Okay let me start by saying I love CBM.com. I found the site 4 years ago when I was trying to find some news on--you guessed--it a comic book movie. Only recently did I decide to join the site and contribute news. I have never done this before. When I posted my very first article, it got deleted from the news section within twenty minutes. I then got a quick email explaining why my article got taken down. After looking back at what I wrote and reading the email, I understood why my article was taken down. This site wants to deliver the BEST and most up to date news possible. To do that, the editors have to delete articles that do not meet the standards of the
Now in the last couple of weeks, I have read a lot of articles about how the editors on this site are unfair and take down articles for no reason and theirs always make the main. Look I know I am new to site but stop the crying. Four of my articles I worked hard on got deleted, but I am not going to stop posting articles and throw a huge fit and say the editors on this site suck.
Come on, trust me when I say the editors on this site do NOT sit around waiting for us to put up articles so they can delete them for no reason. They are just doing their jobs. Most of the editors on this site work free, so cut them a break. After all, this is the only site I know that lets readers and fans contribute news and views.
In conclusion, I just wanted to thank all the editors who work hard to keep CBM.com the best site for CBM news and keep doing what you're doing because it WORKS!!