"Here we all are, with nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. So stand, and fight."
Hard to believe it has been three years since the first Avengers film has graced upon the big screen. So, does the sequel deliver? Damn right it does!
The thing that makes this film shine, are the characters. Joss Whedon has done a brilliant job crafting them together, which thankfully don't feel stale. Dialogue still feels fresh, and the comedic lines are timed well. New additions in Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are very welcome. The accents might throw people off, but they worked for me. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen bring strong energy to their roles.
The Vision played brilliantly by Paul Bettany, was awesome. He had a very interesting introduction, which worked very well. Now let me talk about Ultron, James Spader was fantastic! Bringing in humor, and fear. Ultron's perception of the world is quite intriguing, yet terrifying. This is great, considering a majority of the villains in Phase One and Two were pretty weak, with the exception of Loki and Winter Soldier of course.
Having the main cast together again is such a great feeling. That particular spark of seeing the team together isn't there as it was the first time, but didn't deviate the film in any way. Hawkeye has a much bigger role, and Jeremy Renner nails it. Glad to see The Marksman get even funnier lines this time around, he's a pleasant member of the team. Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and other original cast members are brilliant as always, with some surprise guests along for the ride.
Brian Tyler and Danny Elfman did a wonderful job with the score, bringing back the original themes by Alan Silvestri was a plus. Along with beautiful cinematography by Ben Davis.
With great action and humor, well balanced and strong characters and a very cool villain, I had a blast at the movie theater! I loved Avengers: Age of Ultron as much as the original, and I'm excited to see more going forward. This was a great wrap up for Marvel Phase 2! Joss Whedon, thank you for your contributions well done!