Lynda Carter On Possible WONDER WOMAN 2 Cameo; Patty Jenkins Celebrates Star At Walk Of Fame Ceremony

Lynda Carter On Possible WONDER WOMAN 2 Cameo; Patty Jenkins Celebrates Star At Walk Of Fame Ceremony

1970's Wonder Woman star Lynda Carter comments on the possibility of a cameo appearance in the upcoming sequel while director Patty Jenkins offers words of admiration at the actress' Walk of Fame ceremony.

By FromACertainPOV - Apr 04, 2018 10:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Wonder Woman 1984
Source: Variety
The character of Wonder Woman is an icon, in both culture and comics. She is a symbol of not only heroism but activism, social justice, feminism, and empowerment. However, outside of the medium of comic books the character has been criminally shortchanged.

While the other members of DC's Trinity, Superman and Batman, have led dozens of live-action and animated films as well as television shows, for almost her entire 76-year history Wonder Woman has appeared in a 1974 made-for-TV movie, a direct-to-DVD animated film and a three-season television series. It wasn't until some 38 years after that show ended that we would see the character in live-action again (not counting the failed David E Kelly pilot in 2011). For all that time in between Lynda Carter was Diana Prince.

Which is why many were surprised that the famed TV star and political advocate didn't appear in the recent film. There's always a chamce she'll show up in the sequel, however. 

Speaking to Variety ahead of her Walk of Fame ceremony, Carter said; “I’m just going to leave that up to the universe and Patty."

The likelihood of a cameo has no doubt grown since the release of 2017's Wonder Woman, as Carter has formed quite a friendship with both Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins, who offered some very kind words about the actress at her ceremony stating;  “Lynda is just the coolest, smartest, most powerful yet elegant, beautiful and lovely person,” Jenkins says, adding that Carter is her “sister in the struggle.”

Patty also spoke about how their friendship has grown, commenting on phone conversations and text messages between the two, before continuing to speak about just how much love she has for Carter:
“It’s quite incredible to become a part of the story with someone I admire as much as I do Lynda. As the years have gone on, I’ve come to admire that she carried that same spirit into her personal life as well. She lives an incredible and very unique and successful life. She’s had an incredible career but also has the personal life and family, which is just as successful.”

It's clear that Carter is a source of inspiration for Jenkins, but we'll have to wait until 2019 to see whether that translates into an appearance for the actress in the highly anticipated Wonder Woman 2. 

What do you think? Would you like to see Lynda Carter appear in the sequel? Were you a fan of the 70's show? Are you looking forward to Wonder Woman 2? Leave your thoughts below. 
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L0RDbuckethead - 4/4/2018, 10:46 AM
I hope she shows up somewhere in WW2, even if it is just a short cameo.

She should play an Amazonian.
CaptainElrond - 4/4/2018, 10:48 AM
@L0RDbuckethead - I need to keep reading wrong thinking you are saying world war 2
L0RDbuckethead - 4/4/2018, 11:46 AM
@CopCipher - Haha I wish! I think Patty and WB have confirmed that Wonder Woman 2 will be set in the 80s.

"Given that, it’s particularly worth noting that “Wonder Woman 2” will reportedly move up the time frame, from the World War I era of the franchise’s first film to an ’80s Cold War setting."
MeAreLegend - 4/4/2018, 10:47 AM
I personally didnt love Wonder Woman as much as others did but I thought it was decent and I am definetely intrigued to see in which direction they are taking this franchise! WW was definetely DCEUs best movie so far
knocturnalzen10 - 4/4/2018, 10:56 AM
@MeAreLegend - after re watching MOS it's not that much below ww imo and the rest of dceu films i think have made it that way ....

i really hope WW2 is good tho .... the cheetah casting has me squinting a lot :(
MeAreLegend - 4/4/2018, 3:19 PM
@knocturnalzen10 - I agree MOS definetely isnt as bad as many people make it out to be imo. Aside from the destruction and the famoud necksnapping I feel like its a solid movie.

WW was decent but yeah I'm not really too happy with the Cheetah casting either, however WW has left me intrigued for the sequel and I mostly like what we know about it too! I could however see how this sequel might be underwhelming so fingers crossed
CaptainElrond - 4/4/2018, 10:50 AM
She should be Athena or hera
Omegacron - 4/4/2018, 10:51 AM
She should be either a goddess or the Amazon oracle that Hyppolyta/Diana goes to for advice.
CaptainElrond - 4/4/2018, 10:56 AM
Windy should go toe to toe with the OTHER god of war

CaptainElrond - 4/4/2018, 10:58 AM
@CopCipher - I mean wondy of course, god I need my computer back.
Kevwebsz - 4/4/2018, 10:57 AM
Sure why not. Disney gave her a role in Sky High so why cant WB
CaptainElrond - 4/4/2018, 10:59 AM
@Asturgis - I really hope she isn’t a comical villain. Cheetah isn’t dead ass serious, but I fear they want to make every villain either Zod or the joker
Asturgis - 4/4/2018, 11:10 AM
@CopCipher - She's been dead-ass serious for a very long while, at least since Greg Rucka and Geoff Johns reinvented her. I seem to remember her being really ruthless under John Byrne as well, but that was a long time ago. Who would you say brought some levity to her character? She's a tragic character to me, and also one with a sexual orientation a movie like Wonder Woman can't screw up.
Matador - 4/4/2018, 10:58 AM
All I want to know is that Lynda Carter better be wearing a super suit.
Asturgis - 4/4/2018, 10:59 AM
Still waiting for the announcement that casting Kristen Wiig as Cheetah was a joke and we get Charlize Theron instead.

knocturnalzen10 - 4/4/2018, 11:02 AM
@Asturgis - yea ! not sure that's going happen

don't think kutcher is coming out to save us on this one :(
fadersdream - 4/4/2018, 11:26 AM
@Asturgis - Here's your problem... you're assuming that Wonder Woman 2 will be made like Wonder Woman 1.

The problem is that now part 2 is the only hope left.
Before WB was ignoring WW, and it accidentally was a good movie....

buuuuuuut noooooooow...

WB is heavily invested in it. So where the crew behind WW would NEVER hire Kristen Wiig, the crew behind Justice League probably watched Ghostbusters on repeat and decided 'this is what the kids want.'

Asturgis - 4/4/2018, 11:36 AM
@fadersdream - You're scaring me. I'm a grown man, and I don't scare easy, but you're scaring me.
lawndart - 4/4/2018, 11:01 AM
This woman caused a generation of young guys to become big fans in the 70s. It was always a toss up between her and Farah.
Repian - 4/4/2018, 11:04 AM
Kevwebsz - 4/4/2018, 11:12 AM
If the Flash tv show can make 90s Flash his father THEN make the Earth 2 version JAY GARRICK....I think WB can have a cameo for Lynda freaking Carter.

I mean come on think of how awesome it is that they did this.
GeneralZod - 4/4/2018, 11:23 AM
I vote yes.

Toecutter - 4/4/2018, 11:27 AM
thewanderer - 4/4/2018, 11:29 AM
Am I the only one who think it is too soon for Patty Jenkins to get a star?
davidcub - 4/4/2018, 12:32 PM
@thewanderer - Patty was speaking at Lynda's star dedication.
Kumkani - 4/4/2018, 11:41 AM
Should have been Queen Hippolyta, but I liked Connie Nielsen in the role too
fundamentallyOT - 4/4/2018, 12:08 PM
Hopefully. I loved her as WW!
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