In today's season finale of Peacemaker, the Justice League arrived to lend a helping hand in the war against the Butterflies...after the fight was already over. While Superman and Wonder Woman were kept in the shadows, Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller did appear for a fun exchange as Aquaman and The Flash that's had fans buzzing about the HBO Max series even more than usual.
Variety caught up with writer and director James Gunn following the episode and asked the filmmaker if there were ever plans to also include Gal Gadot and Henry Cavill.
"I don’t really think so," Gunn admitted. "I really thought it was going to be just Jason. And Ezra was more like the extra thing because I found that he was interested in doing it."
As for why we didn't see Batman and Cyborg (previously played by Ben Affleck and Ray Fisher in the DCEU), he added: "You know, I don’t know what I can - there are reasons for it, but I’m actually uncertain whether I can say what those reasons are. It might have to do with future stuff."
We're guessing The Flash could go some way towards explaining Batman's absence, though this scene clearly takes place before the Scarlet Speedster gets his new suit. That means The Dark Knight hasn't been wiped from reality quite yet, so it is a little surprising that we didn't even get to see his silhouette. As for why Cyborg wasn't with the League, that's self-explanatory given Ray Fisher's issues with Warner Bros.
The trade attempted to gain some intel from Gunn on his plans for Peacemaker season 2, but he wasn't giving anything away. With production on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in full swing, it could be a while before the filmmaker even has time to sit down and start penning scripts for the HBO Max series.
What did you think of Peacemaker's big cameos?