I list a few points of what direction I'd personally like to se the X-Men franchise take after the amazing X-Men: Days Of Future Past. What follows below are a few spoilers for the latest installment, so you've been warned. Enjoy...
- A Range Of Directors -
So far, the X-Men franchise has seen the likes of Bryan Singer (3 films), Brett Ratner (1 film), Gavin Hood (1 film), Matthew Vaughn (1 film), and James Mangold (1 film). The X-Films are very similar in their tone and pacing so after the tragic disaster of Edgar Wright exiting Marvel's Ant-Man, I feel it wouldn't be a cheat for someone witty and intelligent like the British director to come on board of the X-Saga. Can you seriously tell me you'd be disappointed if you caught the headline - Edgar Wright To Direct Gambit Spin-Off - be honest with yourself.
- Plant A Few Seeds -

Evan Peters' Quicksilver was a fantastic example of how to introduce a character, show off what he/ she is capable of and leave us wanting more. Obviously, the actor can't have all the credit, but his performance did save a guy who could've easily been torture to watch a real joy to have on screen, and it's his speedy character who audiences are demanding to see once again even convincing writer -Simon Kinberg- to give him a larger role in 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse. Hugh Jackman has spent 14/ 15 great years of his life with the claws between his knuckles and he knows that he can't do it for another decade-and-a-half, so instead of doing a complete 180 and switching your main character with another, plant seeds for supporting characters, see if it's a hit and then putting him/ her on the poster for the franchise won't go down a miss.
- Cast Bryan Cranston As Apocalypse -

Are there seriously any words that need to be said on this?... The X-Men films have been great, but each has lacked a foe that can genuinely be claimed as intimidating or frightening. The closest so far has actually been in the most recent installment -X-Men: Days Of Future Past- with the Sentinels, but even then you weren't sure whether Trask or his machines were intended as being the main baddy. But can you imagine the fear of Bryan Cranston just being on screen with all of the armour above? All you have to do is put him in make-up, occasionally mo-cap underwear and enhance him later with CGI and bring us the big bad that can't be matched in the (X-Men:) apocalypse. If you don't believe me, go on YouTube and type "breaking bad i am the one who knocks"...
- A Third And Final Wolverine Solo Movie -

X-Men: Origins Wolverine tried to juggle five balls whilst reading a Wolverine encyclopedia, therefore it all felt too overwhelming and under-whelming at the same time, The Wolverine was a really cool film in its own right, beat the Origins movie to death with a brick, and was good in the grand scheme of the X-Franchise... I don't know what's going to happen with Apocalypse, but my dream third Wolverine movie would be with the original cast (Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, etc.), set three years after X-Men: DOFP, with Wolverine trying to grip onto his teaching life, Professor X now and then having talks and mind-melds with him about what's been going on the past 50 years, and at the end Logan moves on to see the world in all its glory. I know for some, this might upset you but I want to see closure for this character and I think the only way this saga can survive is to do what all great series' do... pass on the torch. NO RECAST!!!
- A Dictionary Of Adventures -

The X-Men Franchise has proven it can go anywhere in time, follow any character, do anything it chooses, and this is nothing but exciting. Channing Tatum's Gambit, young Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Cable (above), an X-Force movie, this saga is now limitless and bullet-proof, so the only way is up now. Please, 20th Century Fox, don't reboot.
So those are my thoughts, list yours down below. Cheers!