Mr Prime's 3 Ways of Fixing Transformers

Mr Prime's 3 Ways of Fixing Transformers

Join Optimus Prime himself as he dissects how much hate he has for Michael Bay!

Editorial Opinion
By MrPrime - Jun 12, 2014 12:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Transformers

I’ve been a transformers fan for a lot of my life. I grew up watching parts of the unicorn trilogy and since then I feel I have enough knowledge to be considered a fan.

Now on to Michael Bay’s films.  They are not transformers. They are aliens. The movies are bland and they’re the type of movies you go to watch if you have a few hours to waste or if you just want to lay back and relax. Everything about the franchise is over bloated and horrible. There are few glimmers of hope in the pile of turd such as the visual effects and of course Peter Cullen as Prime however I’ve always felt Bay has not really captured transformers properly. Yes, the action is amazing and they visuals are absolutely stunning however I always find myself frustrated with all the humans in the film and the many other elements. Here are my ways of changing the transformer franchise.

1) New director.
 I’m sure you guessed this already but I feel that Bay has gotten really stale and needs to move on from Transformers. He’s more of an action director. I’d like to see someone with experience in sci-fi to maybe have a crack at the movies. I think Doug Liman or even Guillermo Del Torro could be fantastic if they ever helmed a movie. Both can do action very well and have proven that they can handle visual effects.  I’ve longed for the day where there is not a high contrast piercing my eye balls as it attempts to stab into my already numb brain.
More focus on Cybertron and less focus on humans.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of this before but the humans elements are always the weakest in the movies. The characters are not well written at all and the dialogue borderlines immature at times. Not only that but a lot of the times the humans end up complicating the plot instead of giving aid to it. We’ve always had to cut from the amazing action to some punk we don’t care about running away from the danger. Cybertron is ripe with stories. They could even rip off avatar a bit and have some humans travel to Cybertron like they did in the TV Show Transformers Prime and showcase them trying to revive cybertron while even cutting to some flashbacks of what cybertron used to be and the origins of Orion Pax and Megatronus. These stories can give that emotional core we never get in the movies. Of course this would require a huge budget and James Cameron to probably pull off.

2) Change the designs.
I always thought the Transformers looked cool in the movies however as time has gone on I have started to despised the designs. I understand they are going for the mechanical type of designs where the transformers are made up of a lot of nuts and bolts that you can see however I think this has hindered a lot of the designs of the characters. Megatron looks like a normal robot and none of his iconic looks from the cartoons are there. He looks like a normal goon with all the spikes coming out of his body. I think they should go for a more blocky design like the ones from the game transformers fall of cybertron.

3) Different Writers
Let Orci and Kurtzman touche up spidey before they work on transformers. Nothing more can be said.

Thanks for reading my first editorial!
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EhMaybeSays - 6/12/2014, 1:33 PM
Guillermo Del Toro has already done giant robots and it was mediocre. Orci and Kurtzman would probably make Transformers a romcom with Autobots as a side attraction.
MercwithMouth - 6/12/2014, 3:07 PM

I just don't get it...

The Transformers cartoons are full of cheesy, immature dialog. The stories aren't deep , thought provoking, or relevant.

The movies are pretty much the same. The big, dumb, fun, and full of giant robots and destruction. Why can no one just have a little fun anymore? Shut your brain off, watch the pretty colors and amazing CGI, and just remember your childhood. These films aren't aimed at film school rejects, art house coffee drinking hipsters, or intellectual movie buffs. These movies are for teens and anyone else that has the ability to enjoy something that doesn't make you think for 2 hours. Go, escape from the blandness of reality for a few hours, and enjoy seeing giant robots rip each other to pieces.

Plus, there's always some good eye-candy to watch.

Lhornbk - 6/12/2014, 4:04 PM
*sigh* another transformers fanboy whining about Michael Bay, too much focus on humans, designs, etc. *sigh

General audiences do NOT want to see a Transformers movie with no humans or little attention paid to humans. Quite frankly, I don't want too see a Transformers movie without at least one gorgeous woman in it. Bay's movies have made tons of money, so until one flops at the box office, there is no real reason to change the formula. So stop whining and just be happy that you get to see live-action transformers movies.
EdgyOutsider - 6/12/2014, 4:58 PM
I love the original show but, I really like the Transofrmers films outside of Revenge of the Fallen of course. Here's what I want from a Transformers film: a fun time at the movies. For the most part, I really dig Michael Bay films and his Transformers films are what I expect from a Transformers film. A fun time at the movies and while the characters aren't well written and some of the comedy falls flat, you do need humans to maintain a gravity, relatability and humanity to the films.
MrPrime - 6/12/2014, 4:59 PM
I'm not asking for a masterpiece. I'm asking for a film with a coherent story that is actually enjoyable. Like @Pending said, some people do have higher standards and I just happen to be one of them.

