THE ACOLYTE's Fourth Episode Includes A STAR WARS Prequel Cameo...And It's Dividing Fans - SPOILERS

THE ACOLYTE's Fourth Episode Includes A STAR WARS Prequel Cameo...And It's Dividing Fans - SPOILERS THE ACOLYTE's Fourth Episode Includes A STAR WARS Prequel Cameo...And It's Dividing Fans - SPOILERS

In the latest episode of The Acolyte, a familiar face from George Lucas' Star Wars prequels makes a surprise appearance...however, what was meant to be a fun Easter Egg is already splitting opinions.

By JoshWilding - Jun 19, 2024 01:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

This article was originally published on Head there now for more on Star Wars and The Acolyte.

While it's been confirmed that Plo Koon isn't in The Acolyte (instead, it's a character called Ithia Paan), yesterday evening's episode did feature the surprise return of Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Silas Carson portrayed the Jedi Master in George Lucas' prequels, but Derek Arnold - an English puppeteer and actor who worked as a creature and droid performer on several recent Star Wars projects - takes over the role in this series. 

It's a fun cameo for longtime Star Wars fans, but also one which has also upset a lot of people. The main argument is that The Acolyte is playing fast and loose with both the hero's lifespan and history. 

The only problem with that argument is, the second Disney acquired Lucasfilm, all that Expanded Universe/Legends material was rendered non-canon. As a result, The Acolyte marks Ki-Adi-Mundi's "first" official appearance in the new Star Wars timeline.

There does, however, appear to be a continuity error with the Jedi saying the Sith were extinct in the prequels...alas, that can be explained by him being involved in Vernestra Rwoh's attempted cover-up.

For those of you who may not remember, the Jedi Master died during Revenge of the Sith when he was gunned down by Clone Troopers during Order 66. 

This might not be The Acolyte's final controversial change either; while Palpatine refers to Darth Plagueis The Wise in Episode III, the book which made it so that he was the future Emperor's Master is also no longer canon. This means anyone, including The Master, could now be who came before Palpatine in the Sith lineage. 

Given the backlash aimed at something as minor as a Ki-Adi-Mundi cameo, we'd suggest bracing yourselves in the weeks ahead if you're a fan of The Acolyte...

In The Acolyte, an investigation into a shocking crime spree pits a respected Jedi Master (Lee Jung-jae) against a dangerous warrior from his past (Amandla Stenberg). As more clues emerge, they travel down a dark path where sinister forces reveal all is not what it seems...

The series stars Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-jae, Manny Jacinto, Dafne Keen, Charlie Barnett, Jodie Turner-Smith, Rebecca Henderson, Dean-Charles Chapman, Joonas Suotamo, and Carrie-Anne Moss.

The next Star Wars TV series comes from creator and showrunner Leslye Headland (Russian Doll), who also serves as executive producer alongside Kathleen Kennedy, Simon Emanuel, Jeff F. King, and Jason Micallef. Charmaine DeGraté and Kor Adana are the co-executive producers, and Rayne Roberts and Damian Anderson are producing.

Four episodes of The Acolyte are now streaming on Disney+.

THE ACOLYTE Spoilers: Showrunner And Star Explain Violent Character Deaths And The Master's True Identity

THE ACOLYTE Spoilers: Showrunner And Star Explain Violent Character Deaths And The Master's True Identity

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FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 1:18 PM
You’ve got to laugh at this type of fake outrage. Nobody knew or cared about Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age until they Googled it today. Absolutely nobody.
AnthonyVonGeek - 6/19/2024, 2:00 PM
@FireandBlood - I knew but that’s because I read the Star Wars comic from Dark Horse that came out when Episode 1 came out. 🤷‍♂️
Kadara - 6/19/2024, 2:14 PM
@FireandBlood - I thought this show would be cancelled after the 3rd episode 🤔
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 2:23 PM
@Kadara - I heard Star Wars was done for altogether after the 3rd episode but here we are, with viewership growing. What a plot twist 🫢
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 3:21 PM
@FireandBlood - copium
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 3:21 PM
@FireandBlood - the Rings of Power affect
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 3:24 PM
@McMurdo - Is it copium if you enjoy something? I’m not the one struggling to enjoy critically acclaimed entertainment… 🫤
CorndogBurglar - 6/19/2024, 3:29 PM
@FireandBlood - If no one knew or cared then why did they Google it to check?

It's because people noticed there was a clear discrepancy.

And, even of it wasn't something a lot of fans knew about, does that somehow make it okay to screw up continuity and lore?
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 3:41 PM
@CorndogBurglar - His age was established in a visual dictionary that’s been consistently retconned every time they drop a new one and a continuity that got officially decanonised over a decade ago, so what continuity are you even on about? At no point during the prequels or TCW was Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age or backstory established. And up until today, nobody gave a rats ass about the character anyway.

