SHE-HULK Star Tatiana Maslany Reflects On Divisive Twerking Scene And Whether Jen And Daredevil Are An Item

SHE-HULK Star Tatiana Maslany Reflects On Divisive Twerking Scene And Whether Jen And Daredevil Are An Item

SHE-HULK Star Tatiana Maslany Will Bang The Bogeyman In New Horror Comedy Series THE NIGHTBEAST
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SHE-HULK Star Tatiana Maslany Will Bang The Bogeyman In New Horror Comedy Series THE NIGHTBEAST

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bkmeijer1 - 8/23/2022, 4:55 AM
Sooo.... where's the World War Hulk tease? Because I don't count the Leisure Vessel as one
Vigor - 8/23/2022, 5:52 AM
@bkmeijer1 - true. It's not like the ship has WORLD WAR HULK graffiti'd along the side. But if they're pulling in the Sakarian strings again, a place where the planet and world War hulk plots originated... then its likely can be deduced that Feige is going that direction
bkmeijer1 - 8/23/2022, 5:59 AM
@Vigor - I think it's more likely that we'll see Skaar, who also has ties to Sakaar.

If we'll get a World War Hulk though, I don't think it will be anything like the eponymous comic. Rather see it adapt various elements from Skaar's story from between the World War Hulk and Dark Son comics
Fogs - 8/23/2022, 8:41 AM
@bkmeijer1 - Plus how is this news if this very scene was already released (and commented) before the premiere?
StSteven - 8/23/2022, 11:40 AM
@bkmeijer1 - To be honest, I'm actually pretty excited to see where this goes, because it could go in a variety of directions. Don't get me wrong, I was already looking forward to the "She-Hulk" show as it was and quite enjoyed the first episode, but that whole thing with the Sahaaran ship just kicked it into the next level for me. Considering that we've all been bemoaning the fact that Hulk can't have another solo adventure do to the deal with Universal, and people have also been wanting a return to Savage Hulk, then we hear the rumors that the deal with universal is over next year and that a WWH movie might be on the way, coupled with all those empty Phase 6 slots (which probably will be filled in during D23), AND then this tease in She-Hulk and it's pretty obvious that it's well beyond the fan-specultion level.

So then the real question is if they are going to in fact do WWH, what will that look like? Obviously it will involve Skaar but will it be like Skaar has declared war on Earth and Hulk has to stop him, or will it be like Bruce reverts back to Savage Hulk and declares war on Earth along with his son? Or, does Jen's/Bruce's blood get out and they have to go to war against an army of Hulks? An army possibly led by Skaar? And what if (and knowing Marvel I wouldn't put it past them) The Leader is involved, perhaps the one responsible for the army of Hulks?

So that's where my head's going after that Sakaarian ship reveal (which is what I'm sure Kev & Co. wanted us to do).
bkmeijer1 - 8/23/2022, 11:58 AM
@StSteven - I think a Hulk solo project is very likely to be in the works, I just doubt it's gonna be the World War Hulk everybody is hoping for.

My guess it's it'll be about Skaar coming for Hulk, and later teaming up with him to fight the government (instead of the Illuminati).
StSteven - 8/23/2022, 12:18 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Yeah, it's hard to say at this point. I could totally see it being like first Skaar comes to wreak havoc on Earth and at first Hulk fights him, but then the government (likely the DoDC at this point) captures him and wants to try to extract his Hulk blood to weaponize it or something and then Hulk has to team up with Skaar, father and son like. Could be an interesting story route that Marvel hasn't done yet.
Vigor - 8/23/2022, 12:23 PM
@bkmeijer1 - agreed
bkmeijer1 - 8/23/2022, 12:41 PM
@StSteven - I could see them go the same route in the comics, where the government captures Hulk (or Skaar in this case) to create more Hulks. Something will set off Savage Hulk's return and boom, you got a World War with Hulks
StSteven - 8/23/2022, 5:10 PM
@bkmeijer1 - I have a feeling that it may be something along the lines of the government (i.e. DoDC) looking at Jen and saying "Here's a Hulk that can control herself - we need to figure out to harness that". Then Skaar shows up and proves likewise (I'm pretty confident that Skaar will be able to turn back into a human and you can start your fan casting - how about Bill SKAARsgard?). So ultimately Bruce has to go back to being Savage Hulk to rescue them. Mayhem ensues. Lots of smashing. At the end Jen and Skaar have to talk Hulk down and he reverts to Smart Hulk again. End of show. I'd totally watch that (as long as the Pacific coast gets decimated in the process - nothing against them, it's just that NYC always seems to get to brunt of the hit whenever there's a problem).
bkmeijer1 - 8/23/2022, 5:47 PM
@StSteven - think them seeing Hulk is enough to think "hey, we can harness that". But even then, I can definitely see that "we need to harness that" be the reason what sets this holk conflict off between the Hulks and DoDC.

