AVENGERS: ENDGAME Gets A Surprisingly Impassioned Defense From Singer And Talk Show Host Kelly Clarkson

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Gets A Surprisingly Impassioned Defense From Singer And Talk Show Host Kelly Clarkson

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The Portals Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact
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AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The "Portals" Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

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GhostDog - 7/31/2019, 7:33 AM
"The Team Suits Are Entirely CG"

Damn that's some good CGI
santoanderson - 7/31/2019, 7:54 AM
@BlackBeltJones - The only thing about those suits that bothered me were the helmets. If I had a motorcycle helmet suddenly appear over my head, I would react to it. I’d flinch. My eyes would at least blink.

But in the movie, when those magic nano-helmets appear, and envelope the Avengers’ heads, there’s no reaction. I get the impression that they filmed those shots without thinking about the helmets,
GhostDog - 7/31/2019, 8:11 AM
@santoanderson - I can't say I particularity like suits being nanites but it was needed for the sake of the story and mission.

I guess we can head-canon it and say they tried them all on before the mission; got comfortable.
mastakilla39 - 7/31/2019, 7:37 AM
WTF, Captain Marvel is stronger than Thor? Man this feels too feminist now. I am not ashamed!

L0RDbuckethead - 7/31/2019, 7:52 AM
@mastakilla39 - Oh, Butters is pressin' pickle again.

Skrull - 7/31/2019, 3:56 PM
@mastakilla39 - Those tiny little dicks are appropriate to this post.
mastakilla39 - 7/31/2019, 8:35 PM
@Skrull - Yeah cuz everyone is a tiny little dick if they thought endgame was flawless
GhostDog - 7/31/2019, 7:39 AM
"Well, the filmmakers elaborated on that by explaining that Tony used nano tech in both his suit and the Gauntlet he created so that they would be able to talk to each other."'

I noticed how the glove was shifting to put the stones into the place and it always looked like Tony used the nanites to remove the stones, when he yanked the gaunlet off of Thanos, and then using the nanites placed that dummy glove on Thanos' hand so he thought he still had the gauntlet.

JonC - 7/31/2019, 8:35 AM
@BlackBeltJones - he yanked the gauntlet off thanos' hand?
i thought it was pretty clear when he engaged thanos hand to hand he had the nanites navigate the stones from glove to glove.
GhostDog - 7/31/2019, 8:47 AM
@JonC - by yanked I mean what you're saying. He went to "yank" it off and whilst pulling on it the nanites navigated from Thanos' glove to his.
OptimusPrimeTime - 7/31/2019, 2:28 PM
@BlackBeltJones -
"he yanked the gauntlet off of Thanos".....
OmegaDaGrodd - 7/31/2019, 7:52 AM
"Confirming that Captain America would have had to have bumped into his old foe, the filmmakers discussed whether the Skull would have been freed from his bonds or if the Stone returning would have then pulled him back."

This is interesting, because this doesn't account for the Prime timeline where Gamora died and the stone was never brought back, meaning that theoretically Red Skull could be running free

"And the intent here was to make you believe, if momentarily, that we may actually kill Tony Stark at the start of the film."

And that shit worked. I thought they really killed dude at the start and I was REAAAALLLY thinking I didn't have a good handle on where this movie was going
regularmovieguy - 7/31/2019, 7:53 AM
“the filmmakers discussed whether the Skull would have been freed from his bonds or if the Stone returning would have then pulled him back.”

Okay... but what did they have to say? This doesn’t tell us the writers or the Russo’s take at all.
Roodi - 7/31/2019, 8:00 AM
I noticed the ending scene just yesterday watching at home. Never noticed the door was opened while watching it theaters(2X). Made sense why Peggy was crying too. He went straight for that dance.
KWilly - 7/31/2019, 8:12 AM
@Roodi - Steve came in like...

Chewtoy - 7/31/2019, 8:08 AM
"And he walked up to them [present day Avengers] and tossed 2012 Captain America's head on the floor. It seemed like it was never gonna make it, but it was. For a movie that began with essentially Thanos' head on the floor, it was a shocking reversal." That definitely would have been quite something but wouldn't Thor's head have been more fitting?”

