The official website for Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises is now officially online and unfortunately it features almost literally nothing. The last couple days the site has been going through different stages 404'ing, 403'ing, redirecting to "" and at one point redirecting people directly to the Warner Bros. website.
When you first open the page you're brought to a completely black page and you can hear some sort of sound clip of chanting among some other noises/music. It sounds very Gladiator like in my opinion. If you click the black screen you'll be brought directly to the sound clip. The voice is saying something however I cant quite make out what it is so maybe you guys will have better luck with it.
Be sure to check back for updates on the site as I'm sure it wont be much longer now.
[Click the image below to be taken to the site]
Thanks to the amazing detective skills of the people over at the SHH forums, we know a little more about the sound file. Someone put it through an audio editor and clicked "Show Spectrum" and here are the results.
It's a hastag for Twitter that reads #TheFireRises
The Dark Knight Rises stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Marion Cotillard, Josh Pence, Nestor Carbonell, & Michael Caine, and is expected to hit theaters July 20th 2012.