More From James McAvoy On Playing Professor X In X-Men: First Class!

More From James McAvoy On Playing Professor X In X-Men: First Class!

The Scottish actor talks about not shaving his head, putting his own spin on the character previously played by Patrick Stewart, and shares more details on what we can expect to see from Charles in the movie...

By JoshWilding - Feb 11, 2011 03:02 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Men: First Class
Source: Blockbuster

James McAvoy has revealed that he portrayed Professor X as differently as possible from Patrick Stewart's version the past movies and felt "liberated" when Fox told him that there was no need to shave his head, and that he had free reign to act the part differently.

"It started off with the fact that we were going to shave my hair and the studio said, 'Don't shave your hair,' so immediately I said, 'Well f**k it, I'm liberated then.' So, I mean, that's a pretty big marker, so right away you're going a different path. Also, I always felt there's no point doing a film set in the past as a prequel that just shows them being the same people, especially Magneto and Professor X. They're the big two that we really, really get to know well in the other movies that are in our movie."

The actor went on to talk about the character of Charles Xavier, giving us another insight into the version we'll see in X-Men: First Class.

"You look at the kind of main, defining characteristics of Professor X, of Charlie Boy, and you go, 'Alright, he's selfless. He's a saint. He's sexless, it seems. He's egoless. He's all about other people. He's all about bettering the world and mutantkind and humankind.' And so you kind of try and flip that on its head."

"You don't make him an evil person, or anything like that, but you make him ego-driven, women-chasing, he likes a good drink. He's not the reluctant leader that you kind of want all heroes to be. He actually kind of wants to be in charge, you know what I mean? And all of those things, just to kind of show a journey."

X-Men: First Class is set to be released on June 3, later this year!

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bgharcourt - 2/11/2011, 3:37 AM
I like what James is saying here. He interpretation of Prof.X will be great to see on the big screen
Elayis - 2/11/2011, 3:48 AM
It's very clear in the comics that Professor X is not a saint, or egoless. He definitely likes to be in charge and to control other people to achieve his own goals.

I'm still very optimistic about this movie, even if McAvoy keeps repeating the same things over and over again.

But, I do want to say that I'm still very unsure about McAvoy as Professor X. He is not like Patrick Stewart at all.

And Fox telling him not to cut his hair could be a good thing (as they cut out something that really wasn't crucial to the character in the past), or a very bad thing (tampering with material they don't understand).

Time will tell, of course.
Amazo - 2/11/2011, 3:54 AM
I think that without Fassbender his performance may have been suspect,but it comes down to how they bounce off of each other.I think a more human Xavier could be good
marvel72 - 2/11/2011, 4:52 AM
you guys want the rights to go back to marvel,but are willing to buy a ticket to see this shit,why fund fox to make watered down verisons of the characters we love,boycott the movie so marvel can buy the rights back off fox for cheap then we will get more chance of seeing them in their iconic x-men costumes & maybe fighting some of their more classic foes.

i'm gonna watch this movie,but i'm not gonna pay to see it.

they have no respect for the fans or the source material.
MarkCassidy - 2/11/2011, 5:04 AM
lol, yes, boycott fanboys! If all..ummm, 1,100 of you don't pay to see this(even though millions of others will) then Fox will go bankrupt and be forced to relinquish the rights to Marvel!

Amazo - 2/11/2011, 5:18 AM
Over 7000 likes on youtube and less than 300 dislikes.The general public seems to like what they see.I feel it'll do well.Better than Cap in the foreign market at least.
Orphix - 2/11/2011, 6:08 AM
I have a sneaky suspicion that this will be the most successful of the CBMs of 2011.

It's more recognisable due to the previous films.

