So over the years, DC comic book characters have gone through huge costume changes to help ground them in the modern day. Apparently if we had super heroes in 2013, they can't run around in red and blue spandex. Just look at Batman and Superman.
They just get darker and darker. They even got rid of Superman's little red briefs. I guess as the years go on people just find the campy look more and more cheesy. What a shame. I think the costume has a HUGE effect on how many people are willing to accept these characters in a reboot.
So it begs the question as to what will happen to Wonder Woman's costume?
Lynda Carter looked fantastic I think. She looked great. But since that series was supposed to be sort of camp like the 1960's Batman series, I think maybe that look is a little outdated for 2013? Especially since everyone wants to follow that dark tone of Nolan's Dark Knight triology.
Most recently was Adrianne Palicki's version. They didn't tone down the colors at all but it looked very shiny and metallic. I guess that was their update. Plus she had pants instead of the infamous shorts.
I personally was not a fan of this costume. I just could not picture seeing this woman on the streets and thinking it was normal. I obviously didn't see the pilot since it was cancelled so I don't know what the tone of the show was to be. But I don't think that this costume helped. It looked cheap in the way that Anne Hathaway's did in Dark Knight Rises.
So is this what we might be looking for?
The dark catsuit is very timeless. Just look at Cat Woman and pretty much every other female super hero or villain. They all wear some sort of skin tight cat suit at some point.
What I'm afraid of is something like this happening:
I don't like to think of Wonder Woman as a dominatrix type. She was always very pure and immaculately conceived. That's why the gaudy outfit worked in the past. But now with the darker tone that everyone is going for, it's not going to work out. I think the costume needs to be completely revamped if it is going to work or they need to take a lighter approach to the movie much in the way that the Brandon Routh Superman film did. I had no trouble believing that that Superman in his bright colors could actually be among us. I'm not going to lie, I think I liked that version more than the newest Man of Steel. I just think that maybe people are trying to go off of Nolan's mold too much. It works for Batman because he is the dark knight but not for characters like Wonder Woman.

Remember Wonder Woman's outfit for Superman's funeral in The Justice League animated series? I think the outfit could go more in that direction. Diana is rooted in Greek mythology after all, right? I like the gold and the white but you can still tell it's her. I just think some more blue and red can be worked in so that she looks more like her classic self and then we will have someone that is more of a goddess and less of a vigilante just running around in a spandex suit. She is a princess after all from another place and a reboot needs to honor that.
What do you all think should happen to her future outfit?