Marvel Comics wrestled with the thought of a Black Panther live action movie for some time now. Already having moviegoer's in a frenzy after the Iron Man movies, The Hulk, up and coming films such as Captain America, Thor, and the 2012 Avengers film. What will the comic book company do for an encore? Finding a spot for the biggest star in Hollywood... Mr. Will Smith in no better character than The Black Panther.

Will Smith has had six movies gross in the top 10 box office movies of all time. Hitch: $350,000,000, Independence Day: $306,169,268, Men In Black: $250,690,539, and Hancock: $227,946,274 etc. With the actors going rate of $20,000,000 per movie with his highest payday being $35,000,000 for one movie. Will Smith's box office stats shows that he is worth every penny! Marvel comics had already showed an interest in Smith when his name was rumored for the role of one of their characters a little over a year ago. The Black Panther would take on a greater need with the absence of major black superhero movies. The time is now for Marvel to plan ahead for the future. How many more Hulk, Spiderman, or Fantastic Four movie reboots before they tap into some other fine characters.
Kevin Feige told MTV that The Black Panther is on his radar...and for good reason. The Black Panther T'Challa is the King of Wakanda. He is one of Marvel's greatest fighters, the classic bouts aganist Captain America, The Fantastic Four, Doom, and The Klaw prove that! Being that Wakanda is a mystifying, fictional place with intruders trying to take over the land, the movie can have a touch of Avatar. With The Black Panther's endless money and high tech gadgetry a splash of Batman and Iron Man combined. Not to mention he is skilled in fighting styles unknown to man enhanced by a heart shaped herb, this would be one hell of a movie! Will Smith's talent, charisma, and charm would take the Marvel's movie franchise to new heights.
Add Tom Hanks as Ulysses Klaw.
And a cameo of Black Panther's wife Storm played by real life wife Jada Pinkett Smith and you get one word EPIC!!!
Marvel should be thinking big for The Black Panther, and if so there's no name bigger than Will Smith!!!