The Wolverine Movie GAME

The Wolverine Movie GAME

We all have our opinion on the movie, but is the game any good?

Review Opinion
By ThunderCougarFalconBird - May 11, 2009 02:05 AM EST

Format reviewed: PS3

Since the release of Fallout 3, there has been very little in the way of gaming that has grabbed my attention. The only game I have seen with a chance to rival the story, game-play, scenery and replay-ability of this game is the up coming Batman game. That, however, is quite a way off. Fallout has been completed 5 times now! Yes, 5! Why do I like it so much? Other than the factors mentioned above there is thought required to play the game. Every action takes you down a different path. But after 5 times through, I need something to fill that void between now and Batman. Wolverine has found itself in the right place at the right time. But is it any good?

Right from the start you get a true sense of who Wolverine is. The opening sequence is quite simply spectacular. I sat watching this thinking “this is how the movie should have been!” This sequence earns the games 18 certificate right away!

The story follows the film very loosely. There are two main stories played along side each other, Logan in Africa and Logan escaping after the experiment then going after Stryker. This is done very well with the Africa “flashbacks” linking nicely with the main story. There isn’t much chopping to and from needlessly. As this is a game and not a film there is a lot of “padding” but again this is done in taste, they haven’t thrown in random comic villains for the sake of it.

This game is as visually stunning as it is gory. The settings are incredibly detailed as are the numerous foes you will encounter. The icing on the cake is Logan himself. The damage you take and the way you heal is so good you almost want to stand still and get hacked up just to watch! This adds to the games gore factor. Seeing Logan’s skin and muscle tissue leave his adamantium fused skeleton is accompanied by holding peoples heads in rota blades, impaling people on spikes and generally ripping limbs off anyone who crosses you.

The flies in the ointment are; Gambits hair, fallen enemies “phasing” through objects and invisible walls. While all visuals are top draw for next gen gaming, Gambits “block” of hair is firmly placed in the PS2 days and surely we can say goodbye to the days of characters phasing through solid objects. There is certainly no excuse for the invisible walls! I know the scenery has to end somewhere but there are ways to do it. Even in some rooms there are small boxes in the corners that are for no reason shielded by this irritating lack of thought. There is the small issue of bone claws and adamantium claws making the same sound but I’ll let that one slide.

The cut scenes could do with more consistency in their quality. There isn’t a bad one there but while some are breathtakingly detailed others are simply “good”.

So what is the game actually like to play? It’s easy to write this off as a simple “hack-and-slash” game. All the standard “hack-and-slash” aspects are here; countless drones of various abilities, mid-level and end of level bosses, collectables and even the good old “orb” from a fallen enemy! What separates this from the others is the number of attacking options you have. I know what you’re all thinking because I thought that too, “infinite combo options. Limitless attacking options.” All just crap spouting out the orifice of some big wig out to make money. This usually means that you can keep hitting those buttons and every so often see a left jab instead of a right hook. In this case though, it’s spot on! I was still finding new moves on the last level! Your move of choice will most likely be the “Lunge”, and with good cause! This move allows you to leap from target to target with ease but even this can be different each time if done right.

Movement is smooth but all pretty standard stuff and there’s a couple of Prince of Persia-esque moments that aren’t handled quite as well but are still good.

The health regeneration is handled nicely and the only way to “loose” is to simply be overwhelmed by enemies.

You can level up and spend your hard earned points how you want. After Fallout 3 this process seemed very restricted with no real choice but compared to the average game of its type this is more than adequate.


This is a highly enjoyable game that will have you relish every second of the action. Visually stunning with few flaws and longer than you might expect. It’s not perfect but this is a better game than Wolverine was a movie (and I thought that was good).

If you have a short list of games to purchase then this well deserves a high spot. If you get it now you will get a very good game, if you decide to wait for a price drop you will get a bargain!


