The Shannara Chronicles roughly follows the storylines set out in The Elfstones of Shannara, set about 300 years after the War of the Races—which ceased magic and confined the demons in the Forbidding, locked by an ancient tree called the Ellcrys. The series chronicles the journey of Wil, Amberle and Eretria, who must fight, with the guidance of the last druid, Allanon, to protect the Ellcrys from dying and unleashing all the demons to the Four Lands.
Starring: Austin Butler as Wil Ohmsford, Poppy Drayton as Amberle Elessedil, Manu Bennett as Allanon, Ivana Baquero as Eretria, Emilia Burns as Commander Tilton and Aaron Jakubenko as Ander Elessedil.
The Shannara Chronicles “Safehold” airs tonight 10/9c on MTV.
The Shannara Chronicles is published by Terry Brooks books and graphic novel,
Dark Wraith of Shannara.