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WakandanQueen - 10/18/2019, 2:43 AM
Release the #SnyderCut.
Origame - 10/18/2019, 3:15 AM
I really hate this mindset. Him and nolan have this weird mindset toward deleted scenes. So many of us just want to talk about how a movie has changed through production. We aren't saying they need to be in the movie. Just available.
DeadClunge - 10/18/2019, 3:20 AM
@Origame - I agree. I wanted to see the bane backstory stuff they left out in TDKR .
Origame - 10/18/2019, 3:29 AM
@JokerClunge - thats exactly what i was thinking. I love nolan and joker was definitely a movie we needed, but this mindset just feels like the film makers are giving the finger to people who care about the process of making a movie.
Kumkani - 10/18/2019, 3:25 AM
I think they may have cut too much out of the film.
dracula - 10/18/2019, 3:27 AM
Well unless he is going to add them back in, really whats the point, most deleted scenes we get on blu rays, are alternate versions of scenes, slightly longer versions of scenes we do have, or small moments. It's rare that I find a deleted scene that would actually make a movie better.
Origame - 10/18/2019, 6:05 AM
@dracula - the point is learning how a movie has changed. Its fascinating from a bts perspective seeing how a story changed in production. Maybe the original story was less up to interpretation (like revealing arthurs real father, proving thomas is telling the truth). Maybe there's a scene where he kills the girl he had a crush on. Maybe theres a whole subplot taken out.

Its the same reason why we love concept art. None of those designs are gonna be used in future movies. Its just fun seeing what could have been.
manofillintent1 - 10/18/2019, 4:01 AM
A week later I’m trying to decide wether I liked this film, it’s a mixed bag
VileBlood - 10/18/2019, 4:48 AM
"I hate f**king extended cuts"

I agree with this. Extended cuts should never be considered superior to the original cut unless you've done a shit job at cutting the film together. What you release into theaters should be the best version of the film.
Spidey91 - 10/18/2019, 5:42 AM
@obredaan - *stares in Blade Runner*
VileBlood - 10/18/2019, 9:37 AM
@KingCipher - LOTR is the only exception I'd agree with but that's due to the massive size of the books. But the theatrical cuts of LOTR are fantastic so in this case it's like adding whip cream to an already delicious dessert.
Spidey91 - 10/18/2019, 5:44 AM
Well, that's needlessly asshole-ish response
tmp3 - 10/18/2019, 5:55 AM
This is the exact same response that Scorsese had on director's cuts a week back
Spidey91 - 10/18/2019, 6:21 AM
@tmp3 - "we get it Todd, you like Scorsese, but Martin isn't gonna have sex with you, he's not interested"
ShimmyShimmyYA - 10/18/2019, 6:00 AM
Finally saw this movie . was some mid , and I lean towards kinda disliking it tbh, there’s really nothing about that character that makes him the soul of the joker aside from clown makeup. Plus it took too long for him to turn
QuietStorm - 10/18/2019, 6:03 AM
"I hate deleted scenes....but i love these deleted scenes"
Chewtoy - 10/18/2019, 6:19 AM
“I hate deleted scenes. They’re deleted for a reason,"
"The movie that exists is exactly the movie I want it to be and I will never show a deleted scene."

And yet there are plenty of outakes, bloopers, extended scenes and deleted scenes on YouTube from his prior films.
Spidey91 - 10/18/2019, 6:28 AM
@Chewtoy - yeah but now he's an "auteur" *read it in the most snooty and pretentious british accent possible*, he probably thinks director's cuts are for little girls with cooties or something.
Moriakum - 10/18/2019, 6:24 AM
To me, Joker is one of the disappointments of the year. The movie starts really well, but slowly started losing me as the movie progressed.. But I thought everything would be compensated for when Arthur completely changed into the Joker. But when that finally happened, we got Joker dancing in slow motion on some stairs (I thought that scene was ridiculous) and running away from two cops like a little girl. And we have a real fan service scene at the end that is so disconnected from the rest of the movie that it feels like we're watching a different movie. I found Joker pretentious and with nothing to offer besides a great cinematography and a brilliant Joaquin Phoenix. But this is just my opinion.
ShimmyShimmyYA - 10/18/2019, 6:31 AM
@Moriakum - it was s Hollywood circle jerk version of a CBM imo . Hollywood showing us nerds what “real cinema” is whatever tf that is
Spidey91 - 10/18/2019, 6:31 AM
You know, as someone who actually liked the movie it's seriously starting to lose points just because this guy comes off as such an asshole every time he speaks.
regularmovieguy - 10/18/2019, 6:36 AM

Because he doesn’t like directors cuts?
Spidey91 - 10/18/2019, 6:43 AM
@regularmovieguy - it's how he said it, he comes off as patronizing. And that's on top of some of his previous comments. I dunno, feels like a little kid on top of a pony imagining he's an historical figure mounted on his epic white steed, except not endearing because he's like, what 40, 50 something?
Maybe I'm just rambling, it's friday and I'm bored out of my mind at work.
IronGenesis - 10/18/2019, 6:32 AM
“The movie that exists is exactly the movie I want it to be...”. Not sure that applies to every filmmaker or every film.

‘A New Hope’ was not the film Lucas wanted it to be. When he finally got his way, the film took a hit in the new editions.

On the flip side...
Films like Blade Runner, Troy, Watchmen, Alexander, LOTR, Halloween 6...all improved upon getting there full release.

You have a screenwriter who meticulously pieces together a script. It works as a whole. But when you start fillming and exiting and switching scenes and removing scenes (corporate reasons, run time reasons), the film could lose a piece of its original foundation and strength.

Truly was surprised how improved a film like TROY was when it was allowed to be its originally intended 3 hour plus version. Now certain characters and scenes had time to breathe.

Every released film is a compromise. I look at directors cuts as less of a compromise.
Moriakum - 10/18/2019, 6:39 AM
@IronGenesis - I would put Kingdom of Heaven on that list. I found the theatrical cut of Kingdom of Heaven boring and mediocre. But the Director´s Cut is an amazing epic!
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