Liberals Compare Batman's Villain "Bane" To Bain Capital Mitt Romney's Investment Firm

Liberals Compare Batman's Villain "Bane" To Bain Capital Mitt Romney's Investment Firm

Christopher Lehane tries to compare the usually thought conservative franchise to a more liberal message.

By superotherside - Jul 18, 2012 09:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman
Source: WashingtonTimes

According to the WashingtonExaminer Democratic adviser Christopher Lehane says the following. "It has been observed that movies can reflect the national mood. Whether it is spelled Bain and being put out by the Obama campaign or Bane and being out by Hollywood, the narratives are similar: a highly intelligent villain with offshore interests and a past both are seeking to cover up who had a powerful father and is set on pillaging society. As earlier reported Rush Limbaugh picked up the news of this idiotic comparison which you can listen to his answer to this unfounded idea here. It seems amazing that a film usually thought to be in a conservative mindset that some are comparing it to a liberal mindset now. There has been several comparisons to OWS movement and other supposed conspiracy theories but for the most part Nolan's Bat trilogy has always been compared as pro-conservative. Even Chuck Dixon made the following statement. Ridiculous. Tho' I got a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach that Rush (Limbaugh) may pick up on this. And that would be the second time he pegged me and Graham as liberals on his show. On Tuesday afternoon he also added this image.

The Dark Knight Rises is the latest and final sequel to the Nolan directed Batman series, its predecessors being Batman Begins and the The Dark Knight. The character first appearing in Detective Comics #27, Batman was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, and has subsequently appeared in many comics, books, television, and movies. The current premise for the feature film The Dark Knight Rises is: Following the death of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman assumes responsibility for Dent's crimes to protect Dent's reputation and is subsequently hunted by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, Batman returns to Gotham, where he encounters the mysterious Selina Kyle and the villainous Bane, and must confront the latter's plans to destroy the city. With an all star cast: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Marion Cotillard, The Dark Knight Rises opens in theaters July 20th!

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superotherside - 7/18/2012, 9:51 AM
kevberg It's been oked by Nailbiter himself and another editor. It should stay up. But if you want to have a better chance at it, don't forget to thumb it up!
Altair - 7/18/2012, 9:56 AM
The article says Bane has a powerful father. Could this confirm the Ra's is Bane's father rumors?
JatevinM - 7/18/2012, 9:57 AM
I dont care who came up with the theory its stupid as hell. I dont care if Democrats did it or Republicans did it who honestly believes that Chris Nolan chose Bane as a dig at Romney.
Greengo - 7/18/2012, 11:38 AM

The article yesterday kinda put the cart before the horse but this is a more accurate of a representation of the sequence of events.


I wonder if we're gonna hear hate filled attacks from yesterday this time directed at liberals for this B.S. tactic.... hmmmmmmmmmm
AlibiBreakfast - 7/18/2012, 11:43 AM
The Washington Examiner is right-wing garbage...and so is @kevberg
GoILL - 7/18/2012, 11:45 AM
Really hate politicians for stupid ass things like this whole Bane/Bain nonsense.
Greengo - 7/18/2012, 11:50 AM
@Alibi: Lehane is a "Democratic advisor and former Clinton aid"

This is coming from left. You can hate on the Examiner for reporting it but they didn't make it up.

Jer3miah - 7/18/2012, 11:55 AM
This should clear things up even more than most of you can fathom.
Greengo - 7/18/2012, 11:58 AM
This article needs to be cleaned up. Title needs to be fixed teaser needs to be fixed and body of article is too jumbled together.
SkywayTraffic - 7/18/2012, 12:20 PM
Gee whiz, it sure is a good thing republicans NEVER take things out of context and use them for political gain or else this article would be completely idiotic...

Oh wait.
lunesta - 7/18/2012, 12:43 PM
da [frick] (cocaine a hell of a drug)
TheLoveDoc - 7/18/2012, 12:46 PM
TDKR script made: 2008

Bain Capital Liberal movement:2012

Please tell me the Democrats aren't going to use this.
LP4 - 7/18/2012, 1:15 PM
Yay Kevberg! Tell it like it is!

Damn liberals, using bane/bain. STUPID!
NEONRehan - 7/18/2012, 1:15 PM
you guys really break my heart. These opinions are too heated and hateful for an artistic platform. Inspire dialogue, not mud slinging.
LP4 - 7/18/2012, 1:25 PM
@SkywayTraffic- Dude STOP MAKING THIS ABOUT CONSERVATIVES. Maybe if you actually READ the article and educated your sad self you would know that this is an article all about the democrats and the [frick]ing childish games they play with people's lives.
LP4 - 7/18/2012, 1:32 PM
@Alibibreakfast- Wow you must be some [frick]ING genius huh? The facts are PROVEN right in front of ur eyes and the best u can do to defend against it is to blame the news source as "right wing garbage"?