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sportstar101 - 5/11/2009, 7:36 AM
not bad just might have to pick the game up
jninn132 - 5/11/2009, 7:52 AM
it was a fun game to play. was a bit short bet it in two days.
JoshWilding - 5/11/2009, 7:54 AM
great review! i just finished the game and plan on replaying it ASAP! It was amazingly good fun and that ending left me desperate for some sort od sequel!

BTW: Have you tried Killzone 2? Its a pretty good game if you're looking for something after Fallout 3!

owen - 5/11/2009, 7:58 AM
It's worth picking up. At first I didn't beleive it would be worth my time since I have been burned by a couple movie adaptation games but this one is amazing. I can't stop playing. All day I think about going home a digging into some wolverine action. There are a couple glitches but they become forgivable when you get past them. It seems movie adapt games get rushed because of movie release dates so I guess it's understandable. I would rather have a couple glitches because of rushing the game out rather than boring gameplay and a bunk storyline. (ie IRON MAN!!)
LEEE777 - 5/11/2009, 8:04 AM
Well its gotta be better than the movie lol! ; )
mbomb22 - 5/11/2009, 8:12 AM
i played the demo of this game on my Xbox, and i loved it!
Megabattle0 - 5/11/2009, 8:32 AM
I had gotten the game for my birthday. Me and my brother both played it religiously. It has its good moments, awesome moments, and downright "OH MY F@#&ing GOD!!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!" moments.

This is that good of a game. The first movie clip of Wolvie in the future was amazing. Once i saw that he "snikt"ed his claws through a wall into the guy's head, was enough to make me stop for a second and go, "....whoa"

I love the easter eggs that the game puts in there though, like how John Wraith and Mystique are gonna have a baby Nightcrawler. Me and my brother both went, "....what?? NO WAY!!!!" lol. Also with the W.E.N.D.I.G.O prototypes that Logan faces are pretty cool. I like how they threw in that he faces the actual WENDIGO from Canadian legends.

Although one of the drawbacks of the game was the fact that they didnt dwell on any minor character's background or relation to Wolverine, blob, wraith, especially deadpool. Also, the fact all the jungle mutants had the exact same powers, no matter what level you play....they could have at least thrown in a couple different powers.

I did however like the fact that the entire time that Logan was with Silver Fox, was just a "dream." That part had me saying, "Seriously??"
And what's up with the Adamantium bullets?? They can't seriously do any damage, what with Wolvie's skull being Adamantium, can it??

Overall.....awesome game, good graphics, good storyline, didnt really go into the relations of characters, but did have some good moments.

I personally would give it a 9/10

...all they need to fix is Gambit's hair, and the fact that all of the jungle mutants are the same, and then it would be a freakin amazing game.
saymekian - 5/11/2009, 8:46 AM
I am on my second playthrough, and I give it a strong 8.5/10

I could go on about how awesomely fun it is, but the OP has pretty much said everything.

My friend came over to watch and he had a blast just watching! The first thing I did was Lunge throw a soldier into a forklift spike and he just said "Oh. My. God. THAT WAS F@%CKING AWESOME!"
TucsonRican - 5/11/2009, 9:03 AM
Yeah, this game is a God of War clone.

That being said, it is a fun game. Me and the Mrs. have been alternating the controller.
YohonKalic - 5/11/2009, 9:19 AM

This game had its fun moments, run around slash.... run more slash..... RUN more and slash, but it really had to much wrong with it for me to want to buy it. It seemed unfinished and rushed to meet the movie launch, the cut scenes were short, REALLY short, and were just crap. lol Wraith dies over Wolverine's ear peace, they don't even show they fight.

