The Rise of Roy Harper and Crisis on Infinite Donna Troy’s

The Rise of Roy Harper and Crisis on Infinite Donna Troy’s

Noahthegrand and ILoveStargirl’s sequel to our previous article on fixing the DC event Heroes in Crisis. Witness the Rise of Roy Harper and the Crisis on Infinite Donna Troy’s!

Editorial Opinion
By noahthegrand - Aug 18, 2019 10:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Titans
Source: Comic Book Movie

This article was written by me using inspiration and story ideas from ILoveStargirl. 


In my last article I wrote, I attempted to right the wrongs of recent comic book event: HEROES IN CRISIS. I wrote a follow up to that event, a miniseries called WALLY WEST: THE FLASH, revolving around the characters Wally West, Lilith Clay, Donna Troy, and Roy Harper, all former members of the Teen Titans and the Titans in DC comics. At the end of my proposed plot it was revealed Professor Zoom and Abra Kadabra has taken over superhero mental health retreat Sanctuary and had used it to implant false memories into various heroes, trap other heroes into the speed force, and frame Wally West for murder. They were defeated and the truth was revealed and Wally managed to find his pre-flashpoint children trapped in the Speed Force. His pre flashpoint wife Linda Park also had her memories of Pre-Flashpoint time mysteriously returned to her. 


In this article I wanted to write a sequel plot where I would organically bring back one of the more interesting parts of pre-flashpoint Roy Harper, his daughter Lian, and give Donna Troy a definitive origin story to fix the confusion that has been around her character for decades in comics. 


So first up, a follow up miniseries to Wally West: The Flash, the title of which references one of Roy Harper’s worst moments, the miniseries “The Rise of Arsenal”:




We catch up with all our characters from the previous arc and where they are now. Donna Troy is leading the team of Titans last seen before the book was cancelled made up of Raven, Ms. Martian, Steel, and Beast Boy. She has also begun building a life outside of just being a constant team leader, while off duty she’s going on dates with Roy Harper. 


Wally West meanwhile, is at The Hall of Justice with his two recently saved from the speedforce kids Jai and Irey, who are exactly as they were pre-Flashpoint. Also with his is Linda Park, a woman who was his wife, but after he and ten years of time were erased from existence, she didn’t even know him. Now though, as Ray Palmer aka The Atom explains, her physical brain has been vibrated to be in tune with with vibrations of the earth before the ten years of time were erased. She remembers everything now. Linda is sad that some of the most important moments in her life were taken away from her for so long and she didn’t even realize. Wally cheers her up because they’re together now. 


Meanwhile, Lilith Clay aka Omen is the head psychiatrist at Sanctuary and is helping heroes.


Roy Harper, has, following his return to life, has taken a new lease on life, and is more happy and confident, we check on him busting a cocaine deal at the docks in Star City before he’s attacked by the villainous Snowflame!!!



Snowflame is an incredibly dangerous crime lord and metahuman with the ability to increase his strength and speed to superhuman levels and cover his body in white hot flames. He’s more than a match for Roy Harper as the two battle and Snowflame melts Roy’s arrows he’s shooting at him. Snowflame, maniacal and ruthless, uses his strength to toss Roy across the docks and into the water. Roy realizes touching Snowflame makes his head feel fuzzy and strange and tries to avoid allowing Snowflame to touch him. Roy shoots a grappling hook arrow and flies out, kicking Snowflame in the face, but it hurts Roy more than it hurts Snowflame! Because we reveal the great secret of Snowflame’s diabolical power, as he screams maniacally that he… -snicker-... gains his super powers by ingesting large amounts of cocaine, including the ability to give people a short lived contact high by touch, and all the cocaine he could ever need to become invincible is readily available on the dock! (This is a real DC comics villain). Roy realizes his only hope of survival is blowing up all the cocaine with an explosive arrow, and blows up the dock! Snowflame cries out in horror “Nooooo!”. Minutes later, Roy carries the unconscious Snowflame out of the bay and onto a beach. 


We reveal all of this is a story Roy is telling Donna about his most recent nightly patrol to Donna over coffee. She asks what happened to Snowflame, and Roy explains he’s being sent to a rehab facility for convicted felons upstate. 


In secret, both Roy and Donna are being watched by the villainous Cheshire from a nearby rooftop with binoculars. Donna tells Roy she’s really happy he’s back. We flashback to Roy Harper’s funeral after his “death” at Sanctuary. 


