STARKILLER21 Presents Game of Thrones Robert's Rebellion (updated).

STARKILLER21 Presents Game of Thrones Robert's Rebellion (updated).

This is my updated version to Game of Thrones Robert's Rebellion.

By STARKILLER21 - Aug 28, 2012 06:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Game of Thrones

I am a HUGE fan of "A Song of Ice & Fire" Series and a HUGE fan of Game of Thrones by HBO, I just finished A Dance with Dragons. Good book, can't wait for the 6th book.
Since Season 1 started, many fans wondered how come so MANY parts from the books have been trimmed, especially the "Robert's Rebellion". How come their was NO flashbacks of "The Mad King", deaths of Rickard Stark and Brandon Stark (Ned Stark's father and older brother). The "kidnapping" of Robert Baratheon's bethroned, Lyanna Stark by Rhaegar Targaryen.

The image above is the battle between Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen. Which I would LOVE to see in a flashback or in a Prequel Film or Season.

As a fan of the Series and Books, I would have loved to see a couple flashbacks of the Rebellion. Again as a fan, I understood why HBO didn't film the flashbacks as they'll spend too much of the budget as most of Robb Stark's battle's back in Season 1 were shown in tv the battle's just finished or about to start and skips to the next scene.

IF HBO decides to make a Prequel focusing on Robert's Rebellion, it can be done by 10 Episode Season or a 3 Film Arc to cover it, if they managed to convince a Movie Company help them fund for Robert's Rebellion, it would be EPIC.
I say IF they did, it would most likely be rather
A. Lionsgate
B. Paramount Pictures
C. Universal
However IF this did happen MANY Companies will fight over it, so I am getting to my point.

For a Director to helm the 3 Films, I only have ONE Director to helm them.
He is Alan Taylor, I know he isn't coming back for Season 3 as he is filming THOR: The Dark World, I can ONLY see him get Robert's Rebellion right. As he directed episodes for ROME, The Wire, The Sapronos and he directed 6/20 Episodes for Game of Thrones making him the ONLY director for the show to direct more then 3 episodes.
He is also a fan of the books and will remain faithful to the books.

For the titles of the films.

Movie 1- Game of Thrones, War of the Usurper.
Movie 2- Game of Thrones, The Fall of the Dragons. (meaning The Mad King and Rhaegar's death's)
Movie 3- Game of Thrones, The Promise or The Battle of Joy.

For a theme song for the Movie(s) or Season Prequel.

Fire and Ice by Within Temptation.

Reason- Such a good song and suits the Game of Thrones Universe. The video as well made me believe it can be used in the Series.
I love the theme song for the show but since this is a Prequel it should be given a different theme

The Cast.

Main Characters.

Chris Hemsworth as Eddard Stark aka "Ned".

Reason- Before you all say "Why did you cast Thor as a young Ned Stark", for starters I was going to cast Henry Cavill as Ned Stark on here as he and Richard Madden could pass off as Siblings or Father and Son. After seeing Hemsworth on THOR and The AVENGERS, I knew right away Chris Hemsworth is the best choice for Ned Stark in The Rebellion Era, besides he looks a bit more like Sean Bean then Henry Cavill if you compare the two.
Other choices- Henry Cavill or Tom Hiddleston.

Henry Cavill as Robert Baratheon

Reason-I originally wanted Karl Urban as Robert Baratheon in the Rebellion Era, but a couple people thought he is a bit too old for the role. Cavill is a good actor and can pull off Robert Baratheon in the Rebellion Era, he was great on The TUDORS, Count of Monte Cristo, IMMORTALS. Cavill will own as a young Robert Baratheon, besides who doesn't want to see Superman acting drunk and chasing skirts or removing them.
Other choices- Chris Hemsworth.

Liam Neeson as Lord Jon Aryyn.

Reason- I know what you guys are thinking WHY Liam Neeson, for starters he is a fan of the show, second he can pull off the Mentor role as he did in such films as Star Wars Episode 1, Batman Begins, Kingdom of Heaven. Liam is probably the BEST and ONLY choice for Jon Arryn.
Other choices- Liam is the ONLY Jon Arryn to me.

