I know a lot of people on this site have been either fixated or bothered (maybe both) regarding the controversy over the use of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. My intention here is not to add fuel to the political flames but share with you Bane co-creator Chuck Dixon's own words on the matter. We have heard snippets of his reaction but I am offering a more complete take.
In an article on Gawker.com, Neetzan Zimmerman quotes Dixon's frustration with the politicizing of his character:
"The idea that there's some kind of liberal agenda behind the use of Bane in the new movie is silly...I refuted this within hours of the article in the Washington Examiner suggesting that Bane would be tied to Bain Capital and Mitt Romney appearing. Bane was created by me and Graham Nolan and we are lifelong conservatives and as far from left-wing mouthpieces as you are likely to find in comics."
As has been mentioned before Dixon commented on radio show host Rush Limbaugh's comments:
"I saw it on FB like two hours ago," he wrote on the Dixonverse messageboard on Monday. "Tho' I got a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach that Rush may pick up on this. And [t]hat would be the second time he pegged me and Graham as liberals on his show."
In an interview on ComicBook.com, Chuck Dixon had this to add:
"As for his appearance in The Dark Knight Rises, Bane is a force for evil and the destruction of the status quo... He's far more akin to an Occupy Wall Street type if you're looking to cast him politically. And if there ever was a Bruce Wayne running for the White House it would have to be Romney."
I am hoping that Dixon's words will quell any rising (no pun intended) suspicions of political conspiracy. I am hoping we all can respect Dixon's take and just move on and enjoy the greatness that is The Dark Knight Rises.
If you are interested in reading the article, I have it linked below.