X-Men First Class: An Olive Branch to Fox Studios from this Fan Boy

X-Men First Class: An Olive Branch to Fox Studios from this Fan Boy

On June 03, 2011 X-Men: First Class will hit the theatres under much scrutiny and I have to admit to having the lowest of expectations for this movie. I was really holding out because I was fond of Director Matthew Vaughns previous movie, “Kick-Ass.” But upon the release of an “Unauthorized” cast photo … I just felt well, kinda disappointed that Singer, maybe Vaughn and definitely Fox Studios still didn’t “get it.”

Editorial Opinion
By dageekundaground - Feb 05, 2011 09:02 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men: First Class

But the negative hoopla regarding these images seems to have subsided with the release of subsequent photos from the project which gives the impression that Vaughn will at least present a serviceable story … and I’m cool with that.

There’s nothing more polarizing as of late than X-Men: First Class… You either like it, or you hate-it-to-death. There are fans of Bryan Singer’s nuanced version of these characters and there are people who despise these movies for mucking up the continuity of the franchise and presenting “action-lite” versions of beloved characters while making “Wolverine” the center of the universe.

Well, I firmly fall in the latter half of the equation … To me; the X-Men have always been special ranking right up there with Captain America and Thor.

A few weeks ago, I asked a studio friend why he thought Fox continually missed the boat on the X-Men. You know what he said? He said … “They don’t know what they have.”

And that about did it for me … I’ve posted more than my fair share of articles on the X-Men and taken enough fan-rage pot shots at Bryan singer to last me a life time.

… I’m tired of this mess … I’m tired of internet sparring with pro-fox fans & other assorted opinions. So, I just want to well, “Bury the Hatchet” and find some other uses for all of my creative energy.

So, be that as it may … I’m going to refrain from ripping the upcoming “X-Men: First Class” until after it premieres in June.

The previous movies in the franchise are “Fair Game” and I will continue to rip them to my heart’s content. I just want to be fair to Mathew Vaughn, if nothing else …. Besides, the way he has been baiting fanboy sites as of late partially indicates that he may yet have a surprise or two for the movie going audience.

So … I’m going to back off until the movie shows up in whatever form.

I have one thing to say to Singer, Vaughn, Rothman & Fox …

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Was Partially Written In Claudia Schiffer's Hospital Room Due To Rushed Production

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Was Partially Written In Claudia Schiffer's Hospital Room Due To Rushed Production

Matthew Vaughn Reveals Scrapped Plans For X-MEN: FIRST CLASS Trilogy And Who He Was Going To Cast As Wolverine
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P862010 - 2/5/2011, 9:32 PM
drugs are bad
Denn1s - 2/6/2011, 4:12 AM
well you know fox doesn't care about your opinion. they won't even read this. and the movie will still suck.
golden123 - 2/6/2011, 7:46 AM
@BlackPanther717: P862010 is implying that dageekundaground is on drugs. I can't blame P###### because this was a very confusing article, and I can't honestly tell you what the point of the article was supposed to be.
Exiles - 2/6/2011, 8:25 AM
I think I'll reserve my judgement about this movie untill I see the trailer but then again trailers aren't always reliable, its a given that this won't be faithful adaption none of the x-men movies have been that faithful to the source material so if anyone was expecting First Class to be faithful all of a sudden then no offence your deluded, if its going to be good MOVIE is another question entirely? I hope it is for Vaughns sake the guys agreat director.

IMO IF marvel studios ever get the right back for x-men theres only one man who get fix things and thats Joss Wheadon. I loved his run on X-Men, he's the perfect director for it.
dageekundaground - 2/6/2011, 9:56 AM
@ P862010 and golden123 ....

... for your information this "commentary" has been HEAVILY EDITED from the original format in which it was posted.
dageekundaground - 2/6/2011, 9:57 AM
@ P862010 and golden123 ....

... bite me.
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