There are several character deaths in Infinity War but one of the toughest to see involved Tom Holland's Spider-Man. It is due to the character's young age, his relationship with Tony Stark and the length of time it takes for him to fade out and turn to ash. Thanks to VFX supervisor Weta Matt Aiken we now have an official reason why he just doesn't fade out quickly like the others.
“Spidey’s really fighting it," Aiken said. "He definitely doesn’t want to go and he’s fighting… he’s incredibly powerful, so he’s able to withhold it for a lot longer than some of the others, but in the end he can’t withstand it.”
If you got emotional seeing that, imagine working on that scene. Watching it time and time again.
“Nobody at Weta could watch that," Aiken said. "The first few times we watched that we all choked up, it’s an incredibly powerful performance and key moment in the film I think. There was less room to kind of smoke and mirrors it, if you like. We had to make sure that it worked really, really well, because it was so drawn out, and so it had to withhold very high levels of scrutiny because we were holding right on Spidey’s face over Tony’s shoulder, through that."
The team managed to pull off one of the hardest-hitting scenes in MCU history, which is quite a statement when you watch all of Infinity War. What was your theory on Spidey's durability?
Avengers: Infinity War is now playing in theaters.