Garret Hedlund as Stannis Baratheon.

Reason- Garret Hedlund's acting has improved over the years, I know he can pull off a young Stannis Baratheon as he is play those type of characters. If he was given a good character delevopment he can a do a great job as a young Stannis Baratheon.
Other choices- Michael Fassbender.

David Thewlis as Tywin Lannister.

Reason- I only seen him as Rems Lupen on the Harry Potter films, he was a good Remus always thought Gary Oldman will play him but he was a better Serius Black. Back to topic, besides only seeing him in Harry Potter, I can see him play a late 40's Tywin Lannister, he has the look for it and can do a good job in the role if given a chance.
Other choices- Alan Taylor using special effects and cgi to make Charles Dance looks younger.

Jared Padalecki as Jaime Lannister

Reason- I originally wanted Alexander Skarrsgard for Jaime Lannister but I forgot the guy is 36, so I cast someone who is younger, Jared just turned 30 recently and can probably nail Jaime's personality. Jared did mention he is a fan of the show and the books so why not cast him for a young Jaime Lannister. He is great on SUPERNATURAL, his acting improved in Season 5 and 6 which I think was his best acting in those Seaon's especially Season 6.
Other choices- Alexander Skarrsgard but too old now.

Eva Green as Cersei Lannister.

Reason- Eva Green is a great actress in such films Kingdom of Heaven, Casino Royale, Golden Compass, she was really good in CAMELOT. After watching DARK SHADOWS with my grandfather (mother's side), I knew right away IF Game of Thrones was given a Prequel Season or film. Eva Green MUST be a young Cersei Lannister as I believe she can do a great job, not as a good job Lena Headley does in the show but can still do a good job.
Other choices- Eva Green is my ONLY choice for a young Cersei Lannister.

Bryce Dallas Howard as Catelyn Tully

Reason- Bryce is such a good actress, she was good on As You Like It, Hereafter, The Help which she did a reall good job on. She has red hair already and is only a year older then Chris Hemsworth, but can do a goof job as a Robert's Rebellion Era Catelyn Tully.
Other choices- Yvonne Strahovski.

Christopher Plummer as Hoster Tully

Reason- Christopher Plummer is legendary actor and is one of the remaining few who can do great job on the roles their given at his age. If he gained a few pounds he will be a great Hoster Tully, father of Catelyn, Lysa and Edmure Tully. Chrisopher Plummer can easily pull off the role and is around the same age Hoster is in the Books.
Other choices- Donald Sutherland.

Sam Clarfin as Petyr Baelish aka "Little Finger".

Reason- I do not know much of the guy, but on the "Song of Ice & Firce" Wikipedia. A few people made a fancast of a "Robert's Rebellion" Prequel Film. His name is put up on most of the 6, I read and was always chosen as a young Petyr Baelish. A few people said he can probably pull off the role. I would like to see the scene between Little Finger and Brandon dueling for Catelyn's hand but Brandon won and left a "gift" for Little Finger a long scar for him, to not again fight Brandon.

Anton Yelchin as Howland Reed.

Reason- I chose Anton because he looks the role of Howland Reed and is 3 years younger then Gemma Arterton, he was good on Star Trek, T4(Terminator 4). Anton is 3 years younger then Gemma Arterton and it is said that Howland Reed is a year or 2 younger then Lyanna herself. Anton looks the role of Howland despite not appearing in the books yet, from how he was mentioned in Robert's Rebellion, makes me think Anton can pull off Howland.

Kevin Durand as Ser Gerold Hightower.

Reason- Saw LEGION, last week not proud of it but the character Kevin Durand played I thought "man wouldn't he do a cool job as Ser Gerold Hightower in a Game of Thrones Robert's Rebellion". Kevin is also a fan of the show and his voice pops in my head when I hear Gerold telling Ned "Our knees do no bent that easily".

Karl Urban as Ser Oswell Whent.

Reason- Karl is a good actor, orginally wanted him to be Robert but the guy is 38 so had to recast, Karl can play dark characters and I can see him pull off Ser Oswell's "dark humor".

