Ever since the deal between Disney and Sony begun to stregthen after striking a new deal that would allow Disney to co-finance 25% of the third Tom Holland-led Spider-Man film's budget and profits, it has since grown to collaborating with Sony Interactive Entertainment on Predator, Iron Man and Darth Vader VR and even the 2 Spider-Man video games. Not only that, but Disney has been streaming some of Sony's films including Men In Black, Ghostbusters, Jumanji, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. Thus, Disney owns the broadcasting rights to Spider-Man films, not Sony. That is why I came up with a pitch of mine to sell to a indie software developer known as Vestiq.
I have been trying to reach them for months now and I've contacted artists, journalists and youtubers about my pitch. And they all liked it. I have a friend who is creating sketches of the characters I want for this game. And he only finished drawing one and doing the second one right now. Here's the title of the video game pitch, the Fats.
The Fats follows a evolved fox-rat family of 8 brothers and 1 sister as they fight a human mad scientist and other threats to humanity alongside their adaptive father/mentor, 2 human allies and other cross-animals in the distant future while trying to accept each other as family.
Patriot Fat(voiced by James Arnold Taylor) is the “den-mother and leader of the team and is the most calm and experienced member, but hurt his family and he will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth. He is a hard-headed and serious cone, scolding his siblings when they don't follow orders. He is colored brown, has blue pants and has blue eyes.
Wreck Fat(voiced by Nolan North) is the most angry and self-loathing loner of the group. He often argues with Patriot about who should be leader of the team. However, they will work together when the situation calls of it.He has intense arm firepower, wiping out enemies in a matter of seconds. He is coloured grey, speaks with a New Yorker accent, red pants and hazel eyes.
Engineer Fat(voiced by Yuri Lowenthal) is the kind-hearted, calm and gentle pacifist and inventor of the team. He is socially awkward and book smart so much so that his sibling cannot keep up with him. Even though he shows a greater interest in technology than his training, nevertheless, he will defend his family and fight his opponents when there is no other choice. He is also skeptical as he believes humans do not exist and that animals have always been the sole species of Earth. He has red eyes, has a mole on his right cheek, has a cyborg arm, has metallic yellow pants, a blue belt and is coloured silver.

Mischief Fat(Voiced by Mikey Kelley) is the most wild, funny, immature and party-loving surfer dude of the team. He loves riding on his hoverboards, fighting evil and is extremely creative with arts. He is also a member of the Prank Trio along with Runt and Bullsnark. He wants to be part of the human world and he will convince his family to do the same by any means necessary. He also serves as an unofficial second-in-command whenever he comes up with brilliant plans that save the day or gets the Fats out of life-threatening situations, becoming the closest thing a team has to a second leader. He also has a sad side as he borders on depression as a result of spending years with his siblings and father on a island. He is coloured yellow, has freckles, dark blue pants, a gold belt, has a beard at 16 years old and has green eyes.

Angel Fat(Voiced by Colleen O'Shuaghnessy) is the smart, tomboyish, arrogant and independent tech support of the team and bit of a narcissist and will often bring on about her intelligence. As the only female member of the family, she always has the best of intentions. She is coloured yellow, has a gap between two of her front teeth and has green eyes. She is a great mathematician as she can easily hack into any computer data base by correctly guessing their security codes, Unlike the rest of her family(who wear pants, gloves, shoes and are shirtless), she has blond hair tied in a ponytail, wears a white Fat shirt, is coloured mix-purple/Yellow as a result from a lab accident, has a pink belt and gloves and blue shorts with sockings.

Buster Fat(voiced by Steve Blum) is the biggest and most strongest member of the family. He loves training all day and he hates it when his sibling interrupt him. However, he has a good heart and will go by any means to protect them. He also cares for normal animals, fighting to his last breath to save them. He is coloured green, speaks with a Brooklyn accent,has dark green pants, yellow belt, black boots and has golden eyes.

Runt Fat(voiced by Josh Keaton) is the most dim-witted and dizy, yet lovable member of the team. He’s been part of the Prank Trio since Day One and is often made fun of his stupidity by siblings, however when the situation is necessary, it ultimately proves to be his greatest strength. He is also something of a womaniser as he tries to say something to cross-animal females, but can't bring out the exact words and he is the most gullible of the family, causing him believe whatever lies are told to him, even causing him to betray his family, only to rejoin them in one of the future games. Nonetheless, he is one of the most purest cross-animals, never truely joining evil and always finding out to know the truth about himself and his family. He is coloured red,has a black belt, wears white pants and has one red eye and one hazel eye.

Bullsnark Fat(voiced by Roger Craig Smith) is the adventure-loving everyman slacker, jester-like and thrill-seeker who wishes to travel the world. He is sarcastic, playful and completely devoid of cynicism. He is also one of the member of the Prank Trio along with Mischief and Runt. He’s very loyal to his family and always stands up for them and keeps his promises despite his impulsive and impatient nature. He can be sentimental when villains threaten the world and won't stop until they're defeated and can provide tactical strategies. He is coloured orange and has purple eyes.

Growly Fat(voiced by Trevor Devall) is the strict and irritable, yet caring and kind-hearted powerhouse who breaks up fights between the family. He is prone to anger when someone pranks or tricks him, but deep down, he loves his family very much. He was born somewhere in Mississippi and he is also a history junkie as he collects every newspaper, article and art of the world's history. He isn't fond of humans too much until much later on in the game. He is coloured blue, speaks with a Southern accent, has dark grey pants, green belt, black boot and has blue eyes.