Why is it, every time the facts are provided, all you liberals ever do is make up excuses? Or...oh this is sweet, they make up an "alibi" how ironic, right alibibreakfast?

LP4 - 7/18/2012, 1:40 PM
@kevberg- Hammil said that? What a [frick]ing douche. There is a huge bias, where liberals get their free speech but the moment a conservative speaks- they get blotted out, demoralized and discriminated.

All the things liberals SUPPOSEDLY are "against"

Personally I see Bane as the perfect embodiment of liberals- evil. Batman as the prime embodiment of Conservatives- unsung heroes
Greengo - 7/18/2012, 1:41 PM
Greengo - 7/18/2012, 1:45 PM
Actually Bane= OWS, attack succes, create havoc & chaos, class warfare, pit people against each other, expand the dependent class (their base)


LP4 - 7/18/2012, 2:00 PM
@greengo- Agreed bro, they piss me off man. I live in California born and raised so you can imagine what I deal with here on a daily basis lol

@kevberg- Yeah I noticed too lately, lots of the hollywood peeps I used to like are liberal nutjobs. Saddest one for me- J.J.. Abrams :( but he isn't too extreme at least. Nolan is conservative so that's awesome
lnTylerWeTrust - 7/18/2012, 2:09 PM
Kevberg is a Fox News watcher
Scooby - 7/18/2012, 2:33 PM
@Superotherside I respect your views in thinking that Batman is a conservative franchise. But I would appreciate it if you change the teaser. Nolan's Batman is not a conservative. And the Batman character himself is not a conservative. He is Batman. How you perceive the character is based on your own system of beliefs. To state that in the teaser shows that you want the character to be a conservative: which he is not. Based on the writer and interpretation of the writer Batman can come off in various ways. That's the beauty of these characters. That was a bit careless.

From The Kryptonian forums:

10 Reasons Batman Comics are Liberal Propaganda

01. Batman never carries a gun.

02. Batman nonetheless manages to overcome gun-wielding bad guys routinely. This is obviously meant to brainwash us into thinking that real people can reasonably expect to courageously defeat gun-wielding muggers without needing firearms of their own to even the odds. But what else do you expect from a liberal?

03. Batman never has the guts to kill even the worst cases, not even when he could honestly swear under oath that it had been done in the heat of the moment in simple self-defense of himself or of innocent civilians, when a known murderer was brandishing a deadly weapon and was obviously ready to use it again. This makes Batman much, much more of a yellow-bellied bleeding-heart liberal than that nice conservative Superman fellow who did have the guts to appoint himself judge, jury, and executioner, and wipe out the three Phantom Zone criminals after they had committed planetary genocide in an alternate world back around 1988.

04. Batman's parents loved each other dearly, we're told, and yet in eight years or so they only had one child. Practicting birth control like mad were they, so that the single kid wouldn't be too much of a burden on their narcissistic lifestyles? That's liberals for you!

05. Although he has no official standing with the legitimate authorities of Gotham City (not to mention the county, state, and federal governments), Batman is obviously far more intelligent and effective than the trained professionals who are legally authorized to enforce the law. Makes you wonder why we bother giving law enforcement agencies any tax money at all, if private citizens are going to "empower" themselves to do most of the necessary work anyway.

06. Batman routinely breaks the law, all sorts of laws, even invading the White House and robbing the President of the United States on at least one occasion, but his crimes are usually written in such a way that we are supposed to believe we should be gentle and sympathetic with his antisocial behavior because of extenuating circumstances, instead of tossing him inside a maximum-security cell so hard that he bounces off the concrete floor twice, and then leaving him there to rot.

07. On a similar note, Batman is incredibly forgiving of Catwoman’s past sins, without expecting her to actually submit to arrest, throw herself on the mercy of the court, and serve her time behind bars.

08. For years Batman has frequently served as part of one incarnation or another of the Justice League, an organization which is sponsored by the United Nations. Anyone who voluntarily works for the UN instead of the national government of his own homeland is clearly a shameless, unpatriotic, internationalist, bleeding-heart LIBERAL.

