While chatting with shocktillyoudrop.com the producer of Silent Hill 2 had this to say:
"I think we need to make it a little more accessible to the movie-going public," he goes on to say, "Silent Hill is not a blockbuster game like Resident Evil or the other games out there. It's a connoisseurs' game. It has its own, rabid fan base. They're not cheap, these things. You have to appeal not only to the gamers, you have to appeal to a wider audience. So we have to get some story in there that helps explain a bit more. I think that's all happening. Of course, [the story] is going to happen years later and the main character - without giving too much away - is much older and representative to the movie-going public which is in that age group."
hgmE: Rough speculation leads me to this conclusion: Silent Hill 2 is going to be PG-13
Don't you find that odd for a series of M-rated games?