The Transformers series has been in a slow decline in the past few years with both the quality and reception. Hasbro sets out to reinvigorate the franchise with a spin-off of the ever so popular Bumblebee. So far we have got a pretty awesome teaser and in the last few days gotten a look at new characters Topkick and Shatter.
In the lead up to SDCC, Hasbro, through GEEKDAD have revealed the new toyline based on the new movie, Energon Igniters. Through the various scales we get a good look at Bumblebee and Optimus, who is set to make an appearance. As well as the big two, we see returning characters in the form of Barracade, Hot Rod and surprisingly Megatron, who appears to be in his Revenge of the Fallen form so take it with a pinch of salt... Then again, this series doesn't really have continuity anyway so its up in the air whether he will show up or not. The same goes for Hot Rod as his toys seem to be repaints of other characters but as he was fighting in World War II with Bumblebee, he has a higher chance of appearing.

If Hot Rod and Megatron do appear, expect to see them on the big screen 21st December 2018.