Batman Solo Film: Mystery, Mayhem & Ra's Al Ghul

Batman Solo Film: Mystery, Mayhem & Ra's Al Ghul

A Batman solo film is on its way. Ben Affleck will direct and co-write along with DC Comics mainstay, Geoff Johns. There are countless story-lines and plots to choose. There are several steps that the film should take to distinguish itself from its predecessors. I think the key in distinguishing itself, is the villain. I think I've come across the perfect adversary for The Caped Crusader to take on in his first solo DCEU film.

Editorial Opinion
By GhostDog - Aug 02, 2015 11:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

Thanks for the read!!! Always open to critique!

“We want to assume that Batman has reached this point in his life and career as a superhero, and Superman represents a sort of philosophical change. He is a paradigm shift for Batman: ‘I’ve been fighting criminals all my life, trying to find justice, and now I am confronted with a concept that is transcendent to me.’ In the face of Superman, a man robbing a bank doesn’t matter…. He’s having a crisis of conscience. ‘Am I really just a vigilante who stalks the alleys of Gotham?'…”
--Zack Snyder on Batman in the DCEU
“Black and blue, God versus man, day versus night.”  This is quite a fascinating quote. It comes from the nefarious and, soon to be, follically challenged Lex Luthor in the Batman v. Superman trailer. It’s an apt description of the battle between The Last Son of krypton, Superman, and The Dark Knight, Batman. The dichotomy of the two superheroes is clear in the above-mentioned quote. The shades of each hero’s suits. How their contrast is a representation of the old idiom ‘day vs. night. Then there’s the ‘god vs. man ‘ bit. Superman is seemingly a god among men. He has the power to cause tsunamis, move mountains and shake cities. Batman is a mere mortal. He’s an exceptional human being in terms of pushing physical and mental limitations but, he’s still just a man. And yet, he takes on a god next March of 2016.

It’s David vs. Goliath. The DCEU is really embracing the mythic and biblical undertones as the very clash between The Man of Tomorrow and The Caped Crusader is allegorical in nature. This encounter is just as important for the rest of the DCEU as it is for Batman V. Superman. Primarily, it’s important for Batman’s future and his solo film. The quote that’s presented at the top of the page focuses on how Superman’s existence challenges the very purpose of Batman. Does his mission have any significance?  "Do I put on the Bat costume one more time?” Does preying on bank robbers and purse snatchers really mean anything? BvS opens up a bevy of questions on Batman’s intentions and way of life.  His solo film should expand on those questions in a more personal manner. With Batman being the focus of his own film, the metaphysical change can be addressed more in depth.
Batman and Superman come to blows. In my opinion, there will be no definitive winner but, it appears as I Batman can hold his own. However, we all know as fans that Superman is holding back. He’s not going to unleash the fury he enacted on Zod, for example, on Gotham’s vigilante. Batman can never really rival Superman in a sense. Superman is a demi-god who can save the world almost single handedly. Batman is a crime fighter who preys on criminals in a city. The very fact that Superman is out there means that Batman’s creation of fear and intimidation in the criminal underworld is damaged. Is he still feared? Most likely, but that doesn’t mean that fear hasn’t been somewhat tamed. There’ no doubt that Batman is a formidable hero, but in the DCEU it seems like the common notion is going to be tested. Batman will definitely be pushed to the limit combating Superman and Luthor in BvS. But, I think it’s important that he be tested in his own private world; the world of Gotham and the legend he’s built up after 20 years. In my own belief, I think there is no one better suited to test atman than his most formidable physical and mental adversary ever: Ra’s Al Ghul, The Demon’s Head

Ra’s al Ghul is, for me, Batman’s best villain; he’s such a fascinating and amazing character. Ra’s is a sophisticated fiend and immortal despot. His lasting and countless schemes throughout history establish just how dangerous, cunning and forbidding he is. The DCEU Batman appears to be the most comic accurate yet; this is Batman at his most skilled and powerful. He should be challenged by a foe as skilled and as a powerful as him. There’s 20 years of history there. Don’t get me wrong, Joker, Two Face and Mr. Freeze are all great villains, but this is a new Batman cinematically. His first solo film should have him contesting an adversary that will push him to his limits. Joker will always be there. He’ll show up again. Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, Hush and others can always be adapted for sequels. I truly believe that Ra’s is the best foe to punish Batman in his first solo movie in the new DCEU. You want the first Batman DCEU film to be substantial. Ra's brings a threat that's physical, mental, emotional and even romatic (Talia what's up). It’s also the best manner in which the question of Batman’s crisis of conscience can be addressed. Here’s why:


