I've been thinking it over after last nights fantastic episode on this "evil" alien planet. Does Death make her / (its) first appearance in the cinematic universe? Lets look at what we were given last night in the episode.
Will Daniels refers to the 'entity' as Death, this entity (I believe) controls the planet, hence Daniels emission that the planet is 'alive'. The entity is able to shape-shift, but 'revealed' itself at first as a cloaked figure to Simmons, which Death is known for appear as.. He also reference it as being "Hell" a couple times. He also noted that the entity 'gets inside your head' and makes you go insane.
What do you think/believe? I'm at odds.. Could it really be Death and could this be her realm? Its possible since they boldly introduced the inhumans race on the show. Death has been mentioned in The Avengers, and seen in GOTG. The GOTG 'Art of' Book describes Death as: "Death embodies decay and can possess the soul of a living being. Often taking the form of a woman, Death can manipulate reality, time, and space, and can come into existence at the same time as Entropy, Eternity, and Infinity. Immortals are immune to death's ability. Death represents vengeance."
Well there it is! What say you!? Sound off below!