For many film goers I fear Thor will look too wierd and Cap too period piece and US-centric.
drfate - 2/11/2011, 6:24 AM
sorry guys, I've already seen the Fate of these goes like this: the most critically acclaimed cbm of the year is.......Thor. The most panned cbm of the year:.......Green Lantern (surprisingly). Captain America gets a big first weekend then peters out in a slow burn (sorry Peter). Most reviews on Priest will be "Is that out already?". X-Men First Class gets an undeserved middle position ahead of Green Lantern due to the "rubbernecking" effect. No one will be seeing this a second time and most first timers moan through the whole thing. I'll be there rubbernecking and moaning, but not the first weekend. Sleeper blockbuster of the year: Conan, yup. Conan.

TheSchemer - 2/11/2011, 6:30 AM
@RorMachine: marvel72 never said anything anywhere near the lines of "Fox will go backrupt if..." He simply stated the obvious. If you don't like FOX's CBMs dont see it. We vote with our dollars. I don't think Marvel could ever get the rights for cheap but his point is valid.
Boogie138 - 2/11/2011, 7:00 AM
not wasting my money. i hope that all of you excited for this get your money worth, i simply choose to pass
marvel72 - 2/11/2011, 7:03 AM
@ theschemer


@ rormachine

i didn't say anything about bankrupting fox,they should just stick to making stuff thats not comic related.

keep to franchises like star wars,alien,preadator & so on.

every comic film fox has made has been below par.

-x-men (had its moments)
-x-men 2 (had its moments)
-x-men 3
-x-men origins wolverine
-x-men first class
-fantastic four
-fantastic four 2

all comic book classics aren't they,if you boycott their comic movies they won't make the money that the studio wants.
antariss - 2/11/2011, 7:06 AM
I think what McAvoy is saying sounds great, he's adding layers to the role and making Prof X a 3 dimensional character with a personal journey. The realistci tone set for this film is clear as depicted in the trailer and I think we should have faith in this movie as it sounds intelligent.
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 2/11/2011, 7:14 AM
I'm not going to be stupid and boycott this movie, but I'm not going to be naive and assume this will be FOX's wake up call.

So far, this movie is looking rentable.
ReillyParker - 2/11/2011, 8:10 AM
@marvel72: I think you're also missing Ror's point here. Regardless of whether or not you or every single comic book fanboy refuses to see this movie, the film still wouldn't suffer a major hit. You may think that these movies are made for the fanboys, and maybe they are but those same fanboys are still in the minority. And regardless of whether or not Fox makes money off this franchise they know people will still pay to see it so they're going to milk the shit out of this like they have been doing. The won't give up the rights even if the movie tanks at the box office. They may give up the rights after they release like 3 straight to DVD movies. The only way Marvel's going to get the rights back to this franchise (the same way Marvel would get back the rights for any franchise not theirs) is to dig deep into Disney's pockets and just straight up buy them back. I say until that happens, if that ever happens, try to enjoy whatever movie they do make. Don't condemn it just for Fox, but don't praise it just because it's X-Men. Just take it as it's own movie.
Rango - 2/11/2011, 8:38 AM
hell yeah!!!
Betty - 2/11/2011, 8:38 AM
boobs win!
ReillyParker - 2/11/2011, 8:39 AM
@tea: That girl is having way too much fun eating gummi bears. And I'm having way too much fun watching her.
mattattack - 2/11/2011, 8:59 AM
@Intruder shut the hell up and stop trolling you loser. Every single first class thread you complain and talk shit. Give it up, we get it you don't like the film, in fact you loathe it. Ok well talking about how stupid it is to you won't change the mind of all the people are interested in seeing it. The trailer had it's flaws but it sure impressed me way more than GL (oh sweet its Ryan Renolds.. acting like Ryan Renolds in a CG suit) and Thor (not too huge on the mythology with that). I will say the continuity is [frick]ed, but let them do what they want. Do you know how much comic books [frick] up continuity? seriously man.
GoldenClaw - 2/11/2011, 9:07 AM
This movie will suck sewer rat balls! BOYCOTT
skidz - 2/11/2011, 9:37 AM
There aren't many stories that directly cover Xavier's life before the Xmen and the school. There's really not much to take liberty with, so everything he's saying is kind of redundant. Charles could of been a saint, a raging drunk, some snotty bastard or an amalgamation of them all. This is a shot in the dark with full control by FOX, just the way they like it. That worries me a little. A good cast doesn't guarantee a good movie. If they haven't figured that out by now, their reputation will get even worse (if that's possible).
SeaSerpentine - 2/11/2011, 9:47 AM
@GoldenClaw agreed.
mattattack - 2/11/2011, 9:52 AM
@Intruder no I just saw you trolling again and figured you didnt see it the first time (considering the millions of comments there was on that thread). Also I am excited for First Class so every news article on it I read and see your loser ass trashing it. Are you a disgruntled wanna be filmmaker who never had a shot so you piss on anything you dont like? Or are you an overweight geek that thinks he knows about making a ensemble film? Maybe you are just a asshole that thinks commenting a million times will sway the opinions of the film. Guess what buddy, it wont. Sure FOX sucks cock and they mess up everything and Tom Rothman is a evil bastard, but it is what it is. We can only hope for the best and this looks way better than wolverine and X3 already. With Vaughn at the helm, it has to be good. The movie will make money, it will hopefully be good, and you will still be working your shitty job and commenting on this site since you have no life I am assuming.