Donna Troy gives the eulogy as seen in Green Arrow issue 45. 


Cheshire stands behind a tree in the back of the cemetery, watching from afar. She’s come to see if Roy is really dead. She’s sad that the rumors were true. 


After the ceremony, the crowd disperses, Donna begins to leave. Cheshire follows, revealing herself. Donna recognizes her and demands to know what she’s doing here. Cheshire tells Donna she cared about Roy to, she has just as much a right to be here as anyone else. Donna brings up that Cheshire manipulated Roy into helping her steal from intergang and tricked Roy into taking a new street drug invented by The Brain and Monsieur Mallah last time she saw Roy. 


Cheshire tells Donna she came here for a reason. Roy is dead, but one could say a piece of him is still alive. She reveals a photograph to Donna, we don’t see what it is. 



Meanwhile, The Atom tells Wally in private that he believes the only thing that could have restored Linda’s memories the way it was done could have been a speedster. This worries Wally deeply, as we begin to show that what Zoom did to him at Sanctuary has made him afraid that Zoom could be lurking around every corner waiting to take his family away from him. 


Another issue Wally is having to deal with is the fact that Linda wants to remarry him, but this may be difficult due to Wally’s entire history being erased from the world, which means he doesn’t have a birth certificate, a social security number, or anything. He tells Roy and Donna at Roy’s home about this who both agree that’s a big problem. Even worse though, is that Jai and Irey don’t have any proof of existence either and can’t be enrolled in any schools. 


To take Wally’s mind off of it, Roy suggests they team up for a mission. Roy thinks Snowflame was just trying to steal the cocaine to increase his superpowers and it was actually being smuggled into the country by a group of rogue Atlantean pirates. They all admit they’ve been missing working together back when they were all Titans. 


So they go to get scuba gear while Cheshire watches from a nearby rooftop. Roy asks the two of them if they remember if that one villain Psycho Pirate ever actually did any actual “ocean piracy”. Wally tells him that he thinks Psycho Pirate’s piracy is metaphorical, he’s hijacked sure, committed grand theft, doesn’t know if he’s ever committed piracy. Donna gets a far off look in her eyes. 


We cut back to the funeral flashback, and Donna looking in shock at a photo of Cheshire in a hospital with a newborn baby. Jade Nyugen aka Cheshire tells Donna everything changed when Lian was born. She wants to get out of her life of crime, so she can raise Lian right, but she can’t. A very dangerous man named Professor Zoom has paid her to steal something for him: the villain Psycho Pirate’s Medusa Mask. If she backs out, Professor Zoom could kill her or even Lian. She needs Donna’s help. Donna doesn’t believe Jade and thinks this is a trick, using Roy’s memory against her, but Jade takes Donna to her home and reveals the infant Lian to Donna. The infant seems to take a liking to Donna, and Donna formulates a plan. They will steal Psycho Pirate’s mask, and then when Professor Zoom comes to claim it, Donna will take him down and send him to prison where he can’t hurt Lian or Jade. 



Meanwhile in modern day, the three heroes Flash, Red Arrow, and Wondergirl battle Atlantean Rebels smuggling cocaine under the sea. 


In the past, Donna uses her status as a Titan to get a free pass into the metahuman prison Psycho Pirate is kept at, supposedly to speak to an old enemy Mister Twister. She then breaks away from the warden, breaks into the evidence storage room; and steals The Medusa Mask from storage. 


She returns to meet up with Cheshire, they have some tea together, and they head to the meeting place where she’s supposed to deliver the mask to Zoom. Zoom arrives, Donna attacks, and is doing pretty well battling the much faster Zoom, until she becomes drowsy. Cheshire reveals the tea she gave her was poisoned. Donna asks why, she thought Jade wanted out of her life of crime.. Cheshire tells Donna “I didn’t want out Donna, I like being a mercenary, and with Zoom’s help, me and Lian will never have to worry about money again!”


Now, Roy is about to be speared from behind by a trident when Donna saves him. Roy realizes he could have died if it had not been for her. 


In the past six other time remnant Zoom’s show up, and beat Donna into unconsciousness. One of the time remnants Zooms praises Cheshire for getting the Medusa mask and Donna Troy, then takes Donna to a secret lab to run several scientific tests on her, before dumping her back at the cemetery where Cheshire found her. As Donna begins to wake up, Cheshire tells her she and Lian will be living very comfortably because of the information Zoom got studying her. 