Benedict Cumberbatch as Ser Arthur Dayne

Reason- He looks the role and can easily play the role, I only seen the guy in War Horse and BBC's SHERLOCK which I think is a really good show. I cannot think of anyone else to play Arthur Dayne but Benedict Cumberbatch.

Martin Freeman as Ser Barristan Selmy.

Reason- Like Benedict only saw Martin Freeman in SHERLOCK which he is good in and I know he will do a great job as Bilbo Baggins in The HOBBIT films. I chose him for a yonger Ser Barristan is because he sort of looks like the actor bt 20-25 years younger, so why not cast him.

Viggo Morteson as Lord Rickard Stark.

Reason- I have been a fan of Viggo Mortenson after seeing him as Aragorn on The Lord of the Rings, he did such a great job on the character, I cast him for Rickard is because Viggo was "rumored" to play Eddard Stark on the show. Which he said he turned down, kinda sad he would have been great but I say his Lord of the Rings costar, Sean Bean IS Ned Stark as he nailed the role. Just because he didn't become Ned Stark doesn't mean he can or should be Rickard Stark, father of Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna and Benjen Stark.
Other choices- Viggo ONLY.

Jonathan Ryes-Meyers as Brandon Stark aka "The Wild Wolf".

Reason- I wanted Jonathan Ryes Meyers as a younger Ned Stark but knew he was a bit too old for the role as he is now 35. However it didn't mean he was cut from the Fancast as I could not forget that Ned had an older brother Brandon Stark, who was originally suppose to marry Catelyn Tully but got killed before the Wedding could have started.
IF given a Prequel, I will like to see the scene where Little Finger tries to fight Brandon to marry Catelyn, I would like to see if got made was his relationship with his younger siblings mostly Ned and Lyanna. His and Rickard's death scenes HAVE to be written sad and dramatic as Brandon will try to save his father but is actally killing himself.
Other choices- Jonathon ONLY.

Gemma Arterton as Lyanna Stark.

Reason- I can see Gemma Arterton as Lyanna Stark, she is good actress in such films Quantum of Solace, Clash of the Titans, The Dissapperance of Alice Creed, Prince of Persia Sands of Time. After seeing her on those films, I knew she has to be Lyanna Stark as she is 3 years younger then Chris Hemsworth and she is the ONLY person I can imagine playing Lyanna. Gemma is perfect for the "Promise me Ned" scene as her voice keeps popping in my head when I think of that scene.
Other choices- ONLY Gemma for Lyanna.

I have 2 choices for the role of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, hear out my choices and then you can pick who can play Rhaegar Targaryen.

Choice A. Orlanado Bloom as Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

Reason- After having a Lord of the Rings Marathon (Blu-Ray extended cuts) with my siblings and my older sister told me "Doesn't Legolas look just like how George R.R Martin described Rhaegar Targaryen". Which made me choose Bloom as Rhaegar Targaryen, if you remember his hair on LOTOR, he looks like Rhaegar. If he was given a chance in a Movie or Prequel Season he will be a good Rhaegar Targaryen. He was good on Kingdom of Heaven, Pirates of the Carribbean Series, and ofcourse Lord of the Rings.

Choice B- Tom Hiddleston as Rhaegar Targaryen.

Reason- Tom is a GREAT actor, he is an AWESOME Loki as he did a good job on him on THOR and The AVENGERS, looking forward for THOR: THE DARK WORLD. I believe Tom can NAIL the role of Prince Rahegar Targaryen, he looks the role to play Rhaegar and can sure as hell play him in the BIG Screen or small screen, my sister again mentioned Tom would be a better choice for Rhaegar if given a film or prequel Season.

Other choices- Either Orlando Bloom or Tom Hiddleston for Rhaegar.

Freida Pinto as Princess Elia Martell.

Reason- Only saw her in Slumdog Millionare, IMMORTALS and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. which she was good in the Slumdog Millionare and IMMORTALS, found her character in ROTPOTA pointless but still good in all 3. From how certain characters described the Martells is that they have olive skin and dark hair. Which sounds like people in India (not trying to sond racist or offend them). Since Freida is from India and is Indian descent she is a good pick for the role of Princess Elia Martell, she is 7 years younger then Orlando Bloom and 3 years younger then Tom Hiddleston. I think she can do a good job as Elia Martell.
Other choices- None I can think of.