There may be few things to take issue with when it comes to this show, but this fake outrage for a background character without an canonised backstory isn’t one of them. In fact, this is the most backstory the characters got within canon up until this point.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 4:13 PM
@FireandBlood - imagine using me scoring Dune 2 an 8ish out of 10 whilst giving the first Dune a 9 to argue my taste is the problem whilst also arguing episode 3 and 4 of the acolyte are good 👍 keep up the great work.
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 4:16 PM
@McMurdo - Imagine acting as if Dune 2 is overrated just to be a contrarian 😬

But my point is, if you think one of the best movies ever made is “overrated”, you’re not qualified to tell me what is or isn’t good as I’ve got no reason to listen. Our tastes don’t align because your taste is simply… lacking.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 4:26 PM
@FireandBlood - imagine thinking my opinion has anything to do with wanting to appear contrary.

You lost qualifications for taste discussion this week and last. In these very threads. Dune 2 is good. I never pretended something that was obviously bad was good for the sake of simply arguing against what I've convinced myself is some hard right political boogeyman army of internet warriors. Your opinion here isn't even genuine because these two episodes are so bad, it simply can't be. So who is really being contrarian, my friend

and you're on point with one thing...our tastes do not align lol.
OleBobbyTiger - 6/19/2024, 4:44 PM
@FireandBlood - The show is being viewer bombed by bots. If you want the facts you have to look at the totally legit and not at all suspicious 1 star ratings that are all obviously by real live people.

Spoken - 6/19/2024, 4:59 PM
@FireandBlood - "if you think one of the best movies ever made is “overrated”, you’re not qualified to tell me what is or isn’t good as I’ve got no reason to listen."
God that was cringe to read...
User Comment Image
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 5:03 PM
@McMurdo - You spent the entirety of Dune’s release cycle telling everyone that it wasn’t as good as they thought, comment after comment, @ after @. So as I said, I couldn’t care less what you think about this or that because when it comes down to it, your taste isn’t attuned to even know.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 5:13 PM
@FireandBlood - I spent the release cycle telling everyone it's not as good as Dune 1 whilst also putting a definitive numerical score on it, correct. What you won't be able to argue is that I DIDNT like Dune 2 because my post history is openly available and the majority of users here were in those threads themselves. And those very threads still exist, no? people know my take on Dune 2 and why I felt the sequel was inferior to the original. I wasn't even the only here who held that opinion.

You've spent the entirety of the Acolyte's release cycle utilizing whatabout-ism's and political buzz words to defend your supposed appreciation (I still think you know the show is bad but youre arguing in favor due to your political leaning, aka being disingenuous)over what are arguably two of the worst episodes in the history of the IP. So yes, as I said...

Our tastes could not be further apart. You liked EP 3 and 4 of the acolyte. Feigning "attunement" here is meme worthy.
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 5:28 PM
@McMurdo - Exactly, day in, day out, putting in pure work to try convince anyone that commented that actually the movie wasn’t as good as they thought, but instead as “overrated” as you thought. In none of that did you realise that you’re no one to tell anyone anything, especially when it comes to a movie that was unanimously acclaimed, but you still gave it an incessant go.

“I still think you know the show is bad but youre arguing in favor due to your political leaning”

I don’t like the show because of the diversity within the cast/crew. I just don’t dislike it due to the diversity within the cast/crew. I’m enjoying the content of the show, hence why you see me actually discussing it, instead of making digs at lesbian witch this or lesbian witch that. But it doesn’t matter if you think I like the show or not, because I do and it’s weird you’re even concerning yourself with whether or not I am to begin with.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 6:08 PM
@Spoken - he seems to believe Dune 2 is Citizen Kane. It's not even Dune 1. And he won't be happy I said this.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 6:10 PM
@FireandBlood - it's weird I'm concerning myself with your opinion regarding the topical show at hand? And yet you're feigning over me giving Dune 2 an 8 out of 10.... 3 months ago? LOL. If you like the show no need to make excuses. Just stand by it. I'm sorry you felt I was trying to convince you or anyone to think Dune 1 was better than Dune 2. Literally a meme conversation at this point..."pure work"? This is where I'd put a laughing emoji if I consistently felt I needed emojis to help my argument.......
Spoken - 6/19/2024, 7:02 PM
@McMurdo - Look, if someone thinks a movie sucks, you are A OK to believe whatever you wanna believe. Movie watching and your opinion afterwards is subjective. It's not a fact and it never will be. Even with critics, just cause they highly recommend a movie or show, doesn't mean it must be UNIVERSALLY PRAISED AND LOVED. I know people who don't even like Goodfellas, The Godfather, or hell even HALF the movies I like, but it doesn't mean they know nothing of movies. Movies are watched by millions of people with different view points, moral compasses and cultures.