Now, the rebels have been tied up and Aquaman has arrived to take them away. Back on the beach Wally says goodnight to his two friends and leaves. Donna kisses Roy. 


Donna tells Roy she wishes she could stay with him, but she needs to get back to Titan’s tower. Ms. Martian is great when she gets put in charge, but Donna likes to be there too in case anything goes wrong. 


Later that night, Donna, who was sleeping in her personal quarters of the tower awakens to the thunderstorm outside. Then, she hears noises coming from downstairs and goes to check, suspecting man intruder.


Donna heads down to the lab area of Titan’s tower, where we see some old pieces of Nightwing's equipment, including tracking devices and Escrima sticks. Cheshire reveals herself as thunder flashes lighting up the room through the window. 


Donna prepares to punch Cheshire right out the window. Jade tells Donna she doesn’t want to do that. Donna asks angrily why not. Cheshire tells Donna she needs her help again, and Donna begins to laugh. Why would she ever help Cheshire again? She sent her into a trap so Professor Zoom could experiment on her! Jade understands, in the same situation, she would more quickly slit the other person's throat than make the choice to help them again, that’s why… Donna doesn’t have a choice. Cheshire tells Donna if she doesn’t help her, she’ll release secretly taken footage of Donna taking the Medusa Mask from prison, and delivering it to known criminals Cheshire and Professor Zoom. What would the Justice League think? What would Wonder Woman think? What would Roy think? Donna tells Cheshire that she could explain that, tell the full story, Roy would understand. Cheshire asks Donna what Roy would think once she explained the full story, about Donna never telling him he had a daughter!


In a thought bubble we learn Donna never told Roy, because when he first came back to life, they had to immediately jump into helping Wally West, and afterwards, maybe she felt ashamed, but she had planned to tell him, she just hadn’t had the chance yet. But if she does tell him… now, what will he think about her? A name pops into Donna’s head: Troia. 


Back when her and Roy were on The Titans together, the two of them fought an alternate future version of Donna Troy named Troia who had gone insane after all of the Titans except for her died of old age, while she remained the same age, immortal. Ever since they saved the world from Troia, she’s been afraid people will see her differently, see her as a villain like Troia, or a loose canon destined to become evil. Troia almost killed Roy. 


Cheshire tells Donna, The Justice League is compiling evidence from Sanctuary together, everything Zoom and Abra Kadabra did while they had control over the A.I. and VR systems at Sanctuary. She wants Donna to go to the Hall of Justice, and put a computer virus into those files so Zoom’s plans can remain secret. Cheshire gives Donna a flash drive. 


Cheshire leaves, using another flash of lightning to mask her exit, and we wonder what Donna’s about to do, then reveal her telling her story to Roy Harper on his couch even later into the night.


Donna tells Roy, she didn’t tell him because of Troia. Back when they were on The Titans together, the two of them fought an alternate future version of Donna Troy named Troia who had gone insane after all of the Titans except for her died of old age, while she remained the same age, immortal. Ever since they saved the world from Troia, she’s been afraid people will see her differently, see her as a villain like Troia, or a loose canon destined to become evil. She was afraid if Roy learned the truth, he would see her differently. Roy tells her he knows she isn’t Troia, and nothing she does will ever change that. She’s Donna Troy, and she always will be. Donna tells Roy she put one of Nightwing’s tracking devices on Cheshire. They can track her. 


Meanwhile, Wally is awake with Linda, who is still trying to deal with having years of her life literally taken out of the timestream from her, so that she had never even met Wally. And now, they’re both living in a world where their marriage, and Linda’s favorite years of her life, don’t exist. Wally tells Linda that he’s been taking with the League, and they’re going to fix this. 


Suddenly, Wally gets a phone call from Roy. It’s an emergency. 


The three heroes will have tracked Cheshire to a storage unit company in Star City, and specifically to a small five by five foot storage locker one of the employees is willing to open for them because Red Arrow once saved his life during a drive by shooting. The locker is opened, and we reveal the inside is a lavish and seemingly endless palace. Roy suspects it's one of Abra Kadabra’s tricks. 


The three will enter, they discover it seems to be Cheshire’s home, and Roy, who up to this point has been very emotionally ready to find his daughter and gung ho, begins to wonder if maybe she’s better with Cheshire. He doesn’t have much money, and can he even take care of a kid? What if he messes up and starts doing drugs again?