Kockie - 5/11/2009, 9:37 AM
It wasn't bad, really liked the hack & slash parts of the game. Lots of blood and gore.
There where a few times that the game didn't looked so good, like the boat scene. But overall it was a cool and good looking game.
Got him for my PS3, trying to get all the Trophies, like 5 or 6 left :P

The different suits also look very cool.
KingCold420 - 5/11/2009, 10:06 AM
Best movie game ever best comicbook game ever best xmen game ever best wolverine game. too few bad things to out weight eveything that is right about this game this is one of the most extremly satisfying games I have ever played I for one see no promblem with it he even tells Wade guess you're not the merc with the mouth you got love it. 9.5/10
dtakos11 - 5/11/2009, 10:07 AM
the game is great...its exactly wehat the movie should have been like...u wanna see the real wolverine buy that 24/7
ironknight27 - 5/11/2009, 11:03 AM
I am currently playing the game and I love it. I haven't played God of War so I do not know the comparison.
SHHH - 5/11/2009, 11:22 AM
Excellent game got it for ps3. Sentinel is
a pain
ironknight27 - 5/11/2009, 11:36 AM
I got it for the PS3 as well and I am currently on the Weapon XI level. Yeah the Sentinel level is a pain.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 5/11/2009, 12:06 PM
Thanks for reading guys!

SHHH - yeah, I nearly gave up on that! It took me ages to press that sodding button enough times!
RaxusPrime - 5/11/2009, 1:14 PM
This game is excellent. I love it and im almost done getting all the trophies. I give the game 9/10. The hair on Gambit didnt bother me b/c personally the game isnt about Gambit. I liked the end scene in the future where you see all of the sentinals and the land is desolate.
YohonKalic - 5/11/2009, 1:47 PM

You guys seem like the type that would like the Dynasty warriors games...

TheMyth - 5/11/2009, 1:49 PM
TucsonRican nailed it, a God of War clone, which is great! I have only played the demo, and that opening sequence before the flashback to falling from the chopper, omg I so wish the movie had that type of stuff. I look forward to buying it soon. I too am messing with Fallout and the new DLC that just came out.
KingCold420 - 5/11/2009, 2:27 PM
@Yohon Kalic you seem like the type that hates eveything
you cant wait to point out a glitch look his arm is still floating look an invisable wall boo hoo hoo stop being a hater.

ps Dynasty Warriors sucks A$$ and ill nevered like them
ironknight27 - 5/11/2009, 2:48 PM
@myth- I do not think that you will be disappointing by buying this game. It did have aspects in it that I wish the movie had.
stupify_me - 5/11/2009, 3:11 PM
The Wolverine game was fun. Fallout three sucked though. Mass Effect and Fable 2 are both much better RPG's. Fallout was suppose to be an RPG, but felt more like a craptastic first person shooter as if we don't have enough.

Wolverine was enjoyable, but way to short I beat it in 6 hours and I was taking my time 5 hours would be the average if you rushed through it. Also there is no reason to play it a second time. Zero replay value in the game. One thing I suggest is if you find it getting to repetitive check out the stat menus and use moves that you haven't been using try to get all the stats maxed.
ironknight27 - 5/11/2009, 3:32 PM
@stupify_me- I got the wolvie game the first day and I haven't beat it yet. Well that is mainly due to the fact I have only been able to play it for 30mins each day though. But I will definitely try to use different moves and try to unlock all of the costumes.
JoshWilding - 5/11/2009, 4:18 PM
yeah,that sentinal bit was so annoying-it took me about 20 tries to tap the O button quick enough, by the time i did it i was sweating and close to tears, lol! awesome game overall though. good to have a decent comic book game instead of the crap like Iron Man or Spider-Man: Web of Shadows!
stupify_me - 5/11/2009, 4:53 PM
I thought the sentinel fight was easy, but really stupid. I found the game to overall be fun, but the biggest let downs were how short it was and that Sentinel fight. The fight was really lame and was over hyped before the release. I thought you would get to climb on it and stuff. The Sky Diving part was just really retarded I mean seriously that was the best they could come up with for that fight?
Bark4Soul - 5/11/2009, 5:55 PM
It is awesome, the story sucks because it follows that of the slaughtered movie. But the gameplay is the coolest in a Marvel game in a while, face facts, most licensed games usually fall short in many areas but this one is good times. Can't wait for the follow up
sniktchick74 - 5/11/2009, 5:56 PM
Wicked awesome game! I love the blood and gore. I wish the movie had even a fraction of that! My fave moves are the lunge and the quick-kills. I also love blowing the ghost's heads off w/ their own shotguns. I've beat it once, playing through it again. I even made it through the ladder challenge- that was a blast. Agree w/ Gambit's blocky hair- that was just sloppy. Other minor annoyances were the puzzles and platforming that you sometimes have to do. At times, it felt a bit too much like Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones, when what I wanted to do was gut more bad guys!

