In recent years, it's become clear that many comic book writers and artists are unhappy with how they're compensated by Marvel Studios when characters they've created or designed are used on screen. Somewhat complicating the matter is the fact that creators in the industry are paid on a "work-for-hire" basis, meaning they have no ownership over their contributions to the Marvel Universe.
That does make sense, but you can also understand why these writers and artists would like more than just a mention in the credits (one creator even said they only received $5000 for a movie that grossed $1 billion at the global box office).
Marvel Comics artist Declan Shalvey recently took to social media to express his excitement over the introduction of "Mr. Knight" in the upcoming Moon Knight TV series. However, he'd later respond to fans by confirming he hasn't been paid and isn't expecting to receive any monetary compensation.
It's also worth noting that Michael Lark was first to draw Moon Knight wearing a suit in the pages of Secret Avengers in 2011. While it's clearly Shalvey's work that has heavily inspired what we'll see in the MCU, this isn't quite as simple as David Aja's recent Hawkeye complaints.
You can see Shalvey's comments in full below, but it appears this will continue to be a controversial topic. Disney and Marvel Studios have yet to issue any sort of statement about this or past complaints.
Moon Knight premieres on Disney+ on March 30.