Synopsis - The hot-headed young D’Artagnan (Logan Lerman) joins forces with three rogue Musketeers (Matthew MacFadyen, Luke Evans and Ray Stevenson) in this reboot of Alexandre Dumas’ story. They must stop the evil Richlieu (Christoph Waltz) and face off with Buckingham (Orlando Bloom) and the treacherous Milady (Milla Jovovich). The action adventure is given a state of the art update in 3-D.
The good - Logan Lerman, haven't seen him in too much but from what I've seen I thought he was quite good. I was always thinking that he would've made a good Peter Parker.
Milla Jovovic in sexy sexy period costumes. Big thumbs up, thank you tight corsets.
Chriptoph Waltz as a bad guy. This guy stole scene after scene in
Inglorious Basterds and look forward to his performance.
The Bad - Paul W.S. Anderson who had directed more forgettable movies then I can count.
Resident Evil that holds up well to multiple viewings, heck it didn't hold up to one viewing.
Orlando Bloom, he is the poster boy for good looks and no talent. I still remember cringing during each scene of his in
Starring Logan Lerman, Milla Jovovich, Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans, Mads Mikkelson, Gabriella Wilde, Juno Temple with Orlando Bloom and Christoph Waltz.
The Three Musketeers hits theaters October 21st!
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