09. Batman never manages to settle down with a nice girl, get married, raise kids, you know, all that old-fashioned "family values" stuff – instead, he goes through girlfriends like they were cheeseburgers. He’s probably a big believer in “free love” without feeling guilty about it.

10. Batman has been known to threaten people’s lives, and/or beat them up, in order to get them to spill their guts about anything they know regarding criminal schemes. Clearly he is following the philosophy of that well-known liberal legal scholar, Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard School of Law, who recently wrote a book advocating the legalized torture of suspected terrorists.

10 Reasons Batman Comics are Conservative Propaganda

01. Jason Todd’s mother had performed illegal abortions to make money in the days before Roe v. Wade, gave birth to an illegitimate child, and ended up working in a famine relief camp in Africa. Was it any surprise that she was then revealed to be utterly corrupt?

02. Batman is extremely insensitive, even to his friends, teammates, the women he dates, etc., across the last several years, and seems to glory in it. (“I’m an old-fashioned, macho, alpha male and I’m proud of it! Sensitivity and courtesy are for women and wusses!” is the clear message that he consistently sends with his painfully bad example.)

03. The way the Joker, Two-Face, the Riddler, etc., keep coming back to cause more trouble, time after time, is obviously meant to brainwash us into thinking that they ought to be executed the next time they’re arrested, whether they’re legally sane or not, in order to be on the safe side – it’s the only sure way to prevent even more people from dying. The concept of civilized, nonviolent lifetime imprisonment as a serious alternative is treated as a bad joke – in Batman’s world, a “life sentence” translates to “he'll be off the streets for about six weeks if we’re lucky.”

04. In "A Death in the Family," Batman thought nothing of using a truth serum to pry into Lady Shiva’s personal life ("have you ever had children?"), which was really none of his business.

05. Batman lives in a world so dangerous that it makes the typical reader think, “Gee, considering that I’m not a graduate of any kind of Ninja Training School the way our hero is, maybe I better keep an automatic weapon handy at all times in case a crazed serial killer breaks into my house! This seems to happen to innocent citizens in Gotham about twice a week, every week of the year!”

06. Seems like every man, woman, and child Batman meets either has superpowers or has a gun. But the innocent bystanders whom he rescues never have guns; they depend upon him to save them. Clearly, those innocent bystanders are suffering under the burden of unfair Gun Control Laws. Living proof of the argument “Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns!” That’s exactly the situation Bats encounters every night of the week!

07. No Man’s Land – consider the basic premise. The President had placed the Gotham City area off limits and had stationed troops who were authorized to shoot you if you tried to approach the boundary with a humanitarian aid package (food, for instance). This event basically happened in the Bat-titles through the year of 1999 (may have started in late '98?). Since everyone and his brother knows the President of the United States in 1999 was Bill Clinton, it’s obvious that DC was trying to say that Clinton was the sort of vicious maniac who would refuse to authorize federal aid for a big city stricken by a natural disaster, and instead would get his jollies as he proudly gave American servicemen firm orders to shoot unarmed American citizens on sight just because they wanted to peacefully walk in or out of a disaster area whenever they felt like it. Talk about smearing a man’s character in a libelous fashion!

08. Batman gives a lot of his money to charitable works. On the face of it, this seems like good liberal behavior, but the evil here is that he is implicitly supporting the idea that charities need to be privately funded and administered in the civilian sector, as if he doesn’t trust Big Government to bravely assume the full responsibility of spending all the necessary amounts of money on welfare programs in a wise and sensitive fashion. Classic conservative dogma!

09. Batman has been known to invade other countries for various reasons, without getting his passport stamped by customs, without being invited in by local government, without doing one thing or another that an American is supposed to do when he travels abroad. Classic conservative arrogance!

10. Batman has been known to threaten people’s lives, and/or beat them up, in order to get them to spill their guts about anything they know regarding criminal schemes. Clearly he is following the philosophy of that well-known conservative legal scholar, Alberto Gonzales, the new Attorney General, who is credited with writing some legal arguments explaining why a President of the United States has the constitutional right to order prisoners tortured under certain circumstances.
gnark1llx - 7/18/2012, 2:37 PM

People are allowed to have their own opinions, including Mark Hammil. Just because he doesn't have the same views as yourself doesn't mean he deserves any less respect. It's called freedom of speech, he's allowed to say what he did about Willard. But I guess since its not your views it's wrong. Typical Republican.