They discover Lian’s bedroom, with stuffed animals and a crib, and she’s a toddler now. Lian seems to recognize Donna, and Roy nervously stays silent, until Wally puts a hand on Roy’s shoulder and Roy tells her he’s her father. 


Roy begins to ask his daughter about her stuffed animals. Wally begins to speed through the residence, searching it. We discover behind several child proof locked rooms modern and medieval weapons collections, a poison brewing lab, a ninja dojo/ battle to the death arena, and a collection of incomplete forms for signing Lian up for a League of Assassins Day Care that’s brochure includes images of accomplished alumni such as Damian Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. (Not exactly people who had happy early childhoods) Also, the Day Care is apparently run by supervillain and father of Ra’s Al Ghul: THE SENSEI.



Wally returns to Roy and tells him Cheshire is filling out forms to get Lian League of Assassins training. Roy decides this isn’t a good place for any child to be raised and he’s going to get Lian out of here. Donna picks her up since she’s more used to her and they go to leave before anyone gets back. 


They almost make it to the front door when Cheshire and Abra Kadabra enter!


Wally attempts to get Lian out but Abra Kadabra creates an illusion so Wally runs into a wall instead of out the door. Wally manages to shield Lian but Cheshire uses the opportunity to grab her daughter and run. 


Abra Kadabra also runs into the labyrinthian mansion with his own Lian, which may or may not be an illusion or the real Lian. 


Donna chases Cheshire, Roy chases Abra Kadabra. Abra Kadabra’s Lian is an illusion though, as Abra Kadabra reveals. 


Abra Kadabra asks Roy if he really believes he can take care of Lian more adequately than Cheshire has? Abra Kadabra puts on the Medusa Mask and using the combined powers of Psycho Pirate and Abra Kadabra, shows Roy just how well he’s taken care of Lian Harper in other realities where he has had custody of the child!


Roy is forced to watch himself, battling the villain Prometheus on the Justice League Watchtower before having his arm chopped off! Then, he’s forced into reliving events of his past self, being told that Prometheus's attack killed his daughter. Then, Roy sees himself falling back into a life of drug abuse, torturing criminals and fighting his former friends, trading his bow and arrows for a robotic arm! Roy screams in horror and anguish!


Abra Kadabra laughs over Roy, who begins to rise from his virtual reality drug den. This will not be him! This will not be his future! This will not be Roy Harper’s life! The Arsenal version of Roy tosses a throwing knife into The Medusa Mask leering over him, knocking it off Abra Kadabra. Roy, now back to normal, picks up the Medusa Mask off the ground. Abra Kadabra teleports away. Wally arrives a second too late and asks Roy what happened. He tells him, Abra Kadabra showed him his worst case scenario. 


The two heroes go after Donna and Cheshire, and we get a small Donna Troy vs Cheshire fight scene before the two other heroes arrive. 


Cheshire tells them to let her go free or she’ll hurt Lian! 


Roy doesn’t believe Cheshire would actually do it. Cheshire tells them she’s going to leave, but if they destroy the Hall of Justice Databases, she’ll let Roy see Lian again someday. All of this makes Lian terrified of her mother and begin to cry. Wally zooms in and grabs Lian out of Cheshire’s hands then begins a supersonic lullaby that puts the child to sleep as he brings her to safety. Cheshire presses a button on her belt which signals Zoom to arrive, who grabs the back of Cheshire’s neck so she doesn’t get whiplash and speeds away with her. Wally tries to ask Zoom what his plan is? What did he do to Linda? Wally chases after Zoom, but is soon distracted by four other Professor Zoom’s who branch off in different directions. There was the real Zoom in the past, who had six time remnants with him, one of those time remnants was destroyed in Sanctuary, so there are five left. Wally catches up to one of them, which disintegrates, so four remnants and one real Zoom left. 


Days later, Roy is telling the toddler Lian she’ll live with him now. Lian asks about her mommy and Roy tells her they’re going to be looking for her but she’s safe here for as long as it takes. Donna arrives with Wally, both having promised to help Roy out with setting up a room for Lian, Donna using her super strength to carry in a bed for Lian with one hand, and Wally rushing in and out carrying boxes of clothes and toys at superspeed. 


Wally and Roy talk, Roy isn’t sure he can do this, he isn’t sure he can keep her safe, he isn’t even sure he can keep himself safe, Wally tells him that’s why he and Donna are both here, to help him when he can’t do it alone. 