Batman and Ra’s have so much history. And unlike a lot of Batman’s villains, Ra’s and Bruce’s history is a lot more subjective. Batman has been in love with Ra’s' daughter Talia, they’ve conceived a child in some iterations and Batman has often been thought of as Ra’s’ equal. Batman has been active for 20 years. Who knows what history he and The Demon’s Head have? Countless skirmishes, tests, resurrections, sidekick kidnappings etc. I know that there is history between Batman and all his villains but it’s not as complex and intimate as this one. Ra's is a villain who has a mutual respect for Gotham’s Guardian. Most villains don’t respect the hero. He admires and definitely covets Batman’s youth and skill. Ra’s even bestowed Batman with the affable moniker “Detective”. What a jovial thing to do.

This means that Ra’s has often tested The Bat and then let him live or even bestowed him with an offer. He’s often begged Batman to take his place and wed his daughter and give him a future heir. This is an enemy whose machinations are often fixated on attracting the hero. Throughout their, history, Ra’s has only wanted to make Batman his heir and successor. This is a drastic change from Batman’s other rogues who wouldn’t like anything more than to have Batman’s cowl on pike next to his corpse. The past these two share is quite distinctive from Batman’s history with his other enemies. It’s that uniqueness that makes their relationship so remarkable.


Flying aliens, a super strong Amazonian, an undersea king; this is what the world must now contend with. The rules have changed. Gods are among us. Batman is a man among deities. How can he measure up? Alfred: “That's how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men... cruel”. That loss of power, that feeling of weakness someone may feel if they've encountered something much more powerful, will make people feeble. When we as individuals feel weak, we feel threatened and thus we must strike back. We have to expel the weakness by confronting the strong. Is Bruce worthy of being on the mountaintop with the gods? The answer is obviously yes. But, in the present DCEU, Batman has encountered something greater than him. There are those who will challenge the point that Batman is the weaker man now in the dominion of heroism. Those like Ra’s Al Ghul. Worthiness is a significant topic between Bruce and Ra’s. Ra’s found Bruce to be the most worthy to take his place as leader his League of Assassins: a vast globe-spanning society that’s bent on the purity of the Earth by any means. Batman has refused time and time again but now things are different. Batman is questioning whether or not his resources are enough to contend with individuals like Superman. Even if he trusts the Man of Steel by the end of BvS, Batman is inherently suspicious. He will also have his guard up for possible deceits. What if Batman’s crisis of conscience lasts beyond Batman V. Superman and Justice League? Could he be swayed or seduced into actually taking over the league? Who knows? The world watches on as Batman battles a god. Ra’s Al Ghul will once again seek to sway the ‘Detective’ into taking his place. And this time, there may be good reason to as Batman is questioning his purpose as a vigilante.


Batman and The Joker are often viewed as being two sides of the same coin. Both Batman and Joker work outside the boundaries of societies' lawful limits. Both men play dress up. Both men justify their madness by having ‘one bad day’. If you really think about it, they’re both self-indulgent individuals. But that’s beside the point. The similarities shared are numerous. But, Batman shares this dynamic with The Demon's Head as well. Like Batman, Ra's has at his disposable affluence, skills, intelligence, and cunning. But, he uses his vast resources differently. Both men do have the same goal: peace. That peace is viewed differently between both men; both Batman and the Joker are attempting to substantiate their psychosis. That psychosis is seen differently once again. Ra’s Al Ghul is a fanatical Batman. Ra’s had one bad day, or depending on his age, many. He’s seeking to gain peace on Earth by any means necessary. There are no limits or rhetoric. He’s lived to long and seen too much to let rules keep him at bay. Batman could eventually become that. He’s seen pain for decades but has never really crossed a line. It could happen. The pain can be overbearing. Batman and Ra’s’ analogous goals keep each man strong. Batman would become weak without Ra’s. Ra’s tests him in ways few villains can (Joker can but in a dissimilar style). Batman would grow weak and unqualified if he were without Ra’s constant trials. Combine that with their stark parallels and you’ve got an amazing conflict. The hero and villain are usually the same in one way or another.