Hopper Frog(voiced by Billy West) is the mean, brash, cocky, militaristic and demanding yet kind-hearted father of the Fats. but as the game progresses, he becomes a more supportive, caring and wise parental figure. He has a soft spot for children and he will be a role model to them whenever he sees them. At the beginning of the game, he is overprotective of the Fats, fearing they could die if they go into the human world, but throughout the game, he accepts that his children are teenagers now and he says that he is proud of them. He is coloured emerald green, wears a blue military uniform with no pants, speaks like a mad scientist and has brown eyes

Sarah Stewart(voiced by Jennifer Hale) is the most beautiful, kindhearted and attractive teenage girl the Fats have ever known. She was abused in school and she has recently graduated from high school to apply for science. She can also sense betrayal in strangers she doesn't know. She is also an orphan as she lives with her aunt, uncle and their daughter. She is a long blond teenage girl with a pink sleeveless shirt which has the word "S", a red jacket and blue jeans. She also has light freckles on her nose, small brown leather shoes, and baby blue eyes

Peter Braxton(voiced by Ben Diskin) is the comedic, shy and loyal sports player whose life is forever changed when he meets the Fats. He is like a modern-day Prince Charming and he has a crush on Sarah Stewart when he first sees her, but does not kiss her until the end of the first game, He also becomes best friends with Wreck and Growly throughout the game as they play hologram games together. He is also a pacifist as he lost his father in a flying car accident and starts campaigns and TV ads to prevent anyone from suffering the same fate. He is a black afro haired teenage boy with orange eyes, a black sports jacket, a white shirt underneath and brown pants.

Dr. Otto Jekyll(voiced by Mike Pollock) is a highly selfish, insane, cocky and arrogant mad scientist and the main antagonist of the game. He wants to end peace and liberty on Earth and will do it by gaining control of the world's governments, police and money. He is also a deceptional liar as he constantly lies to the Fats and their friends, trying to convince them that he can help people have more improved lives until the end of the game when he reveals his true motives. He is an mildly obese man with balding brown hair with a goatee and a white lab coat with red-silver clothing and black and white rubber gloves and boots. He also has yellow eyes.
Gaming Mechanics:
1. The video game will be an open-world where you can play side-missions and help people in addition to the main story. You can also visit other countries in free-roam in the game.
2. You can use multiplayer as 4 of the each titular 9 Fats with the ability to change between the 8 other Fats until all 9 are all dead and the game resets
3. You can have collectibles, art and unlock new weapons throughout each level of the game.
4. You can also play as the human characters Sarah Stewart and Peter Braxton in stealth missions.
5. Once you’ve completed the game, you can revisit any of the level. So you won't have to worry getting through 13 hours without completing the entire game 100%.
6. As I said, you can fire weapons with 2 of the Fats, Engineer and Angel who are the tech support of the team while the rest of the team fight hand to hand.
7. The game will have the feel of a Disney movie , Thomas Perkins-like art, the art of Ratchet & Clank and the backgrounds of Young Justice and The Super Hero Squad while still rendered as a 3D dimensional video game.
8. The music and sound would be EDM(electronic dance music) to trance the futuristic setting of the game.
Series Outline:
Set in an utopian future where all war, problems and disease has been wiped out, the Fats live on a peaceful island with their adaptive Frog father, Hopper Frog, but they have never truly accepted each other as family or understood their father’s lectures, even starting a war with one another once. On their 16th birthday, they are allowed to leave the island and venture into the Human world. But when a scientist named Dr. Otto Jekyll(a pun on the Dr. Jekyll character from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) threatens to end the era of peace by conquering the world, the Fats are forced to come to term with their calling as a family and what it means to be heroes with the help of 17-year old science intern (smart blond) Sarah Stewart and 18-year old Sports player Peter Braxton.
Level 1: Forest Paradise Island: It has a very colourful and bright scenery conistent with real-life forests
Level 2: Dr. Jekyll's Lair: It has rocks with black skies and lightning which could have burnt rotted trees leading upto the lair.
Level 3: Dunes:
Level 4: Retro Underground:
Level 5: Dunes(Sunset)
Level 6: Tour In Nova-Peace City.
Level 7: Patriot's Bunkers
Level 8: Terry and Perry's Hot Dog Shop.
Level 9: Dr. Jekyll's Lair
Level 10: Miracle Science Co.
Level 11: Miracle Science Co.
Level 12: Wreck's house.
Level 13: Washington Woods
Level: 14: Holographic Museum of Natural History.
Level 15: Washington Park.
Level 16: Small Port City
Level 17: Engineer and Angel's Science Lab
Level 18: Washington Woods
Level 19: Fat's Training Practice
Level 20: Sarah's Backyard
Level 21: Nighthouse Bar.
Level 22: Olympic Sports Games.
Level 23: Mischief's House.
Level 24: Dr. Phillips's Funhouse of Torment.
Level 25: Sunset Mail.
Level 26: Fat' Headquarters
Level 27: Astral Spaceship.
Level 28: Cosmos
Level 29: Milky Way
Level 30: Sneak Into Dr. Jekyll's Lab.
Level 31: Nova-Peace Sewers
Level 32: Forest Paradise Island(part 1)
Level 33: Forest Paradise Island(Part 2)
Level 34: Mars City,
Level 35: Peter's House
Level 36: Nano Fiber Industries
Level 37: All Haill the Doctor!
Level 38: Venus Tower
Level 39: Venus City
Level 40: Forest Paradise Island.
Level 41: Attack From Above
Level 42: Climb The Mountain
Level 43: Closing In
Level 44: Save Honey Squirrel
Level 45: Honey Squrrel Attacks!!
Level 46 -Paradise
Level 47 - Earthquake
Level 48: Save The World
Level 49 - Invasion of the Bad Doctor
Level 50: Peace is Assured.
This would be a Playstation 4 and 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, mobile and PC game and would be rated E+10 for more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language, and/or minimal suggestive themes.
Would you like to see this brand-new video game brought to life in a expanded collaboration between these two studios