Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI One Of His Favorite Things From Disney Era

Lucasfilm Exec Reveals Why George Lucas Has Called OBI-WAN KENOBI "One Of His Favorite Things" From Disney Era

OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: He [Was] Drinking Too Much...
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OBI-WAN KENOBI Star Ewan McGregor Reveals Original, Much Darker Plans: "He [Was] Drinking Too Much..."

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WakandanQueen - 1/27/2020, 12:30 PM
So it wasn't pushed back a year, but 5 months. Glad that's clear now. Glad they are not rushing this one too.
mastakilla39 - 1/27/2020, 12:41 PM
@WakandanQueen - Should we believe Ewan Mcgregor?

He told us an obi-wan movie was supposed to be made back in 2005 when revenge of the sith came out.
Battabing - 1/27/2020, 12:35 PM
Oh spin.
LongMayHeReign - 1/27/2020, 2:17 PM
@Battabing -

If it were true why haven't the trades or Disney clarified officially?
santoanderson - 1/27/2020, 12:40 PM
After seeing how the Rise of Skywalker turned out, I’m glad the people at Lucasfilm are actually taking their time to make it good. The last thing we need is another rushed, unsatisfying Star Wars Story.
Gmoney84 - 1/27/2020, 12:42 PM
As long as Dave Filoni is involved to some extent, I’m good.
lawndart - 1/27/2020, 12:45 PM
One of the very very few SW films or shows that make me interested.
I always liked his portrayal of Obi Wan.
Doomsday8888 - 1/27/2020, 12:46 PM
SW Legacy actors don't seem to fare well under Disney, so i'm kinda worried about this but we'll see i guess...
Doomsday8888 - 1/27/2020, 12:54 PM
Now imagine if they kill Jar Jar Binks in this series....loooool!
whynot - 1/27/2020, 12:47 PM
Would like to see a young Mace Windu show next. Think small big budget tv series is the way to go with these type of shows
WakandanQueen - 1/27/2020, 1:02 PM
@whynot - Give me R rated Mace Windu series by Spike Lee.
whynot - 1/27/2020, 1:11 PM
@WakandanQueen - that be cool. My perspective is that I love the Obiwan character and can’t wait to see where they go with this. Unfortunately we know that they are limited bc of ep 3/4. But with a character like Mace I think the sky is the limit. Let Samuel L Jackson narrate get a teenage/ young adult kid and just tell dudes story
rebellion - 1/27/2020, 12:49 PM
If you believe this pr crap, i question your intelligence.
GhostDog - 1/27/2020, 12:53 PM
Kumkani - 1/27/2020, 1:32 PM
@BlackBeltJones - Kinky
Spock0Clock - 1/27/2020, 3:04 PM
@BlackBeltJones -

A2ron - 1/27/2020, 12:56 PM
We don't need this, it can be delayed indeffinately for all I care.
rkshuttleworth - 1/27/2020, 1:00 PM
Would you please stop the nonsense about repeating the so-called "mistakes". It is funny how people whine about fan service, but uniting the original characters without thinking about anything else like storyline would be nothing, but exactly that. I could go through every supposed point but it should not even be necessary!
Solarkalel85 - 1/27/2020, 1:02 PM
I'm getting very confused with this,I thought this was getting cancelled??
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