Hitchcockian obsessed auteur, Christopher Nolan, directed and spearheaded not only one of the best comic book movie trilogies ever, but one of the best film trilogies of all time. The Dark Knight Trilogy is an essential piece of cinema in superhero film history. It can be argued that it houses the best superhero film ever with The Dark Knight. This trilogy first introduced cinematic audiences to Ra’s Al Ghul, accurately portrayed by Liam Neeson. Most of the elements were there: the League, the extremism, the skill, the Social Darwinism, the peace on earth goals. Most of the elements were there but not all of them. The immortal component wasn’t present;  nor was the Lazarus Pit or the grandiose narcissism. I think what was missed most was the comic book element. The DCEU seems to be more comic book faithful. The missed qualities in TDK Trilogy were all very ‘comicbooky’. Nolan is a staunch realism kind of director. Ra’s died in BATMAN Begins, but he didn’t fear death. This is the opposite of his personality in the comics. He DESPERATELY fears death. He fears the notion of dying without his ‘peace on earth’ goal coming to completion. The Lazarus Pits are a grave obsession and addiction as he must keep living to see his vision come to past or to find an heir to continue the mission. This is one of, if not the most important, trait Ra’s has: fear of death. A man as powerful, seemingly fearless and as accomplished as Ra’s is afraid of something. The DCEU has a chance to include this in their Batman films. Ra’s won’t stop resurrecting himself, creating chaos and attempting to recruit Batman. Another thing Nolan’s depiction got wrong: it’s pronounced "Raysh".



Members of the Al Ghul family, love giving Bruce Wayne nicknames. Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra’s, is one of Batman’s greatest loves, if not the greatest. She is one several Ra's al Ghul’s children.  Another character that has been adapted for the big screen, but not depicted at her best (Marion Cotillard did a fine job, but there was more that could’ve been fleshed out), Talia Al Ghul is an emissary of Ra’s; not just a daughter. But Ra’s being a male chauvinist and all; he doesn’t believe a female can carry on his legacy. Her father’s belief that Batman is a suitable heir makes her fall in love with him. She’s infatuated with Bruce’s skill and near perfection; as well as her father’s own admiration of Wayne. Bruce loves Talia as well. Their history is full of dalliances, one night stands and a kid or two (Damian Wayne and the Elseworlds Ibn al Xu'ffasch). The Dark Knight Rises, portrayed a Talia who was predominantly loyal to her father and his cause. In the comics, she is motivated by her love for her father and Bruce Wayne. She often has to choose between the two. This is the true Talia Al Ghul. A capable woman who helps run her father’s operations as well as a woman who is deeply disconcerted by her love of two men. She’s also a very capable fighter as she’s been trained by her father. A Batman solo film with Ra’s would most likely have his daughter along for the ride. With 20 years of activity, Batman and Talia must’ve had countless encounters. How cool would a scene of them having dinner in Milan be? Or hearing her call him beloved as she betrays him for her father?  She poses an emotional and romantic threat to Bruce and that creates tension and danger.


Batman is a detective which is perhaps his greatest asset. Ra’s somewhat affectionately often calls Batman Detective, due to his deduction skills. Besides giving Batman a cutesy nickname, Ra’s definitely brings out Batman’s skillful deductive abilities. Batman has never really been portrayed as a detective in the films. It’s what he does best if you ask me. Batman is most interesting when he’s trying to crack a case through reasoning, criminology and intelligence.

