While I’m unsure if this sort of ‘advertisement-style’ post is even allowed on CBM (and if it’s not, mods feel free to delete this posting - I apologize) I’m posting the following to see if anyone would like to write for my website: dctvu.com.
Not as widespread as CBM, the DCTVU focuses in on [ideally] all of DC’s current TV shows and the news surrounding said shows. As a writer, you would be asked to cover the releases of castings, synopses being released, stills per episode being released, etc. but would also be allowed to interject ones own opinion, as well as write episode reviews amongst other op.-ed style pieces for the website.
I’ve taken the liberty of creating a ‘tutorial style’ introductory packet which includes tutorials on how to do most tasks released to writing for the [Wordpress hosted] site. Along with writing you would be tasked with creating teaser images (800x400px in size) for your posts as well as posting them to the Facebook Page associated with the website (https://www.facebook.com/dc.television.universe/) - this is something I will gladly send if you reach out.
As of now I/we are currently looking for writers to cover the following live action shows:
The Flash
Powerless (if you can stomach it, I’m truly impressed)
Krypton (upon its eventual release)
Black Lightning
If you’d want to write for shows such as Preacher, Lucifer, or iZombie (technically DC properties) feel free to reach out as well as I would more than certainly consider.
As well as the following animated shows from the CW Seed:
Freedom Fighters: The Ray
If you’re interested in spreading your theories and sharing your voice, you love to write and you have an image manipulation program capable of resizing imagery, I’d ask you reach out to me on my Facebook Page - either the actual page (linked here) or my personal admin profile (linked here).