THE FLASH: Grant Gustin Shares A First Official Look At The Scarlet Speedster's New Comic-Accurate Suit

THE FLASH: Grant Gustin Shares A First Official Look At The Scarlet Speedster's New Comic-Accurate Suit THE FLASH: Grant Gustin Shares A First Official Look At The Scarlet Speedster's New Comic-Accurate Suit

Following a couple leaked photos, Grant Gustin has just shared the first official poster for The Flash season five, revealing a first look at the Scarlet Speedster's new comic-accurate costume.

By RohanPatel - Aug 10, 2018 03:08 PM EST
Filed Under: The Flash
Source: Grant Gustin
Grant Gustin, who shut down body shamers earlier this week, has just debuted the first poster for The Flash season five and it (finally) provides us with an official look at the Scarlet Speedster's new comic-accurate threads. 

The new suit features a streamlined design with an updated cowl that makes the small-screen Barry Allen look every bit as fierce as his comic counterpart. The whole suit also seems to abandon leather for a softer fabric that looks more akin to what some of our favorite Marvel superheroes wear on the big screen. He also gets an updated emblem and gold belt, which should really help the suit pop when it zips onto our television screens later this fall.


First OFFICIAL look at Barry’s new threads for season 5.

A post shared by Grant Gustin (@grantgust) on

Matching wits with The Thinker, who by season’s end had harnessed the powers of all twelve bus metas he created, stretched Team Flash to their limits, but with the help of some new allies, Barry Allen (aka The Flash) and company were able to put a stop to the Enlightenment and save Central City once again. However, with the arrival of Barry and Iris’ speedster daughter, Nora, who arrived from the future admitting to having made a “big mistake,” things are anything but status quo. Will parenthood be the challenge that finally slows The Flash down?

The Flash features:
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash
Candice Patton as Iris West-Allen
Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Vibe
Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells
Jesse L. Martin as Detective Joe West
John Wesley Shipp as Henry Allen/Jay Garrick
Michelle Harrison as Nora Allen
Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West/Kid Flash
Violett Beane as Jesse Quick
Danielle Nicolet as Cecille Horton
Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man
Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora Allen
Chris Klein as Cicada

The Flash returns with an all-new episode on October 9

THE FLASH Star Grant Gustin On Why He Was Unsure About Playing Barry Allen And His Talks With James Gunn

THE FLASH Star Grant Gustin On Why He Was Unsure About Playing Barry Allen And His Talks With James Gunn

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JoeMomma29 - 8/10/2018, 3:56 PM
The suit looks great!
ArthurFleck - 8/10/2018, 7:37 PM
@JoeMomma29 - I think is good but needs some subtle changes. My biggest issue is Grant himself. Why aren't the show runners insisting Grant hit the gym? It seems like before the pilot they had him bulk up a bit, but since the show has gone on has gotten skinnier each season. Now I'm not saying he needs to be Stephen Amell buff, I actually prefer the flash having a runner's or swimmer's frame, but Grant is just a twig.

It's my same issue with David Mazouz from Gotham. Why aren't show runners having them bulk up in between seasons? If David came back for this last season looking like he was working out every day with a trainer, I would be sold on a 17 year old Bruce Wayne kicking adults asses. These stars who take on roles which require them to play physically powerful characters should be contractually required to work out when they sign on.
MutantEquality - 8/10/2018, 9:08 PM
@ArthurFleck - this guy put in the work.
RageDriver2401 - 8/10/2018, 11:26 PM
@ArthurFleck - that's what my complaint is as well. But everytime you mention it Grant's fandom loses it.
ArthurFleck - 8/11/2018, 4:21 AM
@MutantEquality - I'm not sure if you're kidding due to the padded suit, but JWS actually was in really great shape during his.... run... as the Flash. And though incredibly dated, I still love that suit! But that was my flash growing up so my opinion could definitely be colored by nostalgia.

But joking or not, you are right he did put in the work.