I like when Batman is searching a dark room, flashlight present and bright, and he’s looking for clues. Suspects, fingerprints, and murder put Batman to the test. The Demon’s Head has often presented Batman with a mystery or two. Whether it be kidnapping his ward and making him deduce the culprit or making Batman decipher how he’s risen once again, Ra’s and mystery go hand in hand. With his vast resources and infamy for treating  individuals like chess pieces, Ra’s could create the ultimate mystery for Batman in a solo film. Who better to create an enigmatic mystery for The Dark Knight than the man who respectively calls him Detective?
*Batman’s question of purpose must be addressed. Who best to stir all of that up other than The Demon’s Head? He respects a Batman who’s strong, determined and fearless. He may seek to test him in the solo film.  Batman’s confrontation with Superman may cause Ra’s to see if his favorite detective is still as skilled and worthy as he used to be. It doesn’t have to be some complex story of world destruction. Ra’s is obsessed with Batman. It’s a spin on the cliché of comic book films being all about saving the world or city (something I bring up a lot). This would be a film where the villain enacts a murder, chaos or destruction not just cause or for some grand scheme, but for a TEST. He simply seeks to test Batman which is what he often does. He will hit certain sensitivities within the Dark Knight while doing it. Is Bruce still the Detetctive? Is he still worthy of being the heir to the demon? A Batman stripped to almost nothing is very intriguing. Ra’s often puts Batman in situations where his tech seems obsolete. My idea for the story is to have a Batman who’s not reliant on the Batmobile or gadgets but his wits and skill. A mystery is what I’m proposing. A mystery coupled with a thriller.    

*The story has references and connections to the greater present DCEU as well as the past. Ramifications and consequences of Batman V. Superman are significant in the Batman solo film.

Comic Book Inspirations: Gotham Central

What If Robin Turned Up Dead?

A boy’s body is found wearing a Robin costume. Later, another boy’s body is found dead and wearing a Robin costume. How do detectives know that the body they find IS the true Robin? (Batman obviously knows it’s not) The police try to solve the mystery while dealing with Batman. With an uncooperative Batman and the police still trying to do their jobs, each perspective is shown. This is an interesting dynamic and spin on the Batman lore.
Comic Book Inspirations: Batman: Birth of the Demon

Lazarus Pits No More!

The world engine that was set on the Earth in Man of Steel, disturbed some of the environment in more ways than one. The last few Lazarus Pits have been destroyed or negatively affected by the engine’s destruction. Batman discovers, while dealing with the Robin mystery, that Talia has been involved in multiple excavations around the world. He then discovers a connection between the Robin murders and The Demon’s Head through intermediaries and various agents. He then investigates Talia’s movements. Batman had succeeded in destroying the last Lazarus Pits (so he thought), but in one disastrous expedition to Talia’s location, he lands himself in a pit. He seeks out Ra’s while fighting insanity.
Ra’s Al GhulThe Demon Lives Again!


Batman tracks down Ra’s Al Ghul in the desert to the last secret pit. Ra’s informs him that the murders were orchestrated to gain his attention and to test his mettle. Batman has grown weary in his age; Ra’s needed to be sure he had not lost his edge. Not become dependent on tech and gadgetry. He offers him the chance to lead the league as he chides Bruce about gods being among us and his association with them being wrong. He preys on Bruce’s suspicions of his godly JL teammates; His distrust of their power, even after the team’s formation. This leads to an epic battle in the desert between The Caped Crusader and Ra’s Al Ghul.
Easter Eggs & Set Up
*It is later discovered that Uriah Boone, leader of the Court of Owls, used one of the last Lazarus Pits before their destruction due to the World Engine. He had survived for centuries on the power of the Electrum compound, which could reanimate him. After some time, its power waned. Boone usurped the pits properties and replicated it to resurrect his Talons. The organization had been dormant but have now returned due to fear of The Batman taking their beloved Gotham from them. The Court takes notice of the events that have recently transpired involving Superman and the Justice League and decide that Batman is at his weakest and most vulnerable now.  He’s been put through the ringer. It’s time for the Owls to rise again.

 Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time,
Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed.
Speak not a whispered word about them, or they'll send the Talon for your head.

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GhostDog - 8/2/2015, 8:16 PM
@GliderMan I see your point. I only left it as a setup for a sequel because I see that as a 2 part type of film and dick grayson being very integral. This solo batman is all about him. I think court of owls is about dick as much as it is about Bats. The storyline is so massive I'd like to see it be a two parter. I just really like ra's al ghul. Not just that, but I resonate the court of owls with history and legacy. I think it's more about the city. And also, dick is to be involved so it's not all about batman. That's how I envisioned it. His ancestors have ties to the court and I think a batman nightwing teamup would be cool.