Charlize Theron as Queen Rhaella Targaryen.

Reason- Saw that crap movie Snow White and the Huntsman as I took my neice to it since she wanted to see it, I been a fan of Charlize Theron for a number of years as I seen Devil's Advocate, Mighty Joe Young, The Italian Job, North Country, Hancock, she was very good in Young Adult and liked her acting in PROMETHEUS. Charlize is 37 and good choice to play the mother of Rhaegar, Viserys and Daenerrys. Only complaint is that she is 2 years older then Orlando Bloom, 7 years older then Tom Hiddleston, still isn't as bad as ALEXANDER which Angelina Jolie is a year older then Colin Farrell.
Charlize can easily pull this role off and will appear in all 3 films but the 3rd film will be a cameo mostly as it shows her dying moments after giving birth to Daennerys.

Last but not least

Jason Issacs as King Areys Targaryen II, aka "The Mad King or Areys the Mad".

Reason- I originally wanted Jeremy Irons for the role of The Mad King but remembered that The Mad King was a slightly younger then Jeremy Irons. Jason Issacs was pointed out by my friend as he is a fan of Harry Potter and thought Jason Issacs as The Mad King, my reaction was like "OH F**K YEAH" he would be an EPIC King Areys II Targaryen.


I hope you guys like my Fancast, I know it is not the best out there but it might encourage those on the site to make a "Robert's Rebellion" Era fancast.
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789 - 8/28/2012, 7:21 AM
Casting is aweswome, but there are some actors/actresses which I don't see, Bryce dallas Howar, Sam Clarfin,Henry cavill and Garrett Hedlund.Other characters are nice.

MrBlueSky - 8/28/2012, 7:37 AM
Great cast, man!! My favorite has to be Viggo Mortensen. Anyway, can you check out my cast for Iron Man?

Anyway, what are you working on next?
TheSoulEater - 8/28/2012, 8:27 AM
I can so see this working its not even funny!!

MikeZ - 8/29/2012, 12:03 AM
I don't know anything about the Game of Thrones, but I love the cast. Anything with Eva Green has me sold, but the other actors and actresses I love too.

You should come check out my new Titan AE and Daredevil fancast.
STARKILLER21 - 8/29/2012, 12:42 AM
Thanks guys for liking my Fancast.

@ Mr.BlueSky, thanks for liking my fancast and I will check out your Iron Man Fancast right away. What I am working on next is rather finsihing my MASS EFFECT Trilogy, 5 Film Arc to Reboot Power Rangers or my Project which is the Series is titled "A Tale of Gods, Demigods & Titans".

@ TheSoulEater, thanks for liking my Fancast, I hope some day HBO or a Movie company should do a Robert's Rebellion.

@ nowtheresaBATman, thanks for liking my Fancast, luckily I kept Cavill as Robert as I was going to cast him for Ned as Cavill and Richard Madden can pull off as brothers or father and son. But forgot Robb is suppose to resemble a Tully.
I did notice Aidan Gillen was on TDKR, I knew right away as how he spoke I was like "Isn't that Littlefinger from Game of Thrones".

@ RoadDogXXIV, thanks for liking my fancast, I knew Eva Green HAD to be on this Fancast as she is a good actress and she does have that Cersei look. I'll check out your Titan AE and DD Fancast right away.

My new article will be out in the end of the week it is what I have been working on lately and caused me to miss a month on CBM. So I am catching up on my Articles and News.
Haugens - 1/3/2013, 2:57 AM
Very nice casting!!
I specially liked Orlando Bloom as Rhaegar Targaryen, Jason Isaacs as Aerys Targaryen and Chris Hemsworth as Ned Stark! I think it would be awesome to se Michael Fassbender as Stannis Baratheon, because of the movies X-Men: First Class and A dangerous method.
The only person i am a little negative to, is Johnathan Rhys Meyers as Brandon Stark, because he is described as very tall and large in body. do you have another option for the role of Brandon Stark, which can match his apperance??
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