Selina Kyle or Catwoman is one of the most interesting comic book characters in history, she's an enigma. When posed with the question of "is Catwoman a hero, or a villain?" no one, not even her creator, Bob Kane, would be able to give a plain answer. In The Dark Knight Rises, without even seeing the film, it's been established that, if Batman is white and Bane is black, then Catwoman is most certainly grey.

After the up roar of Anne Hathaway's casting, people started to speculate what kind of role would a sexy cat burglar who runs around giving innuendo filled dialogue in the comics, would play in Nolan real gritty universe. Unlike many people, I was happy with the casting of Hathaway, as a fan of her from a young age, I believed her to be just right for the role of Selina Kyle, and more so after watching her Oscar nominated harrowing performance in Rachel Getting Married, and her sexy turn in her Golden Globe nominated performance in Love and Other Drugs. I have always stood by the belief that Nolan cast her for a reason, and more so after seeing who auditioned for the role. (Kiera Knightley, Sienna Miller, Kate Mara, Rachel Weisz, Jessica Biel etc)
But like many, when the first official image debuted of Hathaway as Catwoman, I thought.....meh. I was a disappointed for sure, but I came around when I saw other set leak photos, and in the following official shots it looked fine.
I believe Catwoman's role will be vital in The Dark Knight Rises. Here is my speculation on what will happen with her.
She's working with Bane at the beginning of the movie, undercover as a maid in the Wayne household. As established the third trailer Selina is terrified of Bane, which leads me to believe she is working for him for a reason, could this have something to do with Juno Temple's Holly Robinson? Anyway, like the comics, Catwoman in the movie will play by her own rules, she eventually start to ally with Batman, after seeing the devastation Bane is reeking on Gotham, but will not fully become a hero, and let's face it, Catwoman is nobody's sidekick. She is a master thief, who steals Bruce Wayne's mothers pearl necklace for which she has access to because of her undercover role in the Wayne mansion.
As for Hathaway herself, I believe her to steal the show during the movie. I personally think she will not only become a audience favourite, as well as adding some fun chemistry between her and Batman. Hathaway will do great, I think its a shame, she'll only get to play this character once.
But we will find out for sure whether my predictions or hopes come true, July 20th when The Dark Knight Rises hits theatres.
UPDATED: A part of the piece I forgot to include is how Catwoman will interact with the other female lead in the film, Miranda Tate aka Taila ah Ghul.
I also believe that Catwoman also serves as a primary adversary for the rumored Taila ah Ghul, I believe her character and Marion's will have a face off at some point towards the end of the film, where I believe Catwoman, not Taila will lose. That's right, predictable I know, but I believe Catwoman will be killed during The Dark Knight Rises. It will be interested to see how Selina and Taila/Miranda interact, as seen through the trailer Bruce seems to have a romantic link to Miranda, but as seen throughout the trailer he also seems to have a relationship of sorts with Catwoman, and Selina. If Miranda does eventually turn out to be Taila, (which, come on, theres no doubt she will) I believe it will Catwoman who will expose her to Batman/Bruce, due to, I believe her alliance changing throughout the film from Bane to Batman.
It will also be interesting in the film to see how Catwoman will interact with John Blake. He seems to have in custody in the third trailer, and she is seen doing a perp walk in which she attacks an inmate, which leads me to believe that Catwoman will escape prison with the help of John Blake.