In the closing moments of last week's episode of Secret Invasion, Gravik discovered that Gi'ah is the mole within his group of terrorist Skrulls and mercilessly gunned her down. With that, it appeared Emilia Clarke's time in the MCU had reached an abrupt end.
It was certainly a pretty clever way to make it clear no one in the Disney+ series is safe, but also a waste of an actress many fans believe will eventually become this shared world's Abigail Brand.
Well, in the cold opening of "Beloved," we learn that, before she escaped from Gravik's compound, Gi'ah subjected herself to the Super-Skrull procedure. Gifting herself the power of Extremis, the shape-shifter is able to heal from that seemingly mortal wound and later meets up with her father, Talos.
She's unhappy with his undeniably flimsy plans to earn the Skrulls amnesty on Earth and storms off, leaving her role in this story somewhat uncertain. We'll no doubt see her again, of course, and those Extremis powers are bound to come in handy.
Later in the episode, Nick Fury and Gravik once again come face to face, with the former putting a bullet in the villain's chest and face. He easily heals from those wounds and uses Groot-like abilities at one point, suggesting he's been enhanced with multiple powers.
How Fury can hope to counter that is hard to say, though there's always a chance he'll eventually get a little superpowered backup of his own (Secret Invasion's director has denied there are plans for any big cameos, but we'll see).
There will likely be those who don't appreciate the fake-out with Gi'ah, but many of you saw this coming, particularly as there were shots in the trailers of Clarke which had yet to be featured in the show.
What did you think about Secret Invasion's latest episode?