I think I should just accept these movies are going to keep on happening whatever I do. @MrSotoMan You forget some characters have been mishandled completely and turned in to jokes. The show was cheesy yes but that doesn't mean you have to follow it compulsively. It's like the case with Superman and Man of Steel.
MrPrime - 6/12/2014, 5:04 PM

So we should just accept what's given to us? By that logic we should just be happy we got a Green Lantern movie.

I don't buy into this whole thing about shutting your brain off and enjoying a movie. I watch movies to engage with them. You can certainly have fun with movies butt here's a point in time where I feel that you just get tired of watching the same thing for years.
MrPrime - 6/12/2014, 6:06 PM
They destroyed soundwave, made megatron whiny and made optimus outright kill him which is against his character. Jetfire was turned into a babling baffoon and don't even get me started on what they did to Q/Wheeljack. He did get some characters right like Starscream in some ways however I think he missed the point with other.s
kong - 6/12/2014, 6:24 PM

DeusExSponge - 6/12/2014, 9:23 PM
The first Transformer movie was the best out of the trilogy IMO, had the right balance between the human elements and transformer action. I know these aren't meant to be Oscar type films, but I just wished the human element was a bit more interesting? They just seem so un-interesting

A minor complaint I have is the colour of the Transformers, the action is awesome but it's sometimes hard to see who is who! Honestly I think they should scale back on the scale of these conflicts, yes I know it's the biggest draw to these movies. But I think it can help improve these movies by focusing on a small number of Auto-Bots and Decepticons. I mean it worked out greatly for the first movie!
pesmerga44 - 6/12/2014, 10:50 PM
My issue with the Transformer series beyond the terribly written human characters, Sam and his annoying as hell parents, the borderline racism that is in pretty much every one of the movies, and the lowest denominator humor. Beyond all the the worst part about these movies is that the they fail as action movies mainly because for one Bay can't shoot a good shot to save his life. The camera work is all over the place zooming in and out along with shaky cam and constant cutting to different things it is almost impossible to follow what is happening. And second all transformers not named Optimus Prime and Bumblebee look exactly the same with the color palettes and designs being far to similar to each other. That is why I really dislike the entire Transformer franchise.
MightyZeus - 6/13/2014, 9:17 AM
Good article. I agree with you. It's going to be difficult to reboot the Transformers franchise. What i do enjoy about the Transformers films are basically the Transformers themselves, the action, explosions, the dumb plot. What i dislike, the bad acting, the dry terrible humor, the humans being too cartoony.

Basically these films are just junkfood for the brain.
CorndogBurglar - 6/13/2014, 5:19 PM
Yes, the Unicorn trilogy in Transformers was awesome.

Everyone thought that Unicorn didn't exist. That he was some kind of mythical beast. But then Unicorn showed up proved everyone wrong.

I loved how that giant head, AKA: Unicorn, came and caused so much havoc. Unicorn didn't care if you were an Autobot or a Decepticon, you were his lunch...because he's Unicorn...and everyone knows you can't mess with Unicorns.

Glad to see you're such a fan.

CorndogBurglar - 6/13/2014, 5:21 PM
"Now on to Michael Bay’s films. They are not transformers. They are aliens."

The Transformers have always been aliens. In every incarnation they have ever appeared in, they have been aliens. Especially Unicorn.
pesmerga44 - 6/13/2014, 10:43 PM

Armada was great I really liked that series and a real change up for a series Starscream turning into an honorable warrior quite the change from his usual personality. Energon was a decent series not great but not bad just decent. Though a couple of episodes I loved were near the end of the series were the ones where Inferno was infected by Megatron and the next episode he sacrificed himself to help the others those were some good episodes. Cybertron though was bad not terrible but still bad it was just a downturn of a series compared to the other two. Then Animated hit and that series was great and I really wish it got another season to continue supposedly Jazz was going to join full time the Autobots on Earth in that season.
HOTSHOT - 6/16/2014, 12:43 PM
How to fix it? Fire Bay and reboot. Reboot the slag out of this franchise. At the very least give the Robots some personality.
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