Also, we've seen LA and San Fran enough times already. Think they should go to Texas. Heard that's nice this time of year
StSteven - 8/23/2022, 7:01 PM
@bkmeijer1 - @bkmeijer1 - Haha, I was thinking the same thing about Texas. And if I'm not wrong, is that (sniff sniff) yeah I think that's a hint of sarcasm I detect. Actually, as far as tech centers go, Texas (at least Dallas and Austin) is considered the next best place for emerging tech after Cali (plus it's a hell of a lot cheaper to live here). I see So MANY Cali license plates in the Walmart parking lot.

What I was getting at was the fact that they've tried to harness the Hulk version of the Super Soldier Serum (Blonsky) nd it has not gone well for them historically. Even the generic version that they tried in FatWS didn't go so well. However, now they have Jen, who due to her unique genetic disposition seems to be able to seamlessly integrate normal + Hulk, and that's the ideal weapon for the government. Add to that if, like I was saying, Skaar shows up and is able to do the same, they are prime targets for a government Super Soldier program, and I'm pretty sure that if they take his son and cousin, Bruce ain't going to be too happy about that.
bkmeijer1 - 8/24/2022, 3:37 AM
@StSteven - dash of sarcasm yeah, but I do think Texas is a good setting for a Hulk story. Especially one where Hulk goes savage again and goes to [frick] up DoDC
StSteven - 8/24/2022, 12:15 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Well, We've got plenty of cities for him to f**k up. And with Austin being the flagship for the UT system (I graduated from UT Dallas) we've got a number of renowned research universities (UTD is now rated as a Tier 1 research university), if they went down the route like we said of the government trying to unlock Jen's and possibly Skaar's ability to be a Smart Hulk naturally, that could be a good place to do it. Plus the lower half of the state is pretty much desert (trust me I've driven through it on my way to Padre for Spring Break - and that's a story(s) for another time), so there is plenty of room for Hulk to cause chaos there, which kind of reminds me visually of the Maestro's environment... Anyhow, I'm wandering. The only problem with that is the similarity to the end of the Ang Lee "Hulk" movie. Otherwise, he can go and smash the shit out of Houston for all I care 😉.
bkmeijer1 - 8/24/2022, 2:49 PM
@StSteven - maybe the desert fight in Ang Lee's Hulk (Hulk smacking tanks was fun) is the reason I thought of Texas at all
StSteven - 8/24/2022, 3:51 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Yeah, I think that seeing a Hulk smack-down in Houston or Austin would be cool, given that they're a lot closer to the Gulf that Dallas, which could ultimately end up in a desert chase scene. And although I loves me some Padre, having a final showdown that decimates the entire island would be awesome (little known fact: North Padre is privately owned and contains several nudist beaches).
bkmeijer1 - 8/24/2022, 5:23 PM
@StSteven - does the decimation of the island being awesome, and it having several nudist beaches have anything to do with each other?
StSteven - 8/24/2022, 5:29 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Well, considering that they are PRIVATE nudest beaches (where they don't let anyone else in) I would say "Hulk Smash!"
bkmeijer1 - 8/24/2022, 5:56 PM
@StSteven - good point, in that case I concur
CaptainAustralia - 8/23/2022, 5:18 AM
"It clearly hails from Sakaar"? That was made clear the moment Bruce ID'd it as a Sakaaaran ship!
Vigor - 8/23/2022, 5:50 AM
@CaptainAustralia - I've seen him make that error before with other articles and shows. It's a good chance he doesn't watch the shows he posts about &
Comicmoviejunki - 8/23/2022, 7:21 AM
@Vigor - true
Fogs - 8/23/2022, 5:26 AM
Ah man... Can't believe we've been Josh'd again.
bobevanz - 8/23/2022, 5:35 AM
Josh gonna Josh
MarvelousMarty - 8/23/2022, 5:46 AM
This is getting out of control. If there is no news don't post.
Vigor - 8/23/2022, 5:48 AM
@MarvelousMarty - don't click
Origame - 8/23/2022, 6:04 AM
@Vigor - can he know there's no news unless he does click?
Fogs - 8/23/2022, 8:39 AM
@Origame - precisely.
Gotham82 - 8/23/2022, 5:54 AM
wegotthiscovered :-P
DoubleD - 8/23/2022, 6:25 AM
World War Hulk movie :)

Spoken - 8/23/2022, 9:09 AM
What if that IS the big guy? Not his son, but maybe the Savage Hulk or a new take on Maestro that starts World War Hulk?

I mean I guess we could say his son could show up but...they have split from each other in the comics....soooooooooooo MAYBE.....
QuietStorm - 8/23/2022, 11:04 AM
If they do go World War Hulk, I want to see a brutal and angry Hulk. Show his power dammit. He can still be Smart Hulk but let it be a calculated and methodical anger to it. Let's get some bezerk rage for a good portion of the fight scenes. I dont want to see him fighting and trying to talk someone out of it while just blocking all of their attacks.
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