I, like so many of CBM readers, have been drooling and getting hard-on's for the idea of another Batman movie and we've all be speculating as to what's gonna happen but we just can't think that well. Nolan surprised all of us with his new and innovative ideas for Batman movies, I mean who else would have thought "Okay, I'm gonna make this movie with the Joker. Somebody call Heath Ledger!"? I mean, that was a genius move and soooooo many of us thought that he was gonna throw the S with that.
Hell, even with Batman Begins, he surprised us. EVERYONE else would of course have thought to put the Joker in that one but no, Nolan took a chance and put to villains never before brought to live action before...EVER! The Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul. GENIUS! He even throws in Carmine Falcone, a plain-cloth villain who people wouldn't have even recognized to begin with unless they actually read the comic(same with Flass). Even the Batmobile. Everyone else would have made the batmobile some souped up, James Bond-esque, bad ass sports car but not Nolan. He brought in a f**king tank...well Humvee-esque vehicle but still!
Then in the Dark Knight, he puts in Heath Ledger with no back story as the Joker. As he said, the Joker has just always been and he just skipped the whole vat of acid deal. Many would have thought he was taking the lazy way out but it worked! Even his smile, he didn't have the usual rictus grin with a silly frozen smile *cough* Jack Nicholson *cough* and instead went with a Glasgow smile scar. And in classic Joker fashion, he lies about how he got them by coming up with a new story each time. Also, he skipped the whole laughing gas plot for a more sinister anarchist plot. Even when we thought we had Nolan figured out with Two-Face when we thought it was just gonna be a subtle acid burn with slight discoloration but he said "F**k that! Let's make this dude horror movie fugly" And once again it worked! You could see bone and muscle tissue but you still believe it.
Now we are all speculating as to how the next movie will go but WE DON'T KNOW S**T! Whatever we THINK Batman 3 (or Gotham or whatever the hell they are gonna call it) we will be wrong. Nolan will surprise us and at first we may go "WTF?!" but then we will be satisfied. So I say to you, have fun with your ideas because I'm sorry to say, I doubt they will come true. Don't worry, I've written a few movie ideas of my own for my site (and I thank all of you who have read and supported my ideas) but I am no Nolan or Goyer. I tried writing a Batman 3 premise when I realized everything that I have just shared with you. Take this information to heart and just be patient and eventually, we will know what is to come. Also, I will be posting my opinion as to how I THOUGHT (note past tense) the movie should go before I had this epiphany.
PS: Bear in mind that Nolan is under a HUGE amount of pressure right now. He is living up to RIDICULOUS expectations. He set the bar soooooooo high for his first to movies that Superman himself would have trouble flying high enough to reach them. He's just a man, not a god. He's fallible and is allowed to make mistakes so please be understanding of him and cool the chatter until we get some hard evidence of what is to come; no more of this Eddie Murphy and Cher bulls**t that any idiot can tell is a lie...but then again...who knows?