DrKinsolving - 8/3/2015, 4:04 AM

Nice Article man!! Can't wait to finally see Batman on screen in the DCEU and his solo movie

This would be cool, I'm hoping that Ra's is introduced but I also hope we see lots of influence from

Court of Owls
Long Halloween

I really hope they do Knightfall justice, Affleck is getting older too, so I think it's a possibility eventually, unless they go the prequel route

Awesome article, Can't Wait
GhostDog - 8/3/2015, 4:07 AM
@DrKinsolving I agree! My admiration for the HUSH storyline knows no bounds. And court of owls is a classic in my opinion. It's a story that would be so drastically different than anything we've seen for batman on film.
Spock0Clock - 8/3/2015, 4:15 AM

Unfortunately, drawing this took too long and I couldn't post it in your article before it got taken down. But I'll post it here, at least.

...Anyway, carry on about Batman. :)
DrKinsolving - 8/3/2015, 4:21 AM

Hahahahahahahaha, Awesome

SimplyAz - 8/3/2015, 4:38 AM
An interesting and well written article, I came away with a lot more knowledge of the relationship between Bruce Wayne and Ra's and Talia AL Gul.
I would love to see Damian Wayne in the DCEU as well as Talia.
My choice to protray Ra's would be Hrithik Roashan, a really good bollywood actor who has played a variety of characters including those with shades of grey in their personalities.

Spock0Clock - 8/3/2015, 4:47 AM

Here's what's wrong with your idea... Nothing. I agreed with pretty much all of it. Particularly the parts about Talia and Batman needing to be a proper detective.

The Riddler is still my pick for "ideal Batman movie villain" to showcase his detective skills, but Ra's definitely has that potential, too. Like Spider-Man, I think Batman is probably better suited to a TV format (weekly adventures or short arcs) to really showcase the rogues gallery and the sort of "day-to-day" of being a street-level vigilante. But Spider-Man's CGI requirements and Batman's high profile make the business side more suited to films... so... oh well.
GhostDog - 8/3/2015, 5:11 AM
@Spock0Clock much respect. TV format fits bats well but he's so bankable as a movie character it may be years until studio execs realize he can work for both formats. I appreciate the compliment sir.
DrKinsolving - 8/3/2015, 5:51 AM

Right on

Also, Andrew Scott for Riddler. I would definitely pay to see that

kong - 8/3/2015, 7:52 AM
I love everything about this article and would be happy if a movie like this was given to us, but when I lay it out in the scheme of things in the DCEU I can't ever see it happening.

We already had a movie with R'as as the villain. Then we had a third movie that had strong connections to R'as and the League of Shadows. Yes this film would have changed, but I don't think it's best to reuse his villains when there are so many that haven't yet been accurately portrayed to screen or been shown at all.

I think the first film should definitely be an adaption of the Red Hood storyline. I have an idea of a really unique way of adapting it, but I wanna save it for an article. It does introduce the audience to the far reaches of Batman's villains.

Second movie would be a movie with Riddler as a villain, taking inspiration from Zero Year and Batman: Earth One vol. 2

Third movie is Court/Night of Owls which has been built up since the first film. Hopefully Scott Snyder can join with Affleck to write this one, while him AND Geoff are both story consultants on the second film since it takes inspiration from both of their movies.