BTW I have yet to see Dune 2, but I thought the one before that recently came out was really good. Hell, I even think KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES IS THE BEST PLANET OF THE APES MOVIE, but it doesn't make it a fact because someone else may think DAWN is the best. And that's okay. So whenever I see someone try to insult someone for not liking one movie, it's always cringy and just makes their argument even less enticing to back up or even take seriously to debate.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 7:05 PM
@Spoken - I could not agree more. Well said.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 7:07 PM
@Spoken - also Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes was fantastic and I think there absolutely is a case it's thee best film of the series. It's either that or "Dawn" if you ask me.
ComicBandit - 6/19/2024, 8:47 PM
@McMurdo - I liked a lot of Episodes 3 actually. But this last episode is as bad as Episode 1. Same horrible writing devoid of any real sense of logic and then compounded with flat horrible dialogue. I was rooting for this but now I'm thinking they should just cancel Star wars altogether. It's this sort of B.S that turned me off of a lot of properties I loved. And the fact that some people think that it's okay for these fan-fiction writers to treat properties like this and Lord of the Rings and countless others they had no hand in creating or making popular without any reference is just sad.But I have learned from experience that its only people who have never created anything in their lives that feel this is okau.
DevilsDreams - 6/20/2024, 4:11 AM
@FireandBlood - And no one would have cared if the showrunner and writers has done their homework...
FireandBlood - 6/20/2024, 4:45 AM
@DevilsDreams - Legends continuity isn’t homework.
Spoken - 6/20/2024, 1:31 PM
@McMurdo - Yeah there was so much to unpack. Idk maybe it was the euphoric feeling of going to a movie theater cause it had been awhile since I went this year, but it was just really good from beginning to end. And usually movies with a "4" attached to it in some ways, usually ends up disappointing I feel lol.
Spoken - 6/19/2024, 1:18 PM
OH BOY! Can we anticipate another 6 pages of comments of bitching from LEFT to RIGHT? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!!!!!

Go get em keyboard warriors!
dracula - 6/19/2024, 1:19 PM
is it just me or do all these shows make up just look really cheap in comparison to the old stuff

like really the grand inquisitor is an obvious example
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 1:26 PM
@dracula - I think the consistency is about the same. There’s good and bad. Ahsoka looks great, but the Grand Inquisitor was yikes. But then look at Kit Fisto back in the day… awful.

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EZBeast - 6/19/2024, 1:36 PM
@FireandBlood - to be fair kit fisto had like 2 mins of screen time between 3 films with barely any dialogue or story behind him. The shows on the other hand promoting characters who continuously look bad multiple times through multiple episodes. Prime example is Torbin getting like 7 minutes of screen time between 2 episodes so the image of his poor makeup/costume sticks with the audience longer.

Not saying it's better but not exactly something that can be compared. The prequels are 20 years older with a smaller budget and I would expect most people to see the age on them and would hope to see higher quality on modern films/shows.
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 1:37 PM
@EZBeast - We’re talking now and then though, right? I’m saying the consistency is about the same, which it is. There’s good and bad from them, and from now.
BlackStar25 - 6/19/2024, 1:38 PM
@dracula - 100% Agree. Inquisitor was bad.
EZBeast - 6/19/2024, 1:46 PM
@FireandBlood - oh for sure, but you had used Fisto as an example who again was an incredibly minor film character in live action. Just seems like most modern sw just doesn't translate to live action well when it comes to production values on TV imo.
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 1:48 PM
@EZBeast - Besides Chewie though, they’ve never had an non-CGI alien character play a prominent role until Ahsoka and now.
JackBurton1 - 6/19/2024, 2:06 PM
@dracula - The whole show looks cleap from every angle...I had no idea what they spent almost 200mill on for this show.
clintthahamster - 6/19/2024, 3:01 PM
@JackBurton1 - Make sure motion smoothing is turned off on your TV.
JackBurton1 - 6/19/2024, 3:22 PM
@clintthahamster - I just can't take advice from someone named Clint.It's something I live by.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 3:23 PM
@FireandBlood - imagine arguing consistency when your first comment in this article thread is coping over inconsistency
FireandBlood - 6/19/2024, 3:27 PM
@McMurdo - When you guys are using an inconsistent visual dictionary as your point of reference, it is actually hilarious to argue about consistency and canon because as it stands, because canonically, Lucas didn’t give Ki-Adi-Mundi anything more but a few lines of dialogue and a 2 second death scene.
McMurdo - 6/19/2024, 4:04 PM
@FireandBlood - sounds like more whatabout-ism to me. The fact of the matter is that Lucas gave the guy some lines that are now increasingly hard to explain without some real mental gymnastics. As for the makeup of characters....fart in the wind. I'm glad you are enjoying the series man. I liked the first two EPS but it's lost me since then unfortunately.
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