One thing I hate about Republicans are how fast they are to demean someone and call others names because they don't agree with their political agenda. Keep watching your Fox News and getting them "real" political insights from the likes of Ann Coulter or Sarah Palin who couldn't even finish 1 term as Governor because she'd rather sell books than to honor the oath she took for public office.
SkywayTraffic - 7/18/2012, 2:58 PM
LP4 and Kevberg. You realize the rest of the world laughs at people like you, right?

I'll go back to ruining people's lives because I have a different viewpoint than you.
superotherside - 7/18/2012, 3:42 PM
Scooby I respect your views as well, but I think you are taking my article the wrong way. I'm not talking weather Batman is conservative or liberal. I'm talking about how most feel about Nolan's trilogy.

Quote: It seems amazing that a film usually thought to be in a conservative mindset that some are comparing it to a liberal mindset now. There has been several comparisons to OWS movement and other supposed conspiracy theories but for the most part Nolan's Bat trilogy has always been compared as pro-conservative.

I'm talking about that whole thing when OWS was going on that people were saying that TDKR was based on this, with Bane being the OWS movement and Batman being the so called 1%. That's what I was referring to. :)
PacificOrca - 7/18/2012, 3:51 PM
Some food for thought:

1) Vigilante justice is an overwhelmingly conservative topic.

2) Artists of all stripes are overwhelmingly liberal. This is because in the efforts to pursue dreams that don't pay well unless they win the lottery and actually score a gig right out of school, they inevitably face poverty at some point. People who actually experience poverty experience the condescending WASPs in the GOP who want to make life difficult for them. Therefore, American actors and writers and painters, etc., are overwhelmingly Democratic.

3) Batman hates guns.

4) The Waynes fall into that strange upper echelon phenomenon where they're so filthy rich that they become human again because there's no longer any reason for them to compete like insects because the game is done and they've won. This is why Bruce Wayne's dad worked a thankless job as a doctor at a public hospital. Look at Bill Gates or the Roosevelts or the Kennedys. The nasty ones are those who have had a taste of wealth and want more, the ones who take home between $300,000 and $1,000,000.

5) Because of the combination of his social class with his geographic location in the Northest, Bruce Wayne would have been raised Episcopalian (but no longer practicing), an overwhelmingly liberal denomination.

6) Bruce Wayne's father employed Lucius Fox back during the civil rights era. Republicans have such short memories. They forget to realize that it was the conservatives who tried to keep black people "in their place" back then.

What's my take on it all?

Christopher Nolan, or someone working on the production of Batman Begins, said that Superman and Metropolis is how Americans see their own country while Batman and Gotham City are how the world views America. Anyone paid attention in the last decade remembers how our fellow Western countries looked at us during the Bush years: they despised the U.S. It really is terrible that the GOP managed to turn our best friends against us. When Bruce Wayne in BB tells Ra's that "Gotham isn't beyond saving," it's the British crew of a British movie reflecting their compassionate views of our pitiful state. We might be a country that goes off and invades a sovereign entity, but that doesn't mean we all should be killed.

TDK tells a different story. That movie is a thinly-veiled critique of the U.S. and its role in the world. Batman is the GOP, doing everything wrong and escalating the problem. The Joker is terrorism. Dent is the Democratic side of America that everyone outside of America wants, but is inevitably murdered (murder never requires death). Batman is NOT a good guy in that movie. He's a character, full of flaws. And in the end, everyone pays for it.

Is Batman a Republican or a Democrat? Who knows. But there's no doubt that these movies are anything but black and white, which the GOPers and their Randian ways of thinking can't handle or acutely process.
Greengo - 7/18/2012, 4:16 PM
If Batman/Bruce Wayne were a real person he would be despised by the left:

As Bruce Wayne~ He would be attacked for his wealth (like Romney), he would be maligned as an elitest and out of touch (like Romney), he wouldn't be appreciated for his successes (like Romney).

As Batman~ He would be attacked for being a vigilante, he would be attacked even when he acts in self defense or when saving others (like the liberals attacked a father in TX and wanted him to be prosecuted for beating a man to death with his bare hands for molesting his daughter), he would be hunted down and crucified for taking on poor helpless criminals.

I mean if they want to make comparisons they should at least be valid ones.

soundwave129 - 7/18/2012, 4:41 PM
Here's some food for thought: TAKE YOUR GOD DAMN POLITICAL OPINIONS ELSEWHERE. You want to viciously tear apart people just because they believe in a different cause, do it on a site that's not about men in spandex punching each other. I mean, TDK had a huge thinly veiled take that towards the Patriot Act, but almost everyone still enjoyed it, right? Either learn to respect people or the go take your needless fighting somewhere else.
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