Batman rumors are as common as Spidey ones on here, but this is perhaps just a bit more positive. Speaking to MTV Morgan Freeman spoke about the possible third Batman movie from Chris Nolan...
"I know—I just KNOW—that Chris is working on number three. He couldn't possibly not be"
But, the actor admits that he doesn't have any solid information, just a gut feeling..
"I'm not waiting by the phone," he said. "I don't know anything at all about it. 'Batman' is completely out of my mind."
He also seems certain that if another movie happens, both he and Michael Caine(Alfred) would be back..
"What I don't know is how that story is going to play out—where it's going to be and who's going to be in it," he said. "There's a good chance he would incorporate Lucius Fox and Alfred."
As to the next villain Nolan may use, Freeman likes the feline leather look it seems..
"I want to see Catwoman," he said. "I have [a casting] idea, but it's just an idea and I'm going to keep it to myself."
Good choice Mr Freeman.