Seriously man, stop being a troll and give it up. Check out the movie and if you dont like it, then say [frick] it and move on to the other 20 CBMS coming out this year and next. You [frick]ing loser.
Gunslinger - 2/11/2011, 9:54 AM
Now, I don't need all CBMs to be an exact translation of a specific issue or storyarc because some things may need to be changed for the sake of the medium. With that said... Why is Banshee american? I don't care what nationality the actor is, but in what sense would the movie suffer from the character being irish?

Also, this is supposed to be a prequel (the first scenes in the trailer confirm that). So why is Beast all blue and furry, like a huggy bear made flesh, when in X2, Hank McCoy has a small cameo on tv in his human form?

Why is Moira (who was in Last Stand a scientist) a CIA agent in First Class (apparently she's immortal too, she should be around 60 when she comes up in Last Stand))?

And why the weird choice of characters? Azazel? Angel Salvatore? Emma Frost seems to be suffering from the same condition as Benjamin Button (growing younger instead of older)//

Give me one good reason why they couldn't have used the REAL First Class! Would the movie suck? Seriously, how is Azazel more interesting than Jean Grey, Cyclops or the real Angel?

Guys, make gentle yet passionate love with this movie if it works for you, but respect the people who are fans of the source material and that are pissed by the fact that Fox takes so many liberties (unnecessary changes at that) just to cater to the key demographics in hopes of making more money. Marvel is making money and keeping the characters' integrity intact. It's not that difficult.

Problem with Fox is that the suits (who have no idea about what film making really is) have too much power in terms of deciding the direction of the movies. Anyone living in the UK will be familiar with the Orange adverts that show just before a movie is presented in the cinemas. That's how I see Fox.

Not because it's not a panel by panel faithful adaptation, but due to unnecessary changes that basically take a dump on the work of the people who created these characters and the people who made it worth anything as a franchise (do you really think there would be X-Men movies without the fans shelling out for their comics for the past 48 years?).
continuezero - 2/11/2011, 10:13 AM
"Fox told him that there was no need to shave his head, and that he had free reign to act the part differently."

Thats the problem with Fox. Makes no sense why the character would be completely different. So they expect us to believe that X used to be a drinker and a womanizer and then just suddenly changed? WTF Fox...
Gunslinger - 2/11/2011, 10:24 AM
@ teabag - lol, could be but Beast's reaction to Leech's powers in Last Stand leads me to think otherwise. Even if that was the case, how would the general audience know about that?
Dusk - 2/11/2011, 10:31 AM
I was just about to relay my negative opinion about this movie, but I was worried that MATTATTACK might start b.itching at me! [frick]in faggot. We are allowed our own opinions! Even if they dont agree with urs
Gunslinger - 2/11/2011, 10:37 AM
@ Intruder - "You will have my baby" . Can't wait to hear that when I get the bootleg. It will live forever in fans' memories. For all the wrong reasons. :P
Gunslinger - 2/11/2011, 10:49 AM
@ tea - true. But if it was an easter egg for the fans... Why no mention of Shi'ar technology? Maybe because it links directly to the Dark Phoenix saga and was overlooked (too complicated for a single movie anyway, I'm cool with the omission)...