Meanwhile, Professor Zoom exposes Cheshire to speed force energy, transforming her into a speedster. She has yellow speed force energy coming out of her green costume, and due to the instability of Professor Zoom’s process of making her a speedster, and speed force energy emanates from her body. There is only a small amount of this energy rupturing now, but it will increase as time goes on. 


So, we have one of the deadliest assassins on the planet now a speedster. 






This is where I go deep into the history of Donna Troy and her variety of different origins and versions of herself. 


We begin with Cheshire, who now has has speedster powers, and uses these abilities to go down a dark web list of hundreds of assassination jobs put out on various people around the world and in only a few minutes completes the entire list, killing generals, politicians, and ex-spouses around the world, and making millions of dollars on each of them. 


Meanwhile Lian has been enrolled in school and is appearing in a school play as Red Riding Hood. 


Roy invites Donna along to go with him, when Cheshire arrives to take the building hostage to steal her daughter back.  Lian only sees a speeding electricity blur threatening to kill everyone and boarding up all the windows and doors at supersonic speeds and doesn’t realize it’s her mother, so she runs and hides backstage, first grabbing the fake bow the kid playing the hunter had to defend herself. It’s made of plastic and elastic string so it doesn’t do much though. 


Cheshire begins to fight Roy, easily beating him up with her speed force powers, telling him that this is no place for a child to grow, and that she knows more than anyone what horrible things can happen to a child. She wants to raise Lian strong, to be a fighter like her. We flashback to Cheshire’s childhood, where she was born to a mysterious abusive father and a Viatnamese mother, then sold into slavery until she was able to kill her master and escape, beginning a long affinity for assassination. Roy attempts to talk Cheshire down, and tries and fails to convince her to let everyone except him and Lian go. Cheshire refuses to let the hostages go, and tells Roy to bring her to Lian. Cheshire tells Roy if he tries to fight her or refuses she’ll start killing hostages. 


Donna meanwhile, has snuck backstage as Cheshire didn’t seem to know she was there to find Lian. Donna tries to lead Lian and all the other children out through the back door when Cheshire arrives, questioning Donna it she’s trying to replace her?


Donna tells Cheshire if she wanted to replace her she would be doing a lot more manipulating and murdering indiscriminately. Cheshire uses her super speed to beat Donna to the ground. 


Cheshire is constantly in motion as a speedster and very physically unstable. She can’t seem to stay in place for more than a few seconds, and because of this, Lian still doesn’t realize it’s her mother and thinks it’s an energy monster. 


Donna points out various terrified children, then tells Cheshire she heard what she said earlier and the only horrible thing happening to children right now is being held hostage by a murderer like her. Lian holds up her bow and a suction cup arrow and tells the monster to stay away from “Aunt Donna”. 


This enrages Cheshire and strengthens her belief Donna is trying to replace her. It also distracts Cheshire long enough for Donna to get a punch in. 


 A punch from Donna seems to fracture and crack Cheshire’s skin, which emanates yellow speed force energy. Cheshire is shocked by this, and runs away. 


With Cheshire gone, Donna and Roy get all the doors open and call the police and ambulances for anyone who may have been injured. 


They call the Ms. Martian to tell her Cheshire is now a speedster and incredibly dangerous. Ms. Martian promises to pass along the information. Roy decides to accompany Donna back to Titan’s tower with Lian as it might be the safest place for them right now. We learn the Justice League is looking into Cheshire’s whereabouts and have discovered she’s the most likely suspect in over a hundred murders around the world in the past 24 hours. Donna realizes Cheshire might go after Wally and his family for revenge for taking Lian from her and calls Wally to take his family to Titan’s tower. 


They all go to Titans tower.


Meanwhile Lian, Jai, and Irey are in a safe room, where they meet for the first time and play with each other, and we reveal Jai and Irey have the unique speed force abilities they had pre-Flashpoint. Irey can phase and Jai can stimulate his muscles at super-speeds to temporarily gain super strength until it wears off. Linda watches and suspects the two will grow into their powers as they age and eventually develop super speed. 


Wally, Donna, Roy and the Titans speak to the Justice League, who give them updates but can’t find any sign of Cheshire. Donna feels helpless, like she can’t do anything. The Justice League specifically orders them all to remain in the tower. 