Anyone beat it on hard yet? I wanna know what you unlock!!!
icecreamdropper - 5/11/2009, 6:30 PM
i cant wait to buy this game
RaxusPrime - 5/11/2009, 10:34 PM
screw u josh, all of the spider-man games are very solid(except friend or foe) and i look forward to playing more of them. activision knows what they are doing. u kno there will be more of them also since there will be more movies. and spider-man is basically the face of Marvel anyway since everybody knows who he is, just like superman or batman would be the face of DC.

so shut your mouth about a great character and just enjoy the game. i value all superhero games otherwise what else would there be to play.
stupify_me - 5/12/2009, 1:09 AM
Sorry LaffaTaffa, but Web of Shadows was one of the worst games I've ever played. As bad as Friend or Foe was it was better than Web of Shadows. The Spider man movie games were decent. Spiderman games used to be very good, but SM3 , Friend or Foe and Web of Shadows have all sucked with Web of shadows being one of the worst comic games I've ever played. Overly simplistic idiotic controls which is tolerable if it were not for the constant repetitive fetch quests that become so annoying you want to play anything else you can find or we can talk about some of the worst voice acting i've seen in a video game. Even the graphics are disappointing. I usually don't care much about graphics, but in a game that has everything else wrong with it well the thing could at least look pretty. This is suppose to be next gen the game feels like 2005.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 5/12/2009, 1:55 AM
Thanks again for reading.

If anyones on PS3 feel free to add me, my tag is Howlett04 - took me ages to think that up! lol
stupify_me - 5/12/2009, 2:34 AM
I would agree it's the best movie game ever, but not the best comic game ever. As fun as it is Marvel UA was much better more complex, better gameplay, easier to invest more time in to and better story.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 5/12/2009, 3:09 AM
stupify_me - Can't wait for Marvel UA2, not seen any shots from it yet though!
JoshWilding - 5/12/2009, 3:31 AM
LaffaTaffa: mmm...i dont know what else you could play! Oh hang on, how about the hundreds of other games that come out, lol!

Sadly,there hasnt been a decent spider-man game since Spider-Man 2! The third movie game was ok, but very easy and the gameplay was repetitive and poor. I cant describe how much i was looking foward to Web of Shadows and how gutted i was when i played it. Betwen the awful voice acting and rubbish story it was dreadful (as all the reviews actually said!)

stupify_me: i agree with everything you said!
stupify_me - 5/12/2009, 4:25 AM
Joshw24 I was in the same boat. Web of shadows looked awsome, but I was ready to break the game by the third time Cage told me to go beat up some more thugs.

Howlett04 if you go to IGN they have some great info and shots of MUA2. I'm excited that they are going with Civil War it's gonna be great.
TheStranger - 5/12/2009, 11:56 AM
Its deffinitly the best Wolverine game to date. I however played the Wii verson which is much different than the Uncaged version. So I can only speak of my experience with that version. Although I would give the Wii a 7/10. I would however recommend it to anyone who owns a Wii and likes it. The control arent hard at all and they respond very quickly and easily. I'm actually going to go out and buy uncaged in a week or so, thanks for the review.
stupify_me - 5/12/2009, 3:12 PM
I hate the Wii with every fiber of my being. It's the Game Cube with a new control.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 5/13/2009, 1:05 AM
I have a Wii as well as a PS3. The control is just a gimmick, fun for 5mins then tiresome! It works well for the sports games but thats it. I have games like Lego Batman and WallE (I have kids) on the Wii and wish to god I got them on PS3 instead!
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