Still, in Last Stand, McCoy is the only blue and furry presidential advisor, no disguise. Humans are aware of mutants so why would he do so? Plus, Singer is gay and he said he used the X-Men as a metaphore for drinking from the fairy cup. If Beast was so far in the closet he was in Narnia, that would kind of distort Singer's message.

But for argument's sake, let's say he was using a hologram thingy... What about the rest of the stuff?
marvel72 - 2/11/2011, 11:27 AM
@ gunslinger

i agree 100% with your comments,well said.
theeambassador - 2/11/2011, 11:29 AM
i'm going to go off a limb here, but continuity be damned*(unless it all goes to piss), if we all had to respect canon, there'd be no what if's (the OG's know what im talking about son) no fan fiction, or anything else outside what we're fed. it was cool to play through shattered dimensions and see all these different takes on spiderman. Marvel has even created alternate timelines and realities to allow for fresher takes on stories made when people thought hiding under a desk would protect us from nuclear attack,i love spiderman but i didn't care that in the remake he was bitten by a genetically enhanced spider gave him powers as opposed to a radioactive one that we know now would have probably resulted in cancer as opposed to superhuman powers and such. i didn't care that they made bumblebee a camaro and not a bug, because one of volkswagons main selling points is safety, so it'd be counterproductive to have one of it's cars getting smashed up in an action film. i won't say i understand the reasoning behind the picks for the mutants or why go so far off the reservoir, but if it's a good movie, respect due h8rs, if not, i'll be the guy handing out pitchforks and torches, all i got from this movie was, meh, wait and see, thats all any of us can do, until then, i'll be saving my h8 for tf3(how ironic)
Gunslinger - 2/11/2011, 12:08 PM
@Marvel72 - cheers m8

@ tea - I can see where you're coming from and I respect your opinion. For me personally, this won't be an X-Men movie. I would probably enjoy it if it had no relation to the X-Men (like heroes and misfits did, familiar powers and situations but completely different characters).

@ theambassador - also see where you're coming from but the "what ifs" only have meaning when seen in the light of the source material. Take Age of Apocalypse for example. Brilliant, but would it have the same impact to see this alternate reality without the original? Why have an alternate reality if we have no prime reality?
PatrickBateman - 2/11/2011, 12:55 PM
I thought I read an article where Vaughn disclosed that the script for this movie would allow them to take the X franchise in a different direction while not ignoring the continuity of the prior films.
Not so much a reboot.....more of an opportuinty to proceed with an alternate timeline kind of thing. ?
Anybody remember that? Did I imagine the whole thing?

Keeping that in mind, I'm curious to see how they pull that off.
SanDevil77 - 2/11/2011, 6:40 PM
@patrick i don't think your imagining it i seem to remember reading something similar on here sometime last year.
CrisA - 2/11/2011, 8:39 PM
@AllPurposeNaji Fassbender can do wrong. He did at least two really bad films recently. It's not to say he's a bad actor, he isn't of course, but some people here are making him look greater than he is just because the new trailer showed a couple more seconds of Magneto's scenes than Xavier's.

It's not a "smart thing" to give Fassbender's Magneto more attention. For which purpose? It's a story about Xavier and Erik, it's not a solo Magneto movie. And it's "Xavier's School" after all. James McAvoy is a wonderful actor, but he tends to be refined and subtle, and he loves playing introspective roles, while others go for showy and over the top and chewing scenary. Hopefully he won't change his acting method, even though it might cost him nominations and awards.
Even Fassbender mentioned in an interview that working with McAvoy was one of the things that attracted him to X-Men.
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