ANT-MAN To Film At Pinewood...Atlanta?
A couple of days ago we found out that Edgar Wright's adaptation of Marvel's Ant-man would not, as was initially reported, shoot at Pinewood Studios in London..but now Latino Review might just have sussed out where the movie will set up shop instead..
According to Latino Review's "close Marvel source", the studio will shoot Ant-Man at Pinewood Studios in Fayetteville, GA. We had heard that the movie would shoot at Pinewood Studios in the UK - where many other Marvel projects such as Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor: The Dark World, and Guardians of the Galaxy have filmed - but recently director Edgar Wright revealed that Pinewood London was "full" and they would have to relocate. Pinewood Atlanta is comprised of five sound stages on 288 acres in Fayetteville, Georgia USA, just south of Atlanta. Ant-Man is set to hit theaters on July 31, 2015..and Paul Ruud is currently the rumored front-runner for the title role.