THE FLASH Star Grant Gustin On Why He Was Unsure About Playing Barry Allen And His Talks With James Gunn

THE FLASH Star Grant Gustin On Why He Was Unsure About Playing Barry Allen And His Talks With James Gunn

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figgins007 - 3/23/2016, 2:37 PM
figgins007 - 3/23/2016, 2:37 PM
Can't wait to see how Eddie factors into this! Excited to see him back for a bit!
Claymore - 3/23/2016, 2:37 PM
People stay betraying Barry
Matador - 3/23/2016, 2:39 PM
Sxcory - 3/23/2016, 2:40 PM
Sweet! Sounds like a pretty damn good episode. Between this and the Supergirl crossover. Gonna be a good Flash week.
GhostDog - 3/23/2016, 2:46 PM
Really excited to see Eddie's involvement in all of this! Love when Flash does time travel

SKOne - 3/23/2016, 2:56 PM
After all his screwing with history (and there's apparently more later in the season), it would not surprise me if Flash ends up being the one who founds the Time Masters in the Arrowverse.
flashygurl - 3/23/2016, 5:46 PM
Considering the Flash, so far, hasn't had any lead in to the crossover, the season might truly end with him getting "lost".

Supergirl's Earth might be the first stop.

Lot of potential...
Fekkius - 3/23/2016, 5:51 PM
my heart
GetsugaTensho22 - 3/23/2016, 6:42 PM
So the Wraith is basically a cross between The Dahaka and Black Flash?
right - 3/23/2016, 6:54 PM
Hate Eddie, hope he dies.
I bet hes the reverse flash!
Luminus - 3/23/2016, 10:46 PM
I'm confused. If the Flash travels into the past, shouldn't the other Flash be there, too? Is this the Quantum Leap type of time travel?
megabatfan - 3/24/2016, 5:52 AM
What i don't get is knowing there is a multi-verse... having travelled to Earth-2 and seeing another version of himself, friends, acquaintances & loved ones... Why is devastation the first thing to come to mind having discovered Jay is Zoom. Couldn't it be another version of Jay... from any other part of the multi-verse?
slickrickdesigns - 3/24/2016, 5:59 AM
Looks like Barrys going back in time again but to when the old Thawne Wells and Eddie were around.

dont change too much Barry!

Hitboyj - 3/24/2016, 6:49 AM
Time time time
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