MutantEquality - 8/11/2018, 8:39 AM
@ArthurFleck - no jokes man. He could easily stand next to Affleck or Cavill. He put in the time and looked great. I really liked that flash. Glad he came back to the show.
FishyZombie - 8/10/2018, 3:57 PM
I’m still not convinced he has the jaw to pull off a cowl without the chin guard, but this looks alright.
Spagett - 8/10/2018, 4:03 PM
@FishyZombie - Especially since the top of it is so wide for no reason. His head isn't THAT big.
BIGBMH - 8/10/2018, 4:27 PM
@FishyZombie - I agree that taking out the chin guard was a mistake. I think the guy's got jawline is fine, but you put anyone in a costume like that with such a thick material over the top part of the head and it's going to diminish their jaw. Chris Evans looks significantly better as Cap with the chin strap than he does in Avengers when he doesn't have it.
Beerus - 8/10/2018, 5:11 PM
@BIGBMH @FishyZombie - Yeah, you're both absolutely right on this. The suit is fine and all (much better than the leak), but the missing chin-strap just looks so odd. Plus wouldn't removing the chin-strap make it so his alter-ego is less of a mystery?

I mean, with the chin-strap it left people wondering what he could look like under his mask. At least those are my thoughts on why a chin-strap would make sense (outside of keeping the suit balanced). Although, I'm applying real world logic to a superhero show. The same multiverse where all you have to do is put on glasses, and people can't put two, and two together in figuring out Clark Kent is Superman, and Kara is Supergirl (even though, I think Cat Grant is/was feigning ignorance).
FishyZombie - 8/10/2018, 6:22 PM
@BIGBMH - I’m just saying, Ezra Miller and John Wesley Shipp both pulled of the chinless cowl because they had the right jaws. Gustin, while a good looking guy and everything, I don’t think he does.
OptionFour - 8/10/2018, 6:41 PM
@FishyZombie - Totally agreed. The suit looks good overall. But there are people out there who have the jawline to pull this off, and Gustin just is not one of them. Not a huge problem, but it would be better if they kept some attempt at balancing it out.
BIGBMH - 8/11/2018, 9:38 AM
@FishyZombie - That's a fair point. I think they needed to do a better job of considering how to complement his head shape and jawline if they wanted to go without the chin.
Doomsday8888 - 8/10/2018, 3:58 PM
I guess i'll get the yellow boots for the finale season... :3
KWilly - 8/10/2018, 4:00 PM
Lowkey hoping Elongated Man gets a spinoff show from whenever this ends.
gambgel - 8/10/2018, 4:04 PM
why did they design the mask in a way that makes him look angry? its much lower than all his previous masks, almost topping his eyes
Fekkius - 8/10/2018, 4:04 PM
DAMN. The season four suit was good, but this is on another level. The new material looks so much better than the leather.
WruceBayne - 8/10/2018, 5:00 PM
@Fekkius - WAY! better than the leather jacket look. Good job that they’re moving away from leather as a costume choice. Hopefully Arrow follows suit.
Gigacrusher45 - 8/10/2018, 4:05 PM
He needs that chinstrap.
Beerus - 8/10/2018, 5:12 PM
@Gigacrusher45 - Yeah, he looks strange without it.
Cbmfilmjunkie - 8/10/2018, 4:06 PM
DeadWade213 - 8/10/2018, 4:07 PM
@DCFilmJunkie - That chick has a big ass forehead.
case - 8/10/2018, 4:06 PM
I haven't seen the show since season 2, but this doesn't look like an improvement. A bit wonky?
manofillintent1 - 8/10/2018, 4:09 PM
To me the flash suit is one of the hardest to pull off in live action I can’t put my finger on it since other costumes that should have been a lot harder turn out great, I don’t believe we’ve seen the flash look good on screen
Beerus - 8/10/2018, 5:16 PM
@manofillintent1 - I don't know, last season (s4) was pretty decent.
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