USA Today have a great round table interview with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Mark Ruffalo in which they discuss quit a few aspects of filming Joss Whedon's The Avengers. They share interesting and humorous stories about getting into costume (apparently Ruffalo suffered for his art a bit while wearing his leotard), the positives and negatives (RDJ admits there are a few) of the film, and much more. But best of all, the lads discuss who they might like to see join the team in the future. In among the jokes are a couple of characters that any fan would love to see pop up in a future movie if it wasn't for all of these different studios holding the rights - something Hermsworth suggests clearing up by "splitting the takings"..
Q: If you could draft one new member to the Avengers, who would it be?
Hemsworth: (Jean-Claude) Van Damme from Bloodsport. A big kick to the alien head.
Evans: I'm thinking Salma Hayek.
Hemsworth: Why's that, Chris?
Evans: She can carry my shield.
Hemsworth: You might have to carry hers.
Ruffalo: I think Wolverine would be cool.
Hemsworth: I know different studios own all the stuff, but wouldn't it be cool to have Spider-Man and Wolverine come in? Split the takings.
Evans: That would be awesome.
Indeed it would. Alas, something like that is very unlikely unless of course the rights eventually revert back to Marvel - also very unlikely. But we can keep on hoping. After all, if you had told me 5 years ago that
The Avengers would ever happen I probably wouldn't have believed you. As I said there is a lot more to the interview so be sure to click the link below to check it out.
The Avengers is out NOW! Get thee to thy multiplex.