Second movie would
GhostDog - 8/3/2015, 8:37 AM
@Kong I can TOTALLY see your theory happening. Although, I'd desire court owls sooner rather later. I really love that story. I know Ra's is most Likely going to be left on the back burner but I think his inclusion in batman's world is significant. There's 20 years of history now to play off of. With joker popping up so soon after his last cinematic portrayal, why not have Ra's come along for the ride. Im anxious to see how the jason todd story is handled as well.Thanks for the compliments and constant support. Much respect sir

GhostDog - 8/3/2015, 9:48 AM
@MisterSuperior I had considered that but I thought the courts first appearance should be them vs bats and no one else. The Court is a worthy enough adversary to favr batman on their lonesome I think. I still think your idea is great if it was written right. Intertwining both shadowy organizations is complex and would take some skilled writing
MisterSuperior - 8/3/2015, 9:49 AM
Somewhat to what you mentioned, but I'd want the solo Batfilm to feature both Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins as well as the Court of Owls. The inspiration of the film should be based on the obvious Court of Owls storyline and with the Batman and Son storyline. I felt like the animated films of Son of Batman and Batman vs Robin were so great that if you intertwine them, they could make up for one spectacular film and I thought of, if this Batman has been deep into his career for 20 years or so, bring in Damien Wayne immediately, bring in an older Ra's al Ghul where the Lazarus Pit has no effect on him anymore and he's secretly in leagues with the Court of Owls as they perfect the LP for Ra's. In the end, give us one hell of a battle between League of Assassins(who are firmly on Batman's side because of their allegiances with Talia al Ghul) vs The Talons and then have a back-to-back final battle with Batman vs now-younger Ra's al Ghul(due to the new LP) and then Batman and Damien vs the Grandmaster, whoever the film makes it out to be, whether Clark, Wycliffe or someone else entirely.
MisterSuperior - 8/3/2015, 9:53 AM

Sorry, I wasn't done with my comment when you replied, haha. I was blank on the Court of Owls' Grandmaster, lol.

And while I also wouldn't mind a solo film with just the Court of Owls as well, I always felt like, the idea that there isn't just one Talon as Batman vs Robin suggested could lead to an army vs army battle which then made me think of the prospect that Batman could indeed have his own army because of his ties to Talia al Ghul which made me think of Damien, especially when Batman's been around Gotham for 20 years. It would take some skilled writing to blend the two together, but I think, or at least I have some faith in that it could be done for sure. Although, if this is just the first film and its sequel with Ra's al Ghul/League of Assassins and then Court of Owls, or if it's switched....I wouldn't mind that at all.
OptionFour - 8/3/2015, 4:58 PM
Well written article, and I find it hard to disagree with anything you said.

That said, Ra's still wouldn't be my first pick - in fact, I wouldn't feel bad if he didn't show up at all. I like the character, and you outline well how he fits in, but I just don't feel we need another solo Batman movie focusing on Ra's and the League. I agree that the Chris Nolan one was great, but imperfect. No argument. It could have been done better.
But that doesn't mean we need to re-tread that ground. Especially not for the new Batman's first solo outing - it would seem too much like repeating what has already been done.

Just as we don't need another Spiderman origin story where he fights the Green Goblin, we don't really need another solo Batman outing that sees him face off with the Demon's Head.

I'd rather see them take on something we haven't seen in a while, or ever; Mr. Freeze, Clayface, the Penguin. Anything. Just not the Joker, Ra's Al Ghul, or generic Gotham mafia dudes of any flavour.
arseven1974 - 8/3/2015, 11:10 PM
Whichever storyline they choose to go with (P.S all of them are too good to ignore), all i want them to do is give a reasonable screentime and story to Robin and i for one want more than one Robin, Both Tim and Dick must be in this adaption and it should be such that this movie becomes more of a Bat-Family movie.The young heroes must be shown interacting with the other young heroes i.e the sidekicks of other League members, it should be shown that this guys hang out together when they ain't kicking ass. The struggles,the relationship between mentor-student,Dick becoming Nightwing and how it changes things between him and Bruce,everything of that sort must be given importance and depth and the Robins and even Batgirl should steal the show. What it will do is that it will pave way for a Teen Titans/Young Justice movie, and make the public aware of their existence as well as their importance. After watching YJ i am not the only one craving for a movie of YJ in the DCEU. Hope someone or the other likes my idea of a Bat-family film with focus on Batman as well as his heirs.
arseven1974 - 8/3/2015, 11:16 PM
Wouldn't it be fun to see Cassie Sandsmark trying on a amazonian outfit to start out her Superhero career but then realising that its too much for her and starts wearing Tracksuit instead or something along those lines.. Being a big time Dc and Teen Titans fan this things always makes me want a movie.
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