I can't really say I am a big fan of Watchmen, since I read the book weeks before the release of this movie. I admit, the book was really good. And I was imagining how this movie could live up to the book. And like someone said in a recent review, this movie "works". Now I am a bit saddened about some scenes not making it to the final cut. But this movie works in it's own way. Let's just hope the director's cut has all the scenes from the book, if not, I don't care otherwise because I liked the movie anyways. I seen it with my girlfriend, and she really likes it too. Though I might accidentally spoil some parts from the movie, and for those who never read the book so I'm going to be breif about this. I want to start off with the actors first.

First of all, I don't know why everyone is complaining about Matthew Goode's portrayal of Adrian Veidt, also known as Ozymandias. There was nothing wrong with him, except for the fact that he doesn't look anything like the character from the book, but they made it work for the movie. As for Malin Akerman as Laurie Juspeczyk, also known as Silk Spectre II, wasn't bad at all either. She played the character the way I imagined her in the movie. I didn't see anything wrong with her at all, or Carla Gugino who plays as her mother in the film. They were both great in their scenes together.
Now on with the rest. Patrick Wilson, as the second Nite Owl (a.k.a. Dan Dreiberg), was terrific, Billy Crudup was perfect as the role of Dr. Manhattan, a.k.a. Jon Osterman, even though for the most part he was CGI but he made the character believable. Jeffrey Dean Morgon (a.k.a. Robert Downey Jr. look-a-like) does a great performance as the Comedian, a.k.a. Edward "Eddie" Blake. And last, but not least, Jackie Earle Haley IS Rorschach, also known as Walter Kovacs. He completely dove into the role, and became the character. He was really terrific.
Now on of what I like and dislike about the movie; I like all the scenes with Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley). The character was so amazing. I like how they did it perfectly of maintaining the source, and not screwing most of it up. Except the ending, which I can accept. I never really liked the "squid" ending in the book (oops I said too much), that never made sense to me. The actors were all good, I didn't have a problem with any of them.
Now what I dislike about the movie; There were parts that I was hoping to see in the movie that was in the book. Hopefully we see these scenes in the director's cut. I am looking forward to it. But that's the only problems I had with this movie. And also, this movie might not make sense to anyone who never read the book. So be careful before you watch it, and don't expect too much. And I kind of felt this movie was rushed a bit, but that's probably because all those good scenes from the book were cut out and are saved for the director's cut.

Just to finish off, this is not an action-packed movie. I know that ever since I read the book. The previews for this movie made it look like it's going to have a lot of cool action scenes in it. The action scenes were short, which I don't mind because it wasn't suppose to be like X-Men, Spider-Man, Blade, etc. It's a suspense, thriller, and mystery movie. That's why I love the book because I like those type of stories that completely surprises you later on. I love the book, and this movie. This is an entertaining movie, and even if you don't like it, see it again for no reason...or read the book. Doesn't matter which I suppose.
This was such a cool day for me. I got to spend time with my girlfriend, got a Watchmen T-shirt, the book before I went to see the movie, and seen the movie I've been waiting for since last year. This was such an amazing day, and it couldn't be anymore better. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.
"Who watches the Watchmen?" -- I do.
Rating: 8 out of 10 smiley badges