James McAvoy Talks About Passing Gas Next to Wanted Co-Star Angelie Jolie
James McAvoy reveals that he had a battle with flatulance on the set of Wanted, and that he nearly had Orlando Bloom's role in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Any red blooded heterosexual male has dreamed of having a sexual tryst with the gorgeous Angelie Jolie. The nightmare would be ripping some protein filled farts in front of any gorgeous gal, but even worse if it's in front of one of the most desired women in the world. James McAvoy lived that nightmare as it was a side effect of bulking up with protein shakes for Wanted.
He tells TV host Graham Norton, "There was a lot of eating too much meat and drinking too much protein shake... They (producers) leave you on set shooting a scene in a car for three days... Which is fine... but eventually you have to get this protein shake out of you and it always comes out as flatulence.
"So you're in this car for three days, and for a large portion of these three days, Angelina Jolie is in the car with you. And eventually after a day and a half or so, you have to turn to her and go, 'Listen, I'm sorry, it's not my fault that you just got into this car or that my protein shake just said hello. I'm really, really sorry. How are Brad and the kids by the way?'...
"She was great about it, she's got a good sense of humour and a terrible sense of smell." - Transcribed by contactmusic.com
James McAvoy on the Will Turner Role in Pirates of the Caribbean
He said: 'The producers saw me, Adam Rickitt and Paul Nicholls. We were all in the waiting room for the auditions with Keira, and I think that I got relatively close to the part.'
But the Atonement star said he's now pleased he didn't get it, adding to the Radio Times: 'By the nature of the fact that you're in something that cost hundreds of millions. You're just a target. Keira nearly got crippled by the fact that she was suddenly an international movie star.'
James continued: 'She wasn't nearly crippled, but people's opinions of her were really, really harsh. She was in a film that, acting-wise, wasn't that demanding, and she got labelled a terrible actor. That could have been the end for her.' - Transcribed by monstersandcritics.com