Meanwhile, Cheshire returns to Professor Zoom’s secret base, demanding to know what’s happening to her. Zoom told her there wouldn’t be any side effects! She reveals the cracks in her skin and tells Zoom these look a hell of a lot like side effects. 


Zoom examines her, and she tells him the not being able to stay in place has been getting worse. Zoom tells her transferring speed force energy is a delicate process. Her body isn’t retaining the speed force energy, and as she runs out more and more, her body is going to collapse on itself. He gives her more of his own energy to stabilize her, and tells her he’s not going to let her die. They’re going to find a way to expose her to the speed force itself directly instead of siphoning it through his own body. Zoom is actually trying to help her and while he can be immensely cruel, he doesn’t just kill his own henchmen randomly like Joker, he believes in loyalty and is only focused on hurting the flash. 


Zoom tells Cheshire when he created the speed force rift in Sanctuary, he had been using technology he had stolen from Star Labs, unfortunately, that technology had been left behind at Sanctuary when he had to make his escape, and was taken away by the Justice League. He wants to break into Star Labs and use its technology to open a speed force rift, and turn Cheshire into a permanent and stable speedster. 


Zoom suspects Cheshire’s failed attempt to get her daughter back, something he advised her against doing in the first place, has led the Justice League on their trail. So, they’ll need to add some extra firepower to their little gang if they want to succeed, and he has just the thing in mind. 


Donna is in the Titans Tower gym when Roy finds her, and she tells him she feels helpless. The League is so worried about Zoom trying to hurt them they’re treating them like kids when they’re not. They’ve been fighting for years and proving themselves every day and the league still tries to protect them and doesn’t trust them to do their job. 


Roy understands how she feels, and tells her that maybe they don’t have to listen to the League. Donna goes to get her costume and Roy goes to get his own. 


Donna heads into her room, where Professor Zoom has been waiting. 


Donna races towards Zoom, preparing to take him down!


Professor Zoom tells Donna he’s glad she’s finally shown up. He was getting bored waiting. Zoom turns around ... wearing the Medusa Mask! Zoom tells Donna she’s doing good, he just needs her to get a big angrier. 


Donna attempts to punch Zoom as he dodges her again and again and strikes her from behind! He tells her that the Medusa Mask is one of the most intriguing things he’s ever seen. It’s impervious to changes in the timeline it seems, imbued with Antimatter. That’s likely due to the bond it had with its previous owner, locked up in Arkham Asylum for his “supposedly insane beliefs he had been to other alternative earths”.


We reveal through the eyes of the mask Zoom can see all of the alternate earth versions of Donna Troy. 


Zoom begins to vibrate Donna Troy as Abra Kadabra arrives. Zoom finds what he’s looking for, and uses his vibrational powers to literally pull an alternate Donna Troy from Donna’s body! We reveal…





Dark Angel questions what has been done to her, where is she? Zoom removes the Medusa Mask and tells her he knows she wants Donna Troy dead, well now she’s worse than dead. 


We reveal Donna vibrating in and out of existence, speaking seemingly incoherent nonsense. 


Zoom tells Dark Angel he would like to respectfully ask for her aid. Dark Angel tells him she’s listening and they zoom away. 


Bit of explanation:



A short history of the yawning abyss that stares back into you when you stare into it that is DC comics trying to come up with an origin story for Wonder Girl from 1965 to today!


  1. Home videos of young Wonder Woman spliced together with videos of adult Wonder Woman by her mother Hippolyta to create cute films of them fighting crime together?


  1. A young Wonder Woman who has adventures in the modern day where she go-go dances with the Teen Titans... somehow?


  1. An orphan rescued as a baby by Wonder Woman and sent to live in Paradise Island?


  1. A baby saved by the Greek Titans and raised among them as TROIA!


  1. An exact magical duplicate of young Wonder Woman created by an Amazonian witch named Magala  so young Diana could have a friend to play with that was then kidnapped by another witch named Dark Angel and subjected to an endless cycle of lives that always end in misery? And then after her death she was brought back to life by the mythical Titans and became an older Wonder Woman’s adopted sister???( What?)


  1. In the New 52/ Rebirth an amazon fully formed from clay by the sorcerer Derinoe to kill Diana and usurp control of Themyscira implanted with false memories by the Amazons of being a child saved by Wonder Woman from a fire to prevent her from becoming a weapon?


