This season of the Flash has introduced a version of Barry Allen's daughter, traditionally known as Dawn, in the form of Jessica Parker Kennedy's Nora Allen. While traditionally Barry's son, Don, is the father to fan-favorite speedster Impulse it seems the CW might be making a change to the lore.
According to a number of Instagram users Andy Poon, concept designer for the Arrowverse posted and removed the concept design pictured above on Valentine's Day.
Clearly, the post's removal is reason-enough to be skeptical, but what's arguably more interesting is the caption "Concept for Impulse we didn't get to use unfortunately".
Some have been quick to note that this concept seems to be indirectly based on the Keiynan Lonsdale Kid Flash concept art released some time ago, but it's worth noting that this isn't an uncommon practice. Even the Avengers Endgame concept art is just 'reskined' and 'reworked' versions of previous concept art.
So, are you excited for Impulse to appear?