Horror movie Unwelcome stars Hannah John-Kamen (Ant-Man and The Wasp) and Douglas Booth (Jupiter Ascending) as a couple that escapes their urban nightmare to the tranquillity of rural Ireland, only to hear stories of mysterious beings who live in the gnarled, ancient wood at the foot of their new garden.
As warned by their new neighbours, in Irish lore the Redcaps will come when called to help souls in dire need of rescue, but it’s crucial to remember that there is always a dear price to pay for their aid, and that's where things get...messy.
Game of Thrones star Kristian Nairn plays the mysterious, hulking Eion in this Irish folk horror, and we recently caught up with the actor to learn more about his experience working on the project. At the end of our conversation (which you can watch in full below), we asked Kristian if he's keen to work on a superhero movie or TV show.
"Yeah! I am a huge superhero fan. I have a tattoo of Thor on my arm," the Hodor actor exclaimed showing off the impressive piece of body art. "I’m an original fan from the comics and a big Marvel and DC fan."
"If we’re going to stick with the types I could play…obviously, they can do anything with CGI these days, but I can’t imagine myself playing the new Wonder Woman [Laughs]. I’d try it! I’d love to play Solomon Grundy. I’ve got the hair and dialogue down. I’d love to. We’ll see what happens. Who knows? I’m putting it out there. Hey, [James Gunn]!"
We often see actors put themselves forward for various comic book movie roles, but this would be a terrific piece of casting and a great way to bring the classic Batman villain to life minus visual effects.
While Solomon Grundy did appear in Stargirl and Gotham, we've yet to see him in a movie, and he's a baddie that could definitely fit in with the quirky direction DC Studios is seemingly taking the DCU in.
What do you guys think? As always, let us know in the comments section.
Unwelcome is coming to AMC Theaters' Thrills and Chills Lineup on March 8 and hits Digital on March 14.