Also, apparently… Dark Angel is Pre Crisis Donna Troy from Earth 7 saved by The Anti Monitor to be his Harbinger. She tried to make Donna relive the past lives of other earth versions of herself to avoid being merged with her as part of post Crisis new earth continuity. She defeated Dark Angel though, transforming Donna into the repository of all knowledge in the multiverse, and a merger of every alternate version of Donna Troy, which brings up... more questions. 


Also there was another Dark Angel from Infinite Crisis and one that was a servant for the 52 monitors but if I tried to figure out how that one worked I might go insane. 


Also there’s another version of Troia from Rebirth that’s a future version of Donna who is more of a hardened warrior who has become more and more evil as everyone else around her has died while she remains immortal. 


So yeah, that’s a lot. 


To quote a certain rock band from the 60’s and 70’s:


Who are you?




Wally and Roy find Donna and Wally realizes she’s having seizures in and out of reality. He slows her down as she tells them that she has to go go-go dance with Terry. 


Donna will eventually snap out of it and explain what happened. Wally believes from experience living Pre-Flashpoint Dark Angel is from another earth like him, and could still have residual energy on her from the earth. They get Donna into a medical bay and use Titans Tower’s connection to some of Batman’s satellites to try and track Dark Angel down. As this goes on, we will reveal while Raven and Ms. Martian attempt to figure out what’s wrong with her something is very wrong with Donna as she’s developed some kind of Dissociative identity disorder. 


She shifts through a variety of personalities, 


A fun loving teenager( Silver age Donna)


Her normal self


A more warrior oriented and battle hardened version of herself that pushes her friends aside and seems to hate all of the Titans for being mortals. She’s fully focused on hunting down and killing Dark Angel.( Future Troia)


A little girl( young Diana)


And sometimes, Dark Angel who is helping Professor Zoom will phase out of existence and become a personality in Donna. 


We will reveal that all of these Donna’s are alternate Donna Troys are the most powerful ones from the multiverse, trapped in a sea of a million Donna Troy’s within Donna’s mind, all fighting over an Ancient Greek argonaut boat on top of them which whenever one of them gets inside allows them to take over Donna’s mind. This is discovered by Ms. Martian when she attempts to read Donna’s mind to find out what’s going on and ends up temporarily trapped in the sea of Donna’s before leaving her mind.


It’s discovered by our heroes Professor Zoom, Cheshire, Dark Angel, and Abra Kadabra having taken the Star Labs in Keystone City over in order to attempt to open a portal into the speedforce. 


Wally West, Donna Troy, and Roy Harper will team up with the team of Titans Donna had been training, the team from before the book was cancelled(Beast Boy, Raven, Steel, Ms. Martian) to save the day. They will also call Lilith Clay to join them. As this happens, Donna will within her own mind befriend teenage Donna and little girl Wonder Woman and with their help battle Troia in her own mind. 


Wally West will fight Dark Angel, attempting to appeal to her by telling her that he’s from another earth too, and he knows everything can seem scary and disorienting but he can help her! Dark Angel blasts him with magic energy and reveals she’s just discovered she cannot exist permanently in this earth, and is fading back into Donna Troy, so the only way she can survive is by taking over Donna’s body forever. 


Lilith Clay battles Abra Kadabra. The other Titans battle the three Zoom time remnants. It’s implied the real Zoom isn’t even here and the fourth Zoom, the one in the laboratories, is a remnant as well. 


Cheshire meanwhile is with Zoom as he works to open the Speedforce rift, she learns Donna is in the building, and angered over her belief Donna is trying to take her place, goes after her. Zoom will try to tell Cheshire if she over exerts herself she will die, but Cheshire ignores him to go get her revenge. 


Donna will make peace with Troia, telling her she feels sorry for her, and for the life she’s had to lead, and promising to find a way to make sure what happened to Troia will never happen to her. 


Cheshire will spot Wally and Roy and try to battle them on her way to Donna. Wally zaps Roy’s arrows with electricity, creating Speed Force infused arrows which fire at Cheshire. Cheshire tells them she’ll get her daughter back even if it means killing them all. Wally will tell Cheshire in only a few days Donna has acted like a better mother to Lian than she ever was. Cheshire retreats to go find Donna. 


The Titans defeat and destroy three of the time remnants. 


Main universe Donna gets control over her body as Troia, Diana, and young Donna battle Dark Angel. In the real world Donna battles the speedster Cheshire. Poison tipped claws that would kill any non-amazon disorient Donna and slow her down.