Cap’s head (wearing the Avengers 1 cowl) is the only one where audiences would instantly know *when* it came from. Anyone else’s would just be confusing.
GhostDog - 7/31/2019, 8:09 AM
How Thanos Was Able To Destroy Captain America's Shield

I always figured that Vibranium is the strongest mineral on Earth, unparalleled by any Earth metal, but just ONE OF the strongest metals in the universe. There's other alien metals that rival it. It was able to take a blow from Thor's hammer, made of Uru, because the lightning created a vibration and it absorbed those. Thanos' sword just sliced the shield and is probably a strong ass metal.

Vigor - 7/31/2019, 3:51 PM
@BlackBeltJones - likely Uru. Forged from material of a dense star. Would make sense how it can cut vibranium.

Their answer here solves one of my only questions
blackandyellow - 7/31/2019, 8:11 AM
Someone needs to explain what "retirement" means to Redford since he just agreed to play President Robert Redford in the Watchmen show.

Origame - 7/31/2019, 12:58 PM
@blackandyellow - robert redford is that old guy who quits, then just spends all his time coming back into the office like nothing happened.
Lanza10 - 7/31/2019, 8:28 AM
People assuming Captain America's Shield is just made out of vibranium makes me sad 🤦🏾‍♂️. Caps shield is mostly made of Adamantium, but hey you can't always get what you want.
JonC - 7/31/2019, 8:37 AM
@Lanza10 - they said in TFA it was vibranium when it was created.
Chewtoy - 7/31/2019, 8:47 AM
@Lanza10 - Adamantium didn’t exist when Cap’s shield was made. Adamantium was invented in Avengers #66 when Myron MacLain came up with it after studying Cap’s shield, but it’s not the same stuff.
Lanza10 - 7/31/2019, 8:53 AM
@Chewtoy - Yeah I know, but they retcon it to be made of a proto alloy that combines adamantium and vibranium. Also, I not sure but the ultimate version is made purely out of adamantium. Just pointing it out.
Lanza10 - 7/31/2019, 8:54 AM
@JonC - Yeah I know that the MCU is pure vibranium, just kinda off sad that I'm used to being a combination of adamantium and vibranium.
Reeds2Much - 7/31/2019, 9:00 AM
@Lanza10 - Caps shield is mostly made of Adamantium

Ultimate Cap's, but that thing got wrecked by Mjolnir. Main Steve has had a couple of adamantium shields, but never for particularly long. The shield is a vibranium steel alloy that is basically a series of accidents.
Lanza10 - 7/31/2019, 9:15 AM
@Reeds2Much - isn't adamantium the strongest metal on the marvel universe? I'm more of a Spider-man fan.

lol found this on wikipedia.

"During one of his experiments to fuse Vibranium with an experimental Steel alloy,[9] MacLain falls asleep and awakens to find that the resulting alloy had set in a tank hatch mold. It was then painted to become Captain America's symbol. MacLain would later attempt to recreate the shield's metal to no avail, his experiments instead eventually yielding the super-metal Adamantium.[citation needed]

Rogers' indestructible shield is more durable than regular Adamantium and is arguably the most indestructible object in the Marvel Universe. The Vibranium grants the shield unusual properties, allowing it to absorb all of the kinetic impact and vibrations from any blows that the shield receives without injuring Rogers in the process. "

Adamantium was an accident 😂
Reeds2Much - 7/31/2019, 9:19 AM
@Lanza10 - Adamantium was an accident

Comics. Spider-Man was accidentally bitten by a radioactive spider. Daredevil was accidentally splashed in the face with radioactive goo. A bat accidentally flew into Bruce Wayne's parlor while he was getting drunk ...
killadeathray - 7/31/2019, 10:04 AM
@Lanza10 - Adamantium belonged to FOX and couldn’t be used in the MCU
Origame - 7/31/2019, 1:04 PM
@Lanza10 - technically adamantium is the strongest metal. You see, adamantium is virtually indestructible because its really hard and tough. Vibranium, while also being hard and tough, is on that indestructible level because it can absorb vibrations. How hard the metal really is is hard to say since anything that hits it loses its kinetic energy before it can do anything to the metal. But considering adamantium is on a similar level just from being really hard, its gotta go to adamantium.
OmegaDaGrodd - 7/31/2019, 8:32 AM
Can't believe I never thought about how much of a gift the official Endgame release was going to be

OmegaDaGrodd - 7/31/2019, 8:39 AM

JonC - 7/31/2019, 8:44 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd - i can't believe i paid to watch people sleep... would happily do it again.
lordSTALE - 7/31/2019, 9:07 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd - This is a future meme

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