghetto "gangsta" stereotype? I think not. I don't think Jetfire was a tired old Scotsman who farted parachutes.
Oh, and the interesting story? The story was cliched for each of the movies! In the first Megatron wanted to take over the world! "Of course!"
In the second the Fallen wanted to destroy the world!
In the third Megatron wanted to take over the world! "Of course!"

They threw some slap together from the story which is basically:
"This thing does this thing, and we need to get that thing before it does this thing!", I'll give Dark of the Moon SOME credit but only SOME.

Oh, and the opinions of kids doesn't mean shit, a lot of people thought Batman and Robin was fricking Citizen Kane when they were kids. I've met kids who think Attack of the Clones is the best Star Wars movie, and we all know THAT isn't true. Sure, they're giving money but people don't really care about what they're watching these days.

Also, on your point about a wider audience. I agree to a point, but really, even if they want to see a mindless action movie, who DOESN'T want to see the fall of fricking Cybertron on screen!? It'd sell more tickets that these movies! Really, people wouldn't pay to see a horde of robots that can transform into Cybertronian vehicles beating the ever loving shit out of each other on a distant planet but they would pay to see Shia LeBouf goofing off for two and a half hours and a taste of Transformers fighting each other? So, who do we have with that, we got the fans, we got the people somewhat nostalgic about the old show, we got the people who just watch it because it's in theatres, we have the younger demographic watching the newer cartoons, we got the teens who just want to watch some action, we got the parents of the teens and children so... WIN. WIN. WIN. Not to mention the amount of action figures and merchandise it would sell, even more so than Bayformers.

Sure, these movies are popcorn flicks, but they even fail at that so what do we have? A complete and utter mess on every level. I have absolutely no idea why people like and defend these movies, but if people do maybe they're doing something right but from a critical, non-bias view, these movies are awful.
'nuff said.
SauronsBANE - 3/27/2014, 3:54 PM
Wow. Yeah. Basically everything in JorEllinator's comment. Well said!
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