Cheshire taunts Donna, telling her that she’s less than nothing, because she doesn’t even know what she is. She thinks she’s better than her? At least she is willing to admit what she is. Cheshire explains, she’s a mercenary, an assassin, a killer and proud of it! What is “Wonder Girl” supposed to be?


Donna realizes falling back into her mind and tells her sea of alternate earth selves, she’s been pushed and pulled, forced into being a certain way all her life, built by a sorcerer as a weapon, told she was human, told she was Amazon, told she was a villain from the future, told she was the last of the Titans, told she was a kid who has to stay and hide, and she’s tired of being told what she is because she knows what she is, we are Donna Troy!


All the alternate Donna’s merge together into one giant Donna Troy to battle Dark Angel, and smash her deep into the back of Donna’s mind. 


Donna punches Cheshire, whose skin cracks beyond repair, shooting out beams of electric speed force energy! Cheshire explodes knocking Donna out. 


Zoom senses Cheshire is no longer connected to the speed force, and he has to leave.


Wally discovers Professor Zoom and chases Zoom out of Star Labs and into a cornfield several hundred thousand miles away. Wally demands to know what Zoom is planning, why is he doing this?


Zoom tells Wally, he’s going to ruin his life, and then Wally is going to come back stronger because of it. Zoom tells Wally that in his own beliefs, the true measure of a hero is how much they can take, how much tragedy they can endure, and when his friend Wally West has hit rock bottom, when he comes back from the worst, Zoom knows, it’s going to be beautiful. Zoom kicks Wally in the knee, breaking his leg, and then runs away. 


By superspeeding his own body’s healing process, Wally fixes his leg, but by that time, Zoom is gone. 


Roy discovers the unconscious Donna and revives her. He asks her which Donna she is and Donna tells her she’s okay now. It’s over. 


As Donna sees the dead husk of Cheshire, we reveal in Donna’s mindscape the now empty sea of Donna Troy, and the dried out sea floor filled with shipwrecks and coral, where with the others merged into a unified Donna Troy, only one remains, a chained up and muzzled Dark Angel starting evilly at the reader.


Roy reunites with his daughter. 


Donna speaks to the Justice League, who tell her she disobeyed their orders. Donna tells them she’s not a kid anymore, none of them are, and her team has helped to save the world multiple times before. They can trust her to keep her own team safe as she leads it, and rest assured, she will lead her team. She ends the call. 


Meanwhile, Linda Park knocks on a door, and it’s opened by a woman revealed to be Iris West, which hints at things to come. 


Roy tells Lian that her mother died in an accident and she’s going to live with him now permanently. Roy comforts her and thinks about how he has been worried for a while about if he can take care of her, worried about if he messes up and starts doing drugs again. Now he knows he never will, because when it comes to her he has to be there. He can’t mess up. Ever. 


Later, Wally and Linda plan for their renewal of vows. 


We change to a few weeks ago.


We reveal Linda Park, frozen in time after seeing two strange children enter her home in a speed force storm, Professor Zoom sticking his vibrating hand into her brain, and vibrating the brain at different frequencies, until reaching the frequency of Earth pre-flashpoint, filling her mind with the memories of her family from the missing extra years that were taken away!


Next time:


The Flash vs Professor Zoom!


The secret origin of Wallace West!


A return to Sanctuary!


Next time, we bring the evil plot by Professor Zoom to its conclusion, have an Iris West, Linda Park-West team up, and reveal the true heritage of the new Kid Flash: Wallace West!" />" />" />" />" />
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TITANS Showrunner Shares First Details About Scrapped RED HOOD Spin-Off Series

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ILoveStargirl - 8/19/2019, 8:26 AM
That was a spectacular story from beginning to end. I like how well-written is the friendship between our three leads Wally, Roy and Donna.

Speaking of Donna, check this pic I've found on DeviantArt (
noahthegrand - 8/19/2019, 2:41 PM
@ILoveStargirl - thanks! And cool art too!
noahthegrand - 8/20/2019, 1:51 AM
A sequel to me and ILoveStargirl ‘s previous Fixing Heroes in Crisis article idea.

@CaptainWagner - @ILoveStargirl - @FlixMentallo21 - @BakugoValentine - @IChangedMyName - @brodie999 -
brodie999 - 9/11/2020, 11:41 PM
@noahthegrand - Hey, could you please do a comic sequel to JLA/AVengers? But with current